
Walking through the other world

Waking up in middle of a forest with skies that had 2 moons in the night and then 2 suns in the day, 17 year old highschooler ,our protagonist Chhan of Mizoram ,India wakes up in a fantasy world while he was heading to school ,with nothing but a sword that was attached to his back when he woke up in said world with the power of glowing stronger (it's literally ' glowing' , it's not a spelling mistake) on a mission to surivive and then head back home, if he could, this is his story in a world full of monsters, demons , beauties ,princes and princess and magic discord link https://discord.com/invite/9SUQAS9sKu

Vanaella · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
54 Chs

The Grand Sword party

Daytime at around 10 am , the suns brightly litted up the sky under the capital

Snakeblade and Richard were on their way back from a quest, the two were together in a man party now that their leader Balthan and Lily disappeared from their lives

When the two made it back to the guild they did search for them in their old places and house as a party but there were no traces of them anymore, their belongings were missing leaving only Richard and Snakeblade's with a hand written letter by Lily on their desks that said


Dear Richard

I'm sorry about everything , Balthan's alive by the way but, I don't think you'll want to see him again, and I'm sorry but I won't rat him out, it's my last favour to him and, as you said I'll disappear from your life now , I'm truly sorry about Snakeblade as well and if she's alive ,tell her that if we even meet again she can fight me to the death

Yours sincerely



And on their way back as they talked about the letter and how they should be on guard against Balthan they proceeded to talk about their futer as adventurers and...lovers and that was when they heard a rumour on their way to the guild , a rumour about a mountain boss monster ,an Owlbear being killed by 2 young adventurers under 7th classes in strength

Talking about how unbelievable such words were they still made haste to reach the guild to confirm the rumour, and that was when the two ran into a not so old acquaintance, from the sides they saw the familiar black haired and eyes barely average looking oriental swordsman

Snakeblade as an assassin with sharper eyesight spotted him first ofcourse

" Saved?? "

" Hmm? Oh ! Hey it's Saved! "

Chhan :"...."⁠(⁠─⁠□─⁠||⁠)

He seemed to clearly recognised them from their voices as his shoulders twitched and he had a slightly sour expression for some reason

" Well damn "

Snakeblade approached but titled her head and asked upon seeing the young teeanger who looked at her and Richard with her unique golden eyes

" Hmm? A girl ?"

Saved also turned around and waved his hand at her

Chhan :" Hey you two "(with a smile)

Richard :" Hey {He looks the same as ever and that shirt of his , did he get a good pay} ,hmm oh is that your girlfriend ?"

Ginko's expression turned rather sour from Richard's words

Ginko :" {Me?(looks at Chhan with mixed feelings,) His girlfriend? Hmm if only he looked a bit better (kind liked the idea but also don't like the idea) and considerate} (also kinda angry that he didn't compliment her new attire at all)"

Chhan :"(without a sweat)As a matter of fact yes ain't she cute? "

Ginko : " WANNA DIE? (Now officially angry at his guts) "

Chhan : " (with a sweat) I'm lying "


" Magic knife for only 90 silver!! "

" Come one and all ,our herbs are the best aroun here "

The 4 were walking in the market as they talked to eachother Chhan did the introductions for them and they walked through the smaller alleys, Chhan asked them to take this route for some reason but they didn't mind much

Richard (currently feeling rather shocked)" Hah so you guys are ones rumoured to have killed an Owlbear? "

(Had a cold sweat and shiver running down his spines)

{That is insane,(looks at Saved) He's definitely the one who killed it (looks at Ginko) , she's too normal to have been able to do such a thing even if she's talented} .

Snakeblade :" Only You 2?{how?? I get that Saved has awakened mana but he's still only an 8th class like me and Richard?} ".

Ginko :" Yeah that's about it (felt somewhat comfortable with them now ), Big brother Saved here ... assisted me ,he was very skilled that I don't think i would've been able to -"

Richard and Snakeblade :{Big brother?? They look nothing alike!!! }

Chhan :" It's just how her clan addresses male elders that they respect (sighs){ I never thought having good eyes could be this mentally tiring} And it's okay with them Ginko "

Chhan was leading the way through the market despite not knowing the way ,he was navigation with his senses only

" I actually killed it alone ,I met Ginko while I was battling that treacherous beast too, and I have to say that ravenous bear really killed me too ,i got lucky with my last strike "

Ginko :{It's good that I can be honest with them but.... he's lying again, he wasn't even injured when he I saw him with that thing's head }(looked at Chhan with scrutiny)

Ginko was having such thoughts while the other 2 simply stared at Chhan with astonishment and horror

Richard seemed petrified and Snakeblade straight up asked

" How the fuck ? You solo-ed it? A Boss monster??? ".

There weren't much people so Chhan didn't scold the dark purple haired half elf for practically announcing it to the world, he instead proceeded to explain about Ginko's circumstances and about how she wanted to form a party with the two, Ginko also formally asked the two as well

Richard : " I see, (looks at Snakeblade and nooded) Gwen Ginko right? You wanna be in a party with me and my girlfrien-".

Recieving an elbow on his ribs Snakeblade continued as she closed in on Ginko causing us all to stop and look at them as she asked

" You also had issues with your previous party like us right? "

" Y..yeah (was visibly nervous) "

Chhan : { She's not gonna bully her now is she ?}(anxious)

" You don't even know us well, and I'm sure this guy already told you about how we met him right? (Points at Chhan) "

" Yes (nodded) "

" Yet you're still gonna ask us to be in a party with you? Someone who could easily be in any other party "(seemed a bit fiercer)

Richard was also looking at Ginko with a serious stare

" I do , (she returned a resolute gaze at them) "

" Why? "

" Well!!(scratched her head) I really liked how cool headed , rational ,kind and trustworthy you sounded from Big brother Saved's story and seeing you in person ,i can confirm my believe all of that ,and Mr Richard, I heard how loyal and strong he is for his friends even if he is somewhat reckless ,such people can't be bad to be in party with , which is why (with sincerity) please let me be in a party with you !!! "


The couple blushed beet red from embarrassment and remained silent for a moment before looking at Chhan

" Uh what? "

Snakeblade :" You're so cringey it's making my skin crawl !(happy, embarrassed)".

Chhan :" .... " {A tsundere huh , she's clearly happy}(smiled)

Richard:" Thanks for thinking that way of me man (cried a bit and wipes his tears)"

Snakeblade then returned her gaze to Gwen Ginko

" Gwen can I call you that? "(Smiles)

" Yeah "

" Okay Gwen —(offered her hand)—welcome to the Grand Sword party "

Richard also smiled in satisfaction

And with that Gwen took the hand with a bit of embarrassment and load of anticipation

Snakeblade :" Well now you're officially our 3rd member you call me Big sis and this guy old man okay Gwen? (patted Gwen's head with smile )"

Gwen :{She seems happy that i joined, thank God }" I will big sis!! "(With vigour )

Richard :" Old man?? Hey!! "

Snakeblade giggled but then Chhan cutted in

"{I can tell them now that they're done}(happy with the results,was on high alert the entire time)You guys let's go now ,you wanted to head back to the guild right? "

Snakeblade :" Hmm? Yeah but why are we heading this way ? It's clearly the longer way to the guild Saved"

Chhan then scratched his head and said as naturally as he could

" Ahaha You're right , it's actually because we ,no probably me, I'm being followed by someone I don't know and since you guys also got caught up in this I thought I'd take care of the guy in a place like this here ,you guys go on first as naturally as possible and don't break our atmosphere right now got it? The guy isn't using magic so he probably still think we haven't notice him "(all said with a natural smile)

End of chapter