
Wanderer system

An adventuric story where world has system status and various continents and amazing hack and slash character development..

Nevyr_Maralad · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs

Brutal Condemnation

As I woke up in the middle of the night, my heart felt missing Kaila but I know for sure she is very safe at northwest.

As I stood up and whille thinking I must get stronger before meeting others and as I look my surrounding there was nothing else but destroyed Saigo city and I thought of going east.

As I grab my compass I went to the east venturing, as later after miles of walking.

I could see a strange motion through the entrance of forest, as I sneakly run towards it and saw a lady got raped by 7 goblins while she was crying.

I then sprint while pulling my sword and before their slow reaction against me, I was able to slice four goblins at once as the other goblin in the tree prepared his bow.

The two goblins went up against me with a dagger but I effortless sliced them in mince due to the different of power.

I deflected the arrow aiming at my neck, I hop at the tree swiftly slashing the goblin archer.

As the woman continues to cry, I gave her a cloth to dress up in her naked body.

"Please don't leave me alone" she told me.

"Follow me" as I made her follow to bring her another village after the exit of the forest.

As the sunrise, we got out from the forest and saw the Capat village burning in smoke.

Before I went the lady grabbed me while saying "Please don't go if you do, you'll die so please live with me somewhere two of us".

I gave her face of rejection as I smiled gently and appreciating the offer, but my curousity got ahead of me and a bit of righteous.

After arriving I saw goblins about 30 and hobgoblins 6, as the small ones raping the females and the hobgoblin pleasurly beheading the villagers.

I then went up in a pent of anger swiftly slashing goblins through the way.

After slashing 15 goblins, the remaining goblins and 3 hobgoblin then went after me.

As I got surrounded but my D rank stats I was able to evade and slicing their neck easily as goblin were rankless and hobgoblins are now alot weaker to me.

As I hack and slash them all butchering them up while got pierce by an arrow and few minor wounds, I automatically healed myself up with a level of 9th healing it was easy to heal while fighting as if similar to moving my legs.

The last 2 goblins tried to retreat in fear but I butchered them up violetly as the last hobgoblin went to face me, I immediately block his swinging attack and counter as I leaped beside him.

Now after stepping goblin corpses through the path, I then head eerie laughing in the middle of the village as I went to lool after it.

I saw a goblin boss sitting at the butchered human corpses while 3 hobgoblins guarding him.

The goblins took a female raping her at the top of corpses, as I run towards I was disgusted at this abomination.

The hobgoblins tried to block my path, as we begun our battle leaving victory at my hands while grabbing a spear pierced in leg as I healed.

Too much healing has taken a toll in my body then the goblin boss was clapping his hands as he step down from the corpses.

"Bravo, bravo my child what a shame to kill a experience piglet you are" the goblin boss speaked.

I wasn't surprised but wrath to ensure my justice cast upon this pig.

As I leaped towards he fend my attack while pushing him slightly as we went for few rounds slashing after slashing, after our 30th attacks I could see both of us are having bleeding wounds but I could heal regardless.

"So I thought, beheading you is the rightful term" the goblin boss said thinking he was smart.

I was pissed and I did non stop against him as we clash our swords as we keep slicing each other, he was stupid enough not to retreat as his pride gets in the way.

Some of his finger sliced as his body was full of bleeding wounds, I could tell one last strike would end him.

"What happen, shouldn't you talk more.. laugh more?" I asked him and as I dashed towards him he was preparing to block my attack.

I then went low slicing his legs and rolled and stood up behind him slicing his neck and body.

Few survivors saw my victory as they were glad and gratefully thank me.

They then promise to make a statue of me and I brought the lady before and leave her here.

I had no interest bringing a weight coffin as I departed the village and they greeted me farewell, I went towards woods as the pathway in next continent.

I was dizzly and shaking as I walk and bumping the woods around after I finally lose my conscious from the hard battle I fought.