
Vrika: The War For Survival

Humans, want Binilquadoctium from the devil's island. But the citizens there, don't want humans to take that. This causes a war between Humans the the Devil's Island citizens.

Mridul_Jha · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
37 Chs

Honeycomb Lily Nector Serum

(Dr. Gyan Singh's Point of View.)

"So, does that means you have brought the Honeycomb Lilies?" Asked Mr. Sujal Suyash Upadhyay.

"Yes, but we used all the sprays made up Unnilniloctiumdihydrate, that is a gas made up by reacting 2 moles of element 1008 and 4 moles of hyrogen in presence of catalyst nickle." I replied

"Ok, we don't care about the spray. If you have brought the Honeycomb Lily it's time to got to our Head Quarters head Mr. Prabhakarna Sripalawardhana Atapattu Jaya Suriya Laxmana Sri Ram Krishna Shiva Venkata Raja Sekhara Sriniwasana Trichipalli Yekya Parampeel Parambatur Chinna Swami Muthu Swami Venu Gopal Iyer." Mr. Ravi Ritesh Thakur replied me. Then I went to Mr. Prabhakarna Sripalawardhana Atapattu Jaya Suriya Laxmana Sri Ram Krishna Shiva Venkata Raja Sekhara Sriniwasana Trichipalli Yekya Parampeel Parambatur Chinna Swami Muthu Swami Venu Gopal Iyer the head of the HQ with Mr. Ravi Ritesh Thakur, Mr. Sujal Suyash Upadhyay and Mr. Himansh Harshit Rathod. When we reached to Mr. Prabhakarna Sripalawardhana Atapattu Jaya Suriya Laxmana Sri Ram Krishna Shiva Venkata Raja Sekhara Sriniwasana Trichipalli Yekya Parampeel Parambatur Chinna Swami Muthu Swami Venu Gopal Iyer he asked about the journey.

"They faced a lot of danger but they managed to save themselves from the Kraken, Midgardian Serpent Jörmungandr and skelton sharks but a storm or sea tornado destroyed there boat. In that accident Dr. Apyash Bajrang Kshitij Singh, Dr. Avinash Sarvottam Verma and Dr. Navneet Prajwal Mishra died. The remaining three that is Dr. Gyan Singh, Mr. Ajay Kumar and Mr. Lakshman Prasad Ganesh Prasad Hanumaan Chettri survived. They all were in the island where they firstly searched for water and shelter when they didn't found they madi a solar water slit and a shelter. Then they made fire and a spear. Dr. Gyan Singh made all the rescue signals about which we told them. Mr. Lakshman Prasad Ganesh Prasad Hanumaan Chettri went fishing. Then they ate fish by roasting it in fire. Then they made a bow and arrow by the steps.

Step 1: Start by finding a branch a minimum of 4 feet and a maximum of 5 feet long for the bow. The diameter should be around 1 inch. The branches you collect for your arrows should be no more than 1 foot long and half an inch in diameter.

Step 2: Remove all limbs and leaves from your branches, and trim the bark on the opposite side of the natural curve.

Step 3: Cut two notches on the inside of your main branch 1 inch down from each end, and roughly halfway into the branch.

Step 4: Find rope, cordage, or vine to use for your string; the shorter it is, the harder it will be to pull back but the more power it will have.

Step 5: Fit the rope or vine into the notches and secure them with a loop; test out the bow by making sure the bow bends properly when the string is pulled. The actual bow is now complete.

Step 6: Trim the bark on all of your arrow branches, except for the bark 2 inches from the end where the features will be.

Step 7: Make feathers out of actual bird features, paper, plastic, or card stock, and cut right angles into each of them to make a triangle; use glue or tree sap to attach them to the end of the arrow with 3 feathers per arrow.

Step 8: Cut a notch into the middle of the end of the arrow to set the string in, and you're set!

After it they made a club by following the steps we told them. The steps are

Step 1: Find a rock to use as the club and some rope, paracord, or vine to secure it to the branch.

Step 2: Find a branch that is strong enough to hold the weight of the rock but thin enough for you to grasp.

Step 3: Lash the rock onto the end of the stick securely, and you're set.

It was night so they rested and next day they made a raft and escaped from the island. They find the direction with the help sun. They managed to reach ro Honeycomb Lily water field where they found 10 Honeycomb lilies. They collected it in which Dr. Gyan Singh got infected by plastic skin but Mr. Ajay Kumar and Mr. Lakshman Prasad Ganesh Prasad Hanumaan Chettri saved his life but they had to use all the sprays they had to save his life. Then they started coming back. They somehow managed to save themselves from the attack of Midgardian Serpent Jörmungandr, Kraken and the Skeleton Sharks. After they crossed Kraken's area they found an abandoned motor boat they occupied that and with the help of sun they found there way and they came back here." Mr. Himansh Harshit Rathod spoke to Mr. Prabhakarna Sripalawardhana Atapattu Jaya Suriya Laxmana Sri Ram Krishna Shiva Venkata Raja Sekhara Sriniwasana Trichipalli Yekya Parampeel Parambatur Chinna Swami Muthu Swami Venu Gopal Iyer.

After hearing the story Mr. Prabhakarna Sripalawardhana Atapattu Jaya Suriya Laxmana Sri Ram Krishna Shiva Venkata Raja Sekhara Sriniwasana Trichipalli Yekya Parampeel Parambatur Chinna Swami Muthu Swami Venu Gopal Iyer gave us leave of a week. He called his assistant to take the Honeycomb Lily to the lab.

"Dr. Gyan Singh, I would be happy if you join the research after your leave is over." spoke Mr. Prabhakarna Sripalawardhana Atapattu Jaya Suriya Laxmana Sri Ram Krishna Shiva Venkata Raja Sekhara Sriniwasana Trichipalli Yekya Parampeel Parambatur Chinna Swami Muthu Swami Venu Gopal Iyer to me.

"Ok, sir. I would love to assist the scientists in this research." I replied.

"Nice, now you all can go." Mr. Prabhakarna Sripalawardhana Atapattu Jaya Suriya Laxmana Sri Ram Krishna Shiva Venkata Raja Sekhara Sriniwasana Trichipalli Yekya Parampeel Parambatur Chinna Swami Muthu Swami Venu Gopal Iyer spoke. Then I went to my hotel. I rested for the whole week. I really needed rest after this unforgettable adventure. After my leave ended I went back to HQ where I came to know that Mr. Ajay Kumar has really resigned and now he is an Electronic Rickshaw or E - Rickshaw driver in Delhi. I also found out that Mr. Lakshman Prasad Ganesh Prasad Hanumaan Chettri was still working but he was just on one more weeks leave as he went to his family that is in Sikkim.

In HQ I went to Mr. Sujal Suyash Upadhyay who took me to lab. We researched in lab. The research took two years to complete but we were happy as we found the cure of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome commonly known as AIDS. We made a serum from Honeycomb Lily nector that could kill Human Immunodeficiency Virus commonly called HIV.