
Wakanda Forever

Random black dude reincarnated as his one of his favorite superheroes in the dc universe. I am a native English speaker, from the U.S Prolly not harem.

Jaquaviontavious · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
23 Chs

The Justice League Part - 3/3

A shockwave lifts the ground, shaking the air and throwing tons of rock and concrete in every direction.







"Anyone there?" Aquaman asks.

A massive piece of rubble begins to shift and move.

"We're all here!" Superman says as he throws the large slab off of him and the rest of the group. From the hole comes Wonder Woman followed by Flash, Batman, Green Lantern and Green Lantern. Aquaman walks over ti the hole to witness T'Challa and N'Jadaka cradling the body of T'Chaka.

"I..recognize you. W-wait….thats the King of Wakanda!" The Flash says, his mind working at superspeeds.

Batsman's eyes narrow at the comment, his own detective brain rummaging through any and all information on Wakanda with this type of technology.

Superman, Aquaman, Cyborg, Green Lantern all appeared to shocked at the news. "What the hell…Wakanda is supposed to be a 3rd world country with barely any modern technology…..How?" Green Lantern mutters baffled.

"Doesnt matter, we have bigger things to worry about." Batman says, trying to get everyone on track.

"He's right….time to get rid of this monster." Wonder Woman says.

Cyborg immediately starts to activate the boom tubes once more.


T'Challa POV——

I couldn't believe it….he was dead. Another family member gone.

"M-my King….we must..finish the fight." N'Jadaka says to me. "…He would want you too."

"..stay here, I dont want to risk another family member."

After my orders, I rush at Darkseid at my fastest speed, leaping over debris, corkscrewing through car windows and approaching the fight.

Batman backflipping away from immediate danger, "We need those portals open now!"

"IM TRYING, JUST HILD HIM OFF FOR A LITTLE MORE!" Cyborg responds to Batman.

I speed past them both of them.

Wonder Woman and Aquaman complement each other well with their fighting. Each of them strategically aiming for weak points, while Superman, Flash and Green Lantern batter him with a multitude of attacks.

Finally reaching the battle, I leap into the air and transition into flying kokuo kicks, all three of them landing on his face.


"I dont care!" I responded

He swipes at me but I cartwheel to his left side with Wonder Woman. He cocks his arm back but I know the trajectory its gonna go. Once again dodging a heavy blow, I full split and with a rising claw, I maim his balls, slicing them to ribbons.


A ungodly scream of pain erupts from his throat.

"HAAA!" Wonder Woman stabs her sword through his knee as I turn just in time to watch it. I feel a smile come to my lips at Darkseid's pain.

*BOOOOOM* Boom tubes open back up all in the sky surrounding parademon while a big one opens up behind Darkseid.

"Kkkkck!" The sound of someone chocking enters my ears. I look up and witness Superman get body slammed so hard, a shockwave pushes us back.

"YOU ALL WILL DIE PAINFULLY!" He yells as I go flying away.

Rotating my hips and shoulders so they face the ground, I land gracefully.

3rd POV——

"AHH!" Superman fires his heat vision into Darkseid, barely doing damage. "TAKE THIS, GRIMACE!" Green Lantern summons a platoon of jets to kamikaze into Darkseid's back. Flash seeing this, rotates his arm in a tight circular motion, instantly forming twin tornadoes. The smoke from the kamikaze is blown away, and a staggered Darkseid is revealed.

Trying to blow the golem away, he ups the rotation. A sword flies into Darkseid's back while a trident pierces his left arm. "Get him into the portal, NOW!" T'Challa screams at the group, each one moves into action. "PUSH HIM!" He says again as he batters Darkseid's chest with kinetic charged punches and kicks.

Wonder Woman and Aquaman trap his legs while Green Lantern and Superman trap his arms. Batman cant do much but he places jet grenades on his chest, they burn blue, further pushing Darkseid back.

He inches closer and closer to the portal, "YOU WILL NOT SE THE END OF MEEEE!" Under the combined will of all the gathered superheroes, they push him in. "CLOSE IT NOW!" Hearing T'Challa scream the conformation, Cyborg closes all the portals, getting rid of all the parademons and Darkseid.

"They're all…gone." Wonder Woman says looking towards the grey sky.

