
Waiting Time Rewrite!

"I was told and directed to follow a fixed path throughout my life. Yet, I failed and was discarded, but was that a bad thing? I've obtained something in return..."

ImBoredSoMehl · Anime e quadrinhos
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15 Chs

Arc 1 - Oh, Fuck My Life: Chapter 12

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.



Arc 1 - Oh, Fuck My Life: Chapter 12

The next day*

Lawliet held up a futuristic white wand that would grant the wielder their wish—debating on what to wish for.

It took Lala the entire night without sleep to make with all the materials for her to use. Sadly, she could only create one of the early generations of wish-granting devices due to the lack of essential tools and insufficient time to recreate them, even with all the available materials. Therefore, Lala has no idea the level of wish they could go for.

That said, this wish-granting wand won't grant more than a single wish. Something Lala explained in detail about why the wish shouldn't be too much, just in case this is one of her works she didn't have her notes on. Otherwise, said wish wouldn't come true, and the wand would crumble to pieces afterward. Turning a precious invention into a wasted pile of materials that she won't be able to reuse anytime soon.

Of course, that would be the normal case for Lala, as it would be if it weren't for him being in the picture. He can revert the wasted material pile to its previous form for Lala to use again.

"So, what are you going to wish for, Lawliet?" Lala's interest bled into her voice, wanting to find what kind of wish someone like Lawliet would make.

"No idea. Other than maybe something simple, but nearly impossible to obtain." Lawliet squint his eyes, thinking up a good wish, but not too overpowered, which makes the wish-granting wand useless after using it. "Er, I wish for something to help me deal with the incoming storm of problems bound to appear due to Ranma's existence nearby."

The wish-granting wand in Lawliet's hand turned to ashes.

"Does that mean it fails?" Lawliet looks at Lala with a deadpan expression.

The sound of something breaking appeared as if it was answering Lawliet's question in Lala's place.

Lawliet and Lala look in the direction the sound is coming from, and both are speechless upon seeing a crack in the fabric of reality. Spider-like cracks are spreading in midair, and it's still growing by the second.

Lawliet quickly uses the Charyeok: Cube to contain the reality cracks, or whatever it is, and prevent them from spreading, as well as use the Cube to gain insight on what the hell is going on. Also, he swore that he would be extra careful with his words whenever he used wish-granting devices from this point on.

Lala rushes over to the side of the room, trying to make something to solve this problem caused by the wish-granting wand. However, before she could, the sound from the cracks of reality disappeared, making her turn around to see it gone.

"Huh, I'm pretty sure this isn't what I wanted for my wish." Lawliet is speechless, staring at the woman standing inside the Cube, and unlike Lala, she does have clothes on. But, honestly, with her current attire, he honestly doesn't know if that makes any difference being naked or not.

Before Lawliet and Lala is Quetzalcoatl, often referred to as Lucoa, is a supporting character of Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon and a main protagonist in the spin-off Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon: Lucoa wa Boku no xx Desu. She is a former dragon goddess, exiled from her seat of goddess after consuming some cursed liquor that led her into a scandalous affair.

Lucoa is a tall, fair-skinned, and hourglass woman with enormously large breasts. She has long, wavy blond hair. She has heterochromia, where one iris has a different coloration. Her left eye is navy blue on the outside and yellow on the inside, with a green, slit pupil. Her right eye is green on the outside with designs and black on the inside with a yellow, slit pupil. She dons a pink cap with her horns sticking on the side, a choker, a necklace, a black tank top that exposes her cleavage and stomach, jean booty-shorts that reveal a generous portion of her butt, thigh-high black stockings, and pink shoes.

Anyway, thanks to the Cube giving Lawliet the information he needs. This is Lucoa before she was summoned, and similar to the canon series, she answered the summon because she was lonely and took this chance to leave her world, or in this case, her universe, without realizing it. Or that would be the case for a few seconds ago as Lucoa looked at him in shock; no doubt she realized she wasn't in her reality anymore. And unlike the canon series, there is one tiny, significant detail.

She isn't stripped of her godhood after consuming a cursed liquor that a friend had given her, which led to the affair with her sisters. She still kept her godhood. Just her status as a goddess was removed. So, she is most definitely stronger than her canon counterpart due to keeping her godhood.

Anyway, he did the same with Lala, giving Lucoa all the essential information; besides the canon knowledge, it is useless now due to her no longer being in her universe, just like Lala, and understanding who Lala is too while he is at it.

Also, Lawliet will have to demand Lala never make this version of the wish-granting wand because what the fuck. His wish brought a literal dragon goddess, former or not. She is damn dangerous, and he might have to go all out, barely coming out on top with one step into his grave.

Plus, why would Lucoa be the answer to helping him deal with the incoming storm of problems related to Ranma?!

