

Watching outside of the window with the heavy pouring of the rain which reminds me of my past and and the present situation of this world .well, it's not like there was anything that I really wanted to give my best but still, there were things that I think that I would have seriously done if I had just started it . All I do is just watch outside this window and recall those day of my life that I have been doing .

My name is lacey ,18 years old , enjoying my high school life with this rainy season .

As I want to tell you that rainy days always bring me a flash of my memories every time while I'm spacing out .Memories like good, bad and blah blah blah . . . . . .I think it's normal for students like me to remind of something that I have done but still there are some feelings and emotions of those memories that makes us to remind and feel it whether it makes us depressed or having full of regrets . Do you know how memories are made ? It's simple it's just the past that pass to the present and join with the future . It's easy to say in word but hard to express it . The reason I love rain is because It's like our memories which we help to remind it but does not come and when we remember it it pours heavily into our mind leaving everything behind and it also comes fast and goes slowly but leaves it symbol to remind us.