

A game called "W" was the most virtual dive popular game for 3years! The game was popular due to the game as "play to earn" that attracted alot of teens and unemployed. But the world change after 1yr. A big wave of mana descent to the planet made the humans fall to slumber to anyone who has a weak heart. Next day a solar eclipse paint the whole world sky to red and camouflaged a red portal that spawn a lot of monster. But to everyone surprise the Players found them self having system panel on their eye vision. "Mission-skills-items". W:(Phase2)But twist happened the people who were in coma their soul was transferred to the other world. W:(Phase3) 2nd life-Merge-Chaos W:(Phase4) Last life- From the beginning. AN: Forgive me my english is bad. I don't upload often. I write if I could remember. Just want to share my imagination

TheFooL · Ação
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3 Chs

2.Clint Rosary 2

Clint went outside his house and meet the scraps and trash 20 meters away. Clint was bored playing the game alone. The one his playing are the first devices made and someone pick up in this area by his father. The devices was found with alot of damage but his father was different it was no problem for him and fixed it with in one day. And somehow clint also found another device and give it to his sister. They play sometimes but his sister is already busy for school upcoming graduation day. Old devices like helmet virtual are considered trash this days commonly thrown in this area. And this time he feels different like something telling him to go outside so he did wat his instinct told him. He carefully observed his surroundings as he walk. After 2hours walking and almost the moon is up and as he was about to give up he found something 4meters ahead. It looks like a refrigerator. Then he proceed to walk close to it. As he go close to it the imagine he didn't expect it. He feels that his luck has sour to heaven!

"Ohh my god! What lucky day I am! Wahahaha! I'm the luckiest man!" -he shouted like he own the land and laugh sinister.