Then again, if he recalls correctly, was there a god involved at some point in the series? But, this is an alternative reality of Ranma 1/2. So it could be or not, maybe even more powerful beings that could be claimed as gods. That the only thing he could think was that his wish would bring Lucoa into this universe, even if she weren't a fighter. A dragon goddess is still a goddess, even with her status gone.

Lawliet finished with his inner monologue and was about to say something to Lucoa, only for the latter to walk through the Cube like nothing. The Charyeok wasn't even damaged, making this power display more shocking than it already was just for leaving without any effort on her part.

"Hi, I'm Lucoa. Nice to meet you." Lucoa smiled at Lawliet, then glanced at Lala, who was looking back in wonder.

Seeing this, Lawliet moves the Cube over to contain Lala briefly to give her the information needed about Lucoa, which doesn't take that long before he will the Charyeok to disappear after finishing its task, switching back to the Charyeok: Marionette because he going to need its help more than ever.

Much to his relief, Lucoa doesn't seem to notice the string attach to the top of her head unless she doesn't care.

"Nice to meet you too." Lawliet greeted back. "That's Lala."

"Hello." Lala tilted her head, thinking about who would win in a fight. Her father or Lucoa before her. After all, she didn't get enough information about Lucoa other than she could do things even her father wished he could do for combat. Yet, if the information about Lucoa is accurate, she would run away from her father instead of having an epic battle.

"Hello." Lucoa continued to smile, then moved closer to Lawliet and grabbed his face, much to his confusion and fear. This also causes Lala to tense up. "Let's finish our pact." Then, she kiss Lawliet on the lip, causing him to go stiff.

Lala didn't know what to do now other than watch this happening before her eyes. Still, she can't help but become curious if kissing is a common trait in Lucoa's universe to form a pact. Or if it's something, a dragon goddess would do with non-dragon species.

Lucoa didn't need a kiss to complete the pact. All that was needed was her agreement in any form to make it work. So she doesn't want to give up this chance to kiss such a cute boy. Especially one that's clearly very powerful and won't need her help that much. So she can relax around him and leave all the fights to him. Of course, she will tease him often to see his reactions. Who knows if things goes well. She wouldn't mind sticking around until the end of his lifespan.

Okay, so Lucoa couldn't detect his Charyeok nor discover her mind being read. Good to know his cheat is much more powerful than Lucoa's universe, in a way. However, he pities Lucoa a little, as she must have gone through this many times and become used to seeing the one she cares for die due to old age. Well, for those she knows of that aren't immune to aging and has to watch them die. Although, dying from aging won't be a thing for him.

But, seriously, he wasn't a little boy, or at least in appearance, to make Lucoa have such interest in him. Also, what kind of bullshit luck does he have to have a dragon goddess in his life. First, with the alien girl, Lala. Now Lucoa. It makes him question how crazy his life is becoming all because of Ranma's arrival.

He will have to use the next wish-granting wand or whatever form Lala makes it into and question if there will be more girls in his life than the amount right now. If they are going to be more non-human girls, honestly, because having someone like Lala is terrible enough alone due to her knowledge of creating many inventions that could kill many people.

Now adding Lucoa to his life is just outright putting a damn galactic warship of the biggest, bigger than the freaking planet, in a knife fight.

Does he have to physically and mentally prepare to deal with someone more broken than Lala and Lucoa?!

Of course, there are many upsides to all this, and compared to other female characters he knows of, that could kill Lucoa easily. Both Lala and Lucoa are easy to work with in the early stage compared to having to build his way up until they no longer become a massive problem to him if left alone for too long.

"Wow, you didn't lose consciousness from kissing for a minute." Lucoa praises Lawliet.

"He can go longer for a few more minutes." Lala chips in.

"Oh?" Lucoa narrows her eyes. "That's good to know."

"Okay, enough with that. Pact done." Lawliet remove Lucoa's hands from his cheeks. "Please change to something more." He pauses to consider his words carefully. "Something appropriate for outside and at an important workplace like the clinic."

Honestly, he is trying to help the locals. If Lucoa walks out with the way she is dressed now. Many deaths due to blood loss will become common today, specifically in the area with Lucoa's dead center of that location.

Even he has a problem with how close Lucoa is to him in her outfit. He may have to take a cold bath first or give up on trying to be the winner in his little game with Lala and have her take care of his problem. Of course, the opportunity is available if Lucoa doesn't try to strike first and through his Charyeok. Lucoa notices his boner problem and is already planning ways to get what she wants, even including Lala to make it happen.

That alone is great but frightening. After all, Lala is still a virgin with barely common knowledge outside her specialization field. Lucoa has many, many long years of experience to fall on, thanks to her never dying from old age.