
Vrika: The War For Survival

Humans, want Binilquadoctium from the devil's island. But the citizens there, don't want humans to take that. This causes a war between Humans the the Devil's Island citizens.

Mridul_Jha · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
37 Chs


(Dr. Gyan Singh's Point of View.)

"Nice then its time for your training to began. Get ready for your 2 months training." Mr. Sujal Suyash Upadhyay said.

"Ok sir." We replied together.

Then Mr. Sujal took us to the training area.

Our trainer was Mr. Ravi Ritesh Thakur. He told us to have our lunch. We had lunch and after resting for half an hour, Mr. Ravi Thakur called us in training area, where hestarted with swimming training, so that if our boat sank we could save ourselves. For Dr. Avinash it was easy as he already knew how to swim but for us it was like flying without wings. Somehow we managed to learn swimming, it took us a week. Then we were givwn trainjng to drive the motorboat so that if drivers die or if drivers are unable to drive, they can drive the motorboat themselves and would be able to survive and come back to the Head Quarters. It was an easy task so we learnt it within a day. Then Mr. Ravi Ritesh Thakur told us that each of us will be given 10 different handguns, for security as it was very dangerous mission. So, we should learn how to use guns. We were taught to use 10 different Handguns. The Handguns we were taught to use were

1. S & W J - Frame Revolver

2. Glock G - 17

3. Ruger 1911 Commander

4. S & W M & P Shield

5. Ruger LCP Pistol

6. Ruger LCR Pistol

7. Glock 23 Handgun

8. Glock G - 43 Handgun

9. Smith & Wesson M & P

10. Charter Arms Bulldog

It was not much difficult.

We learnt this very easily then we were taught how to survive on an isolated or deserted island. The main steps to survive on an isolated or deserted island were

1. Find a source of drinking water.

2. Find or build a shelter.

3. Build a fire.

4. Create tools for catching food.

5. Find a source of food.

6. Make weapons for self defense.

7. Create rescue signals.

8. Create a raft to leave the island.

Then each step was elaborated.

So, the first task

1. Find a source of drinking water.

You can survive for 3 weeks without food but without water surviving 3 days is also a difficult task. So to find water, begin by venturing into the inner sections of the island, you have a much better chance of securing a source of fresh drinking water, such as waterfalls and streams. if there is no fresh water source, you can utilize any container you can find to catch rainwater. Large leaves can be used to make funnel to funnel raindrops into the containers.

If the atmosphere is dry and chance of rainfall is very less than make a solar water slit.

Steps to make a Solar Water Slit are

Step 1: Dig a hole in the sand up near the edge of the trees. You want to dig deep enough that the hole is within the damp sand underneath.

Step 2: Place a container in the center of the hole.

Step 3: Fill the gaps surrounding the container with anything wet, such as wet leaves.

Step 4: Place your plastic sheet over the hole and anchor the sheet in place with larger rocks around the edges of the hole.

Step 5: Place one small rock in the center of the plastic, just over the container.

Step 6: Condensation will occur on the underside of the plastic and run to the center. It will drip into the container filling it with distilled drinking water.

Now the second task,

2. Find or build a shelter.

Firstly try to find a shelter but if you can't find one, a sufficient shelter can be made in the form of a Tepee and can be constructed using a simple 4 stage plan. The stages to make a sufficient shelter are

Stage 1: Explore the island and collect around 20 long and thick branches. Thicker branches will increase the structural integrity of your Tepee. Also, gather as much thick foliage as you can.

Stage 2: Placing 3 of the longest branches into the ground to construct a tripod structure.

Stage 3: With the remaining branches, place them around the tripod to form a tight circle with a small open area to serve as an entrance.

Stage 4: Using the foliage you gathered, cover the sticks with them to create a barrier against the elements.

For building a shelter try to choose a spot with some shade but one that'll still allow you to spot potential rescue planes or ships.

Now third task,

3. Build a fire.

Steps to build a fire are

Step 1: Collect a good amount of dry tinder and various sized dry branches.

Step 2: Make a miniature one with the smaller branches and place it in the center of where you want your fire.

Step 3: Find a piece of wood and cut a groove in its base.

Step 4: Place some tinder at one end that you will ignite.

Step 5: Using a hard stick, plow the end up and down this groove to create friction.

Step 6: The tinder will begin to smolder, blow on it to help fuel the fire.

The best ways to ignite the woods are

a) The easiest way to make fire is using is a convex lens to make fire by magnification. A pair of glass's often works a treat, as does, the bottom of a glass bottle, even a plastic bottle or clear plastic bag full of water can all work.

b) Friction fires are the best way to make fire on a tropical desert island

When the fire starts, gently blow on it to encourage it to grow whilst placing smaller branches and twigs on it.

After fire is ready go for the fouth task

4. Create tools for catching food.

So, after water, air and shelter the most important thing is food. When on a desert island, your most likely source of food will be fish. If you are a Vegitarian or you don't like sea food, then change your food habits. The best way to catch a fish is spear fishing that is fishing using a spear.

