
Vrika: The War For Survival

Humans, want Binilquadoctium from the devil's island. But the citizens there, don't want humans to take that. This causes a war between Humans the the Devil's Island citizens.

Mridul_Jha · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
37 Chs

Reaching To Amanaviye Dweep

(Mr. Ajay Kumar's Point of View.)

We were running away from there. We jumped in water we were swimming suddenly one of the Captain Kharatos Krypton's men found us. He shot Dr. Apyash Bajrang Kshitij Singh with an arrow and Dr. Apyash Bajrang Kshitij Singh died. I was lucky enough to swim away and save myself and then I met you."

(Dr. Gyan Singh's Point of View.)

His story ended now we were just 3 alive and we knew Captain Kharatos Krypton's men must be searching for us. We were out of water so we stopped at an Island. Where I told Mr. Lakshman Prasad Ganesh Prasad Hanumaan Chettri to build a shelter and Mr. Ajay Kumar to build fire. Then I went to search for water. While I was searching water Mr. Lakshman Prasad Ganesh Prasad Hanumaan Chettri started building a small shelter.

He collected around 20 long and thick branches. And also gathered as much thick foliage as he can.

He placed 3 of the longest branches into the ground to construct a tripod structure.

With the remaining branches, he placed them around the tripod to form a tight circle with a small open area to serve as an entrance.

Then he used the foliage he gathered to, cover the sticks with them to create a barrier against the elements.

And till then Mr. Ajay Kumar made fire following the steps.

Steps to build a fire are

Step 1: Collect a good amount of dry tinder and various sized dry branches.

Step 2: Make a miniature one with the smaller branches and place it in the center of where you want your fire.

Step 3: Find a piece of wood and cut a groove in its base.

Step 4: Place some tinder at one end that you will ignite.

Step 5: Using a hard stick, plow the end up and down this groove to create friction.

Step 6: The tinder will begin to smolder, blow on it to help fuel the fire.

I was unable to find any source of water so I decided to build a solar water slit.

I began to Dig a hole in the sand up near the edge of oak trees. I dug deep enough that the hole is within the damp sand underneath. I used the container that we brought with us from the Island where we lived earlier.

Then filled up the gaps surrounding the container with wet leaves.

Then I had to place a plastic sheet but I didn't had one. So, I used my saftey jacket as plastic sheet by cutting it using my cutter. Then I placed the plastic sheet over the hole and anchored the sheet in place with larger rocks around the edges of the hole.

Then I placed one small rock in the center of the plastic, just over the container.

Now I had to wait for condensation to fill the container.

I came back to the shelter, Mr. Ajay kumar was very much tired so he slept. I took rest for a while and then told Mr. Ganesh Prasad Lakshman Prasad Hanumaan Chettri to go and catch some fish, and I will make some rescue signals.

I began with use of smoke produced from fire as signal.

I was searching a mirror or a piece of shiny metal, luckily I found a small piece of a shiny metal. I began to use these to signal faraway rescuers. I went to the highest terrain possible and aimed the shiny piece of metal to reflect the sun to any ship or plane passing from there but sadly, there were no planes or ships.

To get the attention of rescuers I arranged rocks, leaves and clothes into geometric patterns like triangles, circles, and X. I Made our display contrast with the ground and as large as possible, so passing aircraft can see it. Since I had got enough materials to spell out "S - O - S" the international distress signal in an uninhabited area. I used the materials to spel S - O - S.

And at last and I tried the least recommended option, that was to send a message in a bottle.

While I made this Mr. Ganesh Prasad Lakshman Prasad Hanumaan Chettri was trying to catch some fishes.

To find a fish his best chance were in the shallow areas of water surrounding the beach. He stood on a rock as it won't startle fish who were ideally feeding on seaweed below him.

And when he had no choice but to walk in the water, he made sure that it isn't too deep as if he would have gone deep in the ocean, his main worries were the things like sharks, jellyfish, barracuda, etc. And when he had to venture out into deep water, he was in the predator's territory and if he would have been attacked, his chances of survival werw pretty low. So he always tried stick to shallow water till it was possible. Now while he was in water, he moved slowly as to not startle the fishes. To spear the fish, he held the weapon at his side and waited for a fish to stop and settle in a spot. Then he quickly extended his arm and threw the spear. He always tried to aim for the head of the fish.

When he came back he had a lot of fishes, we roasted the fishes in fire. Then we woke Mr. Ajay Kumar. He was also hungry so we all ate some fishes and kept the remaining dor our journey. Then I went and brought the water. We drank some and stored the rest for the journey. Then I again placed the container back. It was night so we slept Next afternoon we ate some more fishes. Then brought back the container we drank some more water amd stored rest. Then we left the island in the raft. The last night was a full moon night so there was high tides (The time when the sea comes furthest onto the land. Tides are the rise and fall of sea levels caused by the combined effects of the gravitational forces exerted by the Moon and the Sun, and the rotation of the Earth.) We managed to drive the raft toward east. We spent 2 days on the raft we were out of water and food. There was no island nearby. 1 more day later we found an Island we took our raft there. We stopped there and as usual I planned to go to search for water told Mr. Lakshman Prasad Ganesh Prasad Hanumaan Chettri to build shelter and Mr. Ajay Kumar to build fire.

Then we started to go in, when we reached a half a kilometer in the island, some werewolfs came and surrounded us. "They are Captain Kharatos Krypton's men." Shouted Mr. Lakshman Prasad Ganesh Prasad Hanumaan Chettri.

"Not exactly." replied an unarmed werewolf thet was in there pack (A Group of Wolves is called a pack).

"Not really." He spoke coming toward us.