

A game called "W" was the most virtual dive popular game for 3years! The game was popular due to the game as "play to earn" that attracted alot of teens and unemployed. But the world change after 1yr. A big wave of mana descent to the planet made the humans fall to slumber to anyone who has a weak heart. Next day a solar eclipse paint the whole world sky to red and camouflaged a red portal that spawn a lot of monster. But to everyone surprise the Players found them self having system panel on their eye vision. "Mission-skills-items". W:(Phase2)But twist happened the people who were in coma their soul was transferred to the other world. W:(Phase3) 2nd life-Merge-Chaos W:(Phase4) Last life- From the beginning. AN: Forgive me my english is bad. I don't upload often. I write if I could remember. Just want to share my imagination

TheFooL · Ação
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A game called "W" was the most virtual dive popular game for 3years! The game was popular due to the game as "play to earn" that attracted alot of teens and unemployed. The Game World is like a fantasy. Users can use magic and some players a unique magic will be given to lucky player, specially the game has a lot class to pick and as they grow stronger they can awaken the class or ascend the class. But wat attracted to players is the play to earn system and the ratio for changing game currency and real life currency 10-1. So alot of teens and unemployed played non stop. Who else will work for a regular cashier in convenience stores/freelancer if they can earn much better in game. Players can also build their own territories inside game.

The full dive normie capsules they use were also cheap that students can also afford exept for vip capsules that has a lot of functions. The game world has the same form of earth. The world is full of mystery and history. All continent has different quest and style But players can't pick their own continent but only play on there own continent and region, the only thing they can do is explore and find a save point to transfer to other.