The steps to make spear are

Step 1: Search for some long branches.

Step 2: Sharpen the end and make sure it is long enough and weighted enough to throw.

Step 3: Collect some stones.

Step 4: Use twine or shoelaces to attach stones to the spear to weigh it down.

Now go for the fifth task.

5. Find a source of food.

Now, to find fish best chance will be in the shallow areas of water surrounding the beach. Try to stand on rocks as it won't startle fish who will ideally be feeding on seaweed below you. If you have no choice but to walk in the water, make sure it isn't too deep as if you go deep in the ocean, your main worry should be things like sharks, jellyfish, barracuda, etc. if you venture out into deep water, you're in the predator's territory and if attacked, your chances of survival are pretty low. So always stick to shallow water if possible. Now while you are in water, move slowly as to not startle the fishes. To spear the fish, hold the weapon at your side and wait for a fish to stop and settle in a spot. Quickly extend your arm and throw the spear. Always aim for the head of the fish.

Now go for the sixth task.

6. Make weapons for self defense.

I know you will be having guns, but there might be a case when, you would be out of bullets. So, in that case you might need to build weapons.

You already know how to build a spear. So, now go for the next weapon Bow and Arrows.

a) Step to make Bow and Arrows

Step 1: Start by finding a branch a minimum of 4 feet and a maximum of 5 feet long for the bow. The diameter should be around 1 inch. The branches you collect for your arrows should be no more than 1 foot long and half an inch in diameter.

Step 2: Remove all limbs and leaves from your branches, and trim the bark on the opposite side of the natural curve.

Step 3: Cut two notches on the inside of your main branch 1 inch down from each end, and roughly halfway into the branch.

Step 4: Find rope, cordage, or vine to use for your string; the shorter it is, the harder it will be to pull back but the more power it will have.

Step 5: Fit the rope or vine into the notches and secure them with a loop; test out the bow by making sure the bow bends properly when the string is pulled. The actual bow is now complete.

Step 6: Trim the bark on all of your arrow branches, except for the bark 2 inches from the end where the features will be.

Step 7: Make feathers out of actual bird features, paper, plastic, or card stock, and cut right angles into each of them to make a triangle; use glue or tree sap to attach them to the end of the arrow with 3 feathers per arrow.

Step 8: Cut a notch into the middle of the end of the arrow to set the string in, and you're set!

Now the third weapon is a club.

b) Steps to make a Club.

Step 1: Find a rock to use as the club and some rope, paracord, or vine to secure it to the branch.

Step 2: Find a branch that is strong enough to hold the weight of the rock but thin enough for you to grasp.

Step 3: Lash the rock onto the end of the stick securely, and you're set.

So, when you have enough weapons for your protectin, start the seventh task.

7. Create rescue signals.

Some of the best rescue signals are

a) Use smoke produced from fire as signal. While there's still daylight, set up a shelter. Choose a spot with some shade but one that'll still allow you to spot potential rescue planes or ships.

b) If you have a mirror or a piece of shiny metal use these to signal faraway rescuers. Get to the highest terrain possible and aim the object to reflect the sun onto passing ships or airplanes.

c) Get the attention of rescuers by arranging rocks, leaves, or clothes into geometric patterns like triangles, circles, and Xs. Make your display contrast with the ground and as large as possible, so passing aircraft can see it. If you've got enough materials, spell out "S-O-S" – the international distress signal – in an uninhabited area.

d) Last and the least recommended option is to send a message in a bottle.

e) In case your phones are with you and they are working, call us for help and let us know roughly where you were before washing up. If internet is also working then just send the location.

After all this go for the last task.

8. Create a raft to leave the island.

A raft can be constructed using logs and vine in a 5 stage process. Always ensure you work on it during the day, taking advantage of daylight to construct it adequately, and rest during the night and you'll need your energy for the coming escape.

Stage 1: Collect 20 logs and tree trunks with a diameter of no more than 12 inches.

Stage 2: Find a few smaller logs to use as braces.

Stage 3: Cut notches in the logs in the places where your vine will be looped to hold each log together.

Stage 4: Begin interweaving the vine into the notches of the logs. Over and underlapping from one log to the next. When the entire structure is finished, tie off.

Stage 5: Finding out your raft is not seaworthy when you're out at sea if far from ideal, so you need to figure out if the raft needs modifying or repair. After construction, be sure to test it in shallow water. Try standing on it and test it for durability.

After this session we were made to do all the steps, for our practical training for the next 20 days and in the next 2 days we were taught how to use the spray made up of Unnilniloctiumdihydrate, that is a gas made up by reacting 2 moles of element 1008 and 4 moles of hyrogen in presence of catalyst nickle to cure Plastic Skin and in the remaining 8 days, we were taught how to collect Honeycomb Lily in both the ways theoretical way and practical way. After our training was completed, we were ready to go for the mission.