
Vrika: The War For Survival

Humans, want Binilquadoctium from the devil's island. But the citizens there, don't want humans to take that. This causes a war between Humans the the Devil's Island citizens.

Mridul_Jha · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
37 Chs


(Dr. Gyan Singh's Point of View.)

Medium Leader ordered to bring my bag. Within 5 minutes, I got my bag. From which I took out the spray made up of Unnilniloctiumdihydrate, that is a gas made up by reacting 2 moles of element 1008 and 4 moles of hyrogen in presence of catalyst nickle. I sprayed the gas on his infected parts. Then I told him to wait for an hour. I knew that the spary cures in half an hour but I told then an hour so that even if the spray works slower we would be safe. Within thirty five minutes the spray worked. The kid was fine now. The Medium Leader told the judge to alot a new date for the hearing. Judge alloted a date of two days later. Then the Medium Leader took us with him to his home. There he ordered his servent to make tea for us. His servent was a mothman (In West Virginia folklore, the Mothman is a humanoid creature reportedly seen in the Point Pleasant area from November 15, 1966, to December 15, 1967. The first newspaper report was published in the Point Pleasant Register, dated November 16, 1966, titled "Couples See Man-Sized Bird ... Creature ... Something". The national press soon picked up the reports and helped spread the story across the United States. On November 15, 1966, two young couples from Point Pleasant—Roger and Linda Scarberry, and Steve and Mary Mallette—told police they saw a large grey creature whose eyes "glowed red" when the car's headlights picked it up. They described it as a "large flying man with ten-foot wings", following their car while they were driving in an area outside of town known as "the TNT area", the site of a former World War II munitions plant. During the next few days, other people reported similar sightings. Two volunteer firemen who saw it said it was a "large bird with red eyes". Mason County Sheriff George Johnson commented that he believed the sightings were due to an unusually large heron he termed a "shitepoke". Contractor Newell Partridge told Johnson that when he aimed a flashlight at a creature in a nearby field, its eyes glowed "like bicycle reflectors". Additionally, he blamed buzzing noises from his television set and the disappearance of his German Shepherd dog on the creature.[9] Wildlife biologist Robert L. Smith at West Virginia University told reporters that descriptions and sightings all fit the sandhill crane, a large American crane almost as tall as a man with a seven-foot wingspan featuring circles of reddish coloring around the eyes. The bird may have wandered out of its migration route, and therefore was unrecognized at first because it was not native to this region.

Due to the popularity of the Batman TV series at the time, the fictional superhero Batman and his rogue's gallery were prominently featured in the public eye. While the villain Killer Moth did not appear in the show, the comic book influence of both him and Batman is believed by some to have influenced the coinage of the name "Mothman" in the local newspapers.

Following the December 15, 1967, collapse of the Silver Bridge and the death of 46 people, the incident gave rise to the legend and connected the Mothman sightings to the bridge collapse.

According to Georgian newspaper Svobodnaya Gruziya, Russian UFOlogists claim that Mothman sightings in Moscow foreshadowed the 1999 Russian apartment bombings.

The Mothman Prophecies (2002) is a major motion picture, loosely based on the 1975 book of the same name by John Keel.

In 2016, WCHS-TV published a photo purported to be of Mothman taken by an anonymous man while driving on Route 2 in Mason County. Science writer Sharon A. Hill proposed that the photo showed "a bird, perhaps an owl, carrying a frog or snake away" and wrote that "there is zero reason to suspect it is the Mothman as described in legend. There are too many far more reasonable explanations.").

Till the Mothman was making the tea, he asked us about why did we have came. I told him the whole story. Then he ordered his men to bring 10 Honeycomb Lily for Our team. "We can only give you 10 Honeycomb Lily, because in a year we are able to grow only 112 Honeycomb Lilies, and 102 are required as power source of our country." We had our tea then we were kept in special guests quater. Two days later our hearing occured and we were proven innocent.