
Vrika: The War For Survival

Humans, want Binilquadoctium from the devil's island. But the citizens there, don't want humans to take that. This causes a war between Humans the the Devil's Island citizens.

Mridul_Jha · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
37 Chs

Mr. Ajay Kumar's Escape.

(Mr. Ajay Kumar's Point of View.)

Suddenly some people came there with spears. They were the local inhabitant tribals of the island. They tied our hands and legs on a bambo stick and took us to their head. The head came to us, smelled us. then he took a spear from one of the tribals. He made a small cut on my hand and tasted my blood. He said something in their language. Then he tasted Dr. Apyash Bajrang Kshitij Singh's blood and said the same thing again.

Then they started making strange sounds like, "Hurrrr risgwc jsvsc quyyyyhuur hurrr hurrr hurrr hur hur hur hur hur."

I was scared Dr. Apyash Bajrang Kshitij Singh woke up. He was surprised to see his condition. Then he looked around him he looked his right where people were shouting "Husrrr hurr hur hurrr hurrrsh hur" then he looked toward his left where I was tied. He was surprised to see me.

He asked me "How did you got here?"

"I swam to this island, there was no network in my phone so, I started to search for water. When I found you, Dr. Apyash Bajrang Kshitij Singh. I was trying to save you but these people caught me." I answered and the I asked "How do you reach there?"

"I swam to this Island where I tried to check my mobile phone but sadly, I left it somewhere. So, I started searching water. I reached to a fresh water lake where I drank some water then I began to make a shelter by following the steps.

The stages to make a sufficient shelter are

Stage 1: Explore the island and collect around 20 long and thick branches. Thicker branches will increase the structural integrity of your Tepee. Also, gather as much thick foliage as you can.

Stage 2: Placing 3 of the longest branches into the ground to construct a tripod structure.

Stage 3: With the remaining branches, place them around the tripod to form a tight circle with a small open area to serve as an entrance.

Stage 4: Using the foliage you gathered, cover the sticks with them to create a barrier against the elements.

Then I thought of making fire so I made a fireplace, I tried to start friction fire but I failed. It was daytime so I make fire is using the bottom of a glass bottle. It worked but seeing the smoke of fire a few peoples with spear came. I had no weapon at that time. they shot a dart pn me and I became unconscious. I don't know what happened next. I just came out of my unconsciousness and gained my consciousness back." Dr. Apyash Bajrang Kshitij Singh answered. While we were discussing the stories the tribal peoples were heating a huge stone utensil. "What's that?" I asked.

"I think they are cooking something." Answered Dr. Apyash Bajrang Kshitij Singh.

"Maybe they are boiling water." I guessed

"Oh yes maybe." Dr. Apyash Bajrang Kshitij Singh replied and then he took a small break after a few seconds he looked at me and shouted "Wait, ... What!!!!! leave us untie us you dull creatures."

"What happened?" I asked.

"They are going to cook us." Dr. Apyash Bajrang Kshitij Singh replied.

"What!!" I shouted in surprise.

"Yes." Dr. Apyash Bajrang Kshitij Singh replied.

We both started shouting to leave us. They got irritated of our shouting and shot the darts on us, and made us unconscious.

When I gained consciousness Dr. Apyash Bajrang Kshitij Singh was not there. Then I saw those tribals eating cooked flesh. Dr. Apyash Bajrang Kshitij Singh was dead, and now it was my turn to die. they took me to throw in the boiled water. Suddenly Captain Kharatos Krypton's army attacked on that island to kill me. All the tribals ran away seeing that crew. I managed to untie myself. Then I staryed running to. While running I met Dr. Apyash Bajrang Kshitij Singh. "I thought you died." I spoke.

"No, actually I was about to die but rain occured and everyone ran away. The fire was extinguished, I managed to untie myself. Then I came to untie you but a tribal saw me and then a group of tribals started coming toward me. On seeing them I ran away. I climbed on a tree. On the tree there was a dead man's body. When the tribal came to the tree I threw that body. They took it thinking it's me and when rain stopped. They cooked it and ate it. While they were cooking it I came back to you and hid there. I was in search of chance when nobody is focusing on you and I get chance to untie you to save you." Dr. Apyash Bajrang Kshitij Singh answered. We were running away from there. We jumped in water we were swimming suddenly one of the Captain Kharatos Krypton's men found us. He shot Dr. Apyash Bajrang Kshitij Singh with an arrow and Dr. Apyash Bajrang Kshitij Singh died. I was lucky enough to swim away and save myself and then I met you."