
Walking through the other world

Waking up in middle of a forest with skies that had 2 moons in the night and then 2 suns in the day, 17 year old highschooler ,our protagonist Chhan of Mizoram ,India wakes up in a fantasy world while he was heading to school ,with nothing but a sword that was attached to his back when he woke up in said world with the power of glowing stronger (it's literally ' glowing' , it's not a spelling mistake) on a mission to surivive and then head back home, if he could, this is his story in a world full of monsters, demons , beauties ,princes and princess and magic discord link https://discord.com/invite/9SUQAS9sKu

Vanaella · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
54 Chs

Black mana

Chhan : " Ahaha You're right , it's actually because we ,no probably me, I'm being followed by someone I don't know and since you guys also got caught up in this I thought I'd take care of the guy in a place like this here ,you guys go on first as naturally as possible and don't break our atmosphere right now got it? The guy isn't using magic so he probably still think we haven't notice him "(all said with a natural smile)

Snakeblade and Richard didn't break the atmosphere one bit ,even their expression didn't change much while Gwen had horror and shock revealed on her face in an instant but hurriedly tried to hide it

Snakeblade :" (with a natural expression and gestures )Oh I see well we don't plan to just leave you be ,anyhow let's talk while walking ".

With that they continued to walk

Chhan :" Don't be stubborn just listen to me, the stalker is only an 8th classed being nothing I can't handle ".

Richard :" Are you sure about that, said stalker might have artifacts on him you know? ".

Gwen :.....(trying to contain herself)

Chhan :" I know the risk guys haha, I just want you two to guard Ginko, I am the fastest of us here so I'll be the best chaser, I've gotten really strong ya know ?"

They couldn't refute, Chhan did kill an Owlbear solo after all ,even Snakeblade who was confident in her speed among 8th classes couldn't be sure that she could outspeed Chhan at this point

So Snakeblade and Richard collected themselves, Snakeblade then stepped a bit back and stood next to Gwen with light hearted steps and expressions

" Get ready to run okay? "

" ....Big brother Saved "(felt horrible about this plan, she wanted to help)

" Don't worry (looked at her with confidence) , nothing big will happen { I hope } "

Richard :" Let's split up on the corner over there ,after we get to a crowded area ,I will come back , Snakeblade will guard Gwen is that okay? "

" Kay okay "

With that the walked forward and splitted up on a turn ,the other three waves him goodbye with almost perfect acting except for Gwen and Chhan also bid them farewell like the close friends they are

And after walking by himself for 20 seconds he sudden turned around and looked directly at the person who was gazing on him 824 meter back from a rooftop using a binocular like artifact

??: (staggered back)" He saw me? "

Chhan took a runner stance and tensed his muscles, his hamstring and major leg muscles to be exact, his superhuman muscles roared with strength ready to unleash their power on to top that off

??: (senses danger & he activated his own mana with zero hesitation, coloures black ,and began to run away)

(Senses the presence getting farther){ A chase huh-}(his mana core came alive and blue bmana blocked his body ){ you're on! }


Leaving behind a huge dust trails and shock waves he ran forward at the speed atleast 12 times faster than that of the fastest human

SWOOSH swoosh

" aaah! "

" Hey!! "

" Woah!! "

Running at high speed Chhan kept accelerating whole avoiding the pedestrians with pinpoint control and then jumped up a 3 storeyed building to it's roof top and continued forward at even higher speed as he jumped from rooftop to rooftop

?? :{I should hurry and hide for a moment, to think the target would notice me! hmmm I should go for his friends and use them as leverage to make him come to — }

Booom boom

Hearing the sounds of shockwaves the stalker dressed in black robe turned around and saw a blue ball of light closing on him at high speed, he nearly choked when he saw him close the boy got to him

{ Irregular brat! (Anxious but regained his calm early in) It's the middle of the city,(stops on a rooftop) If we fight I have the advantage with his personality} (confidently smiled){ He can't actually beat me anyway }



And on the rooftop he stood on in no time landed the oriental Swordsman with black hair and eyes filled with little animosity covered in blue mana that was much fierced than what he knew of from the reports he got

"..."(indifferently stared at the boy){ He must've gotten stronger after he hunted the Owlbear}

Chhan :" Who are you and why were you following me? "(Ready to fight)

The other man was dressed in a black robe that covered his entire body making him look like a wraith ,a black wooden mask with intricate patterns covered his face

" To make you come with me adventurer Saved ... Pardon me if i startled you "

Chhan began to grew even more alert right now ,his hairs stood on end ,his instincts for some reason told him to get the hell out of here as fast as he could on the way but he decided to get here, he didn't like to be followed at all

" Come with you? (Frowned) Where ? "

" I'm afraid I can't tell you that (Balck mana began to covere his body) "

The mana felt wierd but was definitely 8th class so Chhan didn't panick yet and readied himself as a nervous smile formed on his face as he replied

" Rather unreasonable don't you think ? "{He's trying to kidnap me then}

Lean back now!

Td !

A fist cloaked in black mana was infront of his face in an instant


" Grrgh!! (Felt extreme danger now) "

But sensing it coming Chhan already leaned back and kicked the man back on his abdomen and jumped back ,his instincts as usual were right to tell him to run a while back

{ Holy shit ,this is bad!}(trying to calm his nerves)

?? :" Hooo?? {Fast}(stared at him through his mask's visor revealing his purple eyes) You're fast "

The black mana grew fiercer


Chhan instantly tensed up from the pressure but didn't took his eyes off of the guy

{ His pressure!! (Gritted his teeth and released his own pressure to counter it) He's peak 8th class atleast! No -(had a bad feeling }"You...You're not an 8th class are you? "

In an instant thean shot forward as a fists cloaked in darkness came out of his robes, and using his entire senses Chhan who didn't get his reply in words felt the answer with his body as he met those fist with his own fist cloaked with fierce mana ,as they exchange blows on the roof top

With precise control and accuracy, the robed man's fist flew at Chhan with power enough to knock him over in one hit, he planned knock him unconcious and then take him here now but

" Geee !! {He's definitely not an 8th class! }(Dodges the first) "

{ Wierd! }

- For some reason ,no matter how much feints and unpredictable moves he made the boy would somehow barely dodge with movements and acrobatics beyond his expectations, it's as if he could see the next 5 seconds or something

{No matter (blocked Chhan's fist's with ease) I'll simply tire him out th- }


But the in an instant Chhan's fist came flying in and blew him 9 steps back with force enough to blow through an armoured tank, using feints that was nearly the same as his, the kid copied his moves and punched him breaking his mask and causing his face to bleed on the spot he punched on

Chhan:{ It worked, worth the risk }(his nervous smile grew wider, was still nervous as hell about this)

" You! (Anger crept out of his voice) HRAAA!!! "


His black mana suddenly exploded with power like a raging fire and pushed Chhan tumbling back

Chhan :(widened his eyes that set sight of the black flame like mana that screamed death, letting go of his control the surrounding began to get darker as black tentacles, 8 of them came out from the black mana facing him, and as his face that looked completely burned thae ma looked like a demon, fear began to creep in his heart)

?? : "{That strength and agility, he's a human ??hahaha what load of bull shit} What are you?! "

End of chapter