"Nice job kid." Green Lantern and Flash pick up an exhausted Cyborg.

"Everyone of their motherboxes are fried." Cyborg says, still on world saver mode.

"Then they wont be able to come back anytime soon." Aquaman walks up to them.

"We're being watched." T'Challa says to them. Looking around at the civilians coming out of hiding.

Cheers emerge from a crowd of them.

"You did it!"

"We're saved!"

"You're the world's greatest superhumans!"

T'Challa walks away from the group to see his father and cousin.

"He is dead, My King. What will we do now?" N'Jadaka asks him.

"…We are heading home to put my father to rest." T'Challa says in a mournful tone.


A Month Later

On the steps of the White House. The capital of America, the whole world tunes in to see their saviors. "Today marks a monuments day in human history." The president, a man of elderly visage, says.

"In our darkest hour, these people donned their colorful costumes and went into action.-"

Off to the side, the group of superheroes whisper to each other. "Costumes? I dont wear a costume, this is my uniform." Green Lantern says.

"And this is Atlantean scale armor not a costume." Aquaman replies.

Green Lantern gives Aquamans armor a once over and says, "I dont mind the Orange but the necklace has got to go."

"It is indead ugly as hell." T'Challa chimes in. His mask in his hand.

"Hehe, by the way, whats your costume, Panther?" Green lantern asks T'Challa.

"This is Vibranium weave mesh armor of the Black Panther, blessed by the Panther Goddess, 'Bast'."

Aquaman and Green Lantern look at his armor in visible interest.

"I shouldn't be up here." Cyborg says, a little behind the former group.

"Sure you should, you deserve it bro." Flash encourages him.

"-We were attacked by an enemy unlike any we have faced before. And we were saved by a team of Superheroes unlike any mankind has ever known.-"

"Can you believe this?" Green Lantern asks Wonder Woman. "That they aren't afraid of us?" She responds while he nods.

"Lets get this straight, we aren't friends." Green Lantern says.

Batman: "We need to let them think that."

Green Lantern: "Why?"

Black Panther: "The world need comfort at this time. Your police and military groups also wont try to take you in or kill you."

Aquaman: "I dont have time for a team, I have other responsibilities, I am a king."

Black Panther: "And so do I, let it be known that I will not always be available for time with you all."

Green Lantern: "I have a whole universe."

Flash: "We can do it together guys."

Wonder Woman: "I am not a…'guy'"

Green Lantern: "Ohh, Flash, I didnt know you could fly in space."

Superman: "I can."

"-So what should I call your…group?" The president says, taking the group out of their whisper session.

Flash: "Well, you can call us the-"

Black Panther: "- 'The Justice League'"

"I…see." The president responds.


A Week Later

The darkness of the room casts a void. 4 people sitting in a circle, converse. "The Justice League. Green Arrow. Black Canary. Zatanna. Hawkman. New ones appear every day." One of the figures says.

"They're calling them 'Superheroes.'" Another says.

"Hehehe, how dumb-"

"I have a question…why did we not know of Wakanda and its vast resources?" One interrupts another.

"Hah! I was about to get to this. Meet my associate-"

A light shines on a new comer into the dark room.

"- This, ladies and gentlemen is N'Jadaka, a citizen of the now famed Wakanda."

N'Jadaka walks into the middle of the room and nods to the figures. "Ohhh, what can this..person tell us?"

"Well I am a member of the royal family, I have the trust of my cousin, the new King." N'Jadaka responds.

The veiled members let out gasps of surprise at the news.

"T-This is to good to be true, how interesting."

"Yes it is." N'Jadaka responds to the only woman in the room. "For Wakanda!"


4 bodies with a hole in their head, slump to the ground, dead.

'Tch….Me..betray Wakanda or my cousin? Stupid colonizers.'

He holds up his hand to use his beads, they morph to show a face. "My King!" N'Jadaka announces.

"How was your mission?"

"It worked perfectly, my king, they're all dead."

"Mmm….good, come back home cousin, We miss you, hehe." T'Challa says.

"Yes, of course!"


I wrote a majority of this on the toilet, emptying my bowels in a major chaotic mess of hellish fury and unyielding will. The dump I took is its own cosmic being. The force it took to exit my body would cause nuclear fallout. Do with this information as you will.