
Vrika: The War For Survival

Humans, want Binilquadoctium from the devil's island. But the citizens there, don't want humans to take that. This causes a war between Humans the the Devil's Island citizens.

Mridul_Jha · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
37 Chs

Honeycomb Collectors Number Fifty Three

Gyan said, then he drank some water and continued "If you agree, then only I will tell you the whole story."

"Ok sir, I agree." Said Pushkal

"Me to sir." Said Nitish.

Gyan replied "Ok then, listen Carefully."

The Story Begins.

(Dr. Gyan Singh's Point of View.)

It was year, two thousand one hundred eighty that is 2180 AD. I was on a motorboat with my team, we were searching for a plant specie known as 'Nymphaea Rhombohedron' or the Honeycomb Lily. It was a type water lily found in somewhere near Lakshadweep. This lily looked like a honeycomb so, it's shape was Rhombohedron. That is why it known as Honeycomb Lily or Nymphaea Rhombohedron. It could have been used to make the cure of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome commonly known as AIDS. The nector of Honeycomb Lily could kill Human Immunodeficiency Virus commonly known as HIV. One of the scientists in our Head Quarters got a clue that it can be found in Arabian Sea, near an Island of Lakshadweeps. Head of Medical Department assinged me as the head of team which went to search and collect Honeycomb Lily. In my team there were 3 more members with me. First one was Dr. Avinash Sarvottam Verma second one was Dr. Navneet Prajwal Mishra and the third member was Dr. Apyash Bajrang Kshitij Singh. There were 2 more people with us to control the motorboat. They were Mr. Ajay Kumar and Mr. Lakshman Prasad Ganesh Prasad Hanumaan Chettri. Our team was named as 'Honeycomb Collectors Number Fifty Three'. The Fifty Three in the Name was to confirm we were fifty third team who were assinged to collect Honeycomb Lily. Sadly the Fifty Two teams assinged before us were unable to bring that Honeycomb Lily and all the people have died. Only one man, Mr. Ajay Kumar the driver of fifty second task force was alive, since he had experience in this field, he was selected as driver of fifty third task force, that is our team. To start the mission our team was sent from delhi to Goa, from where we would go to Honeycomb Lily water field (the place where Honeycomb Lilies are found). In our Goa Head Quarters a meeting was held, there our head Mr. Sujal Suyash Upadhyay told us everything about the mission. Firstly, he told everyone about the Honeycomb Lily and why is it important? Then he told us what dangers could come in the way while going to Honeycomb Lily water field. After this he told us about Binilquadoctium. He told us that, Honeycomb Lily can be only grown if they get Binilquadoctium rich water.

"Sir, so if Honeycomb Lily is there it means we can get Element 2048 Binilquadoctium?" asked Dr. Avinash Verma.

"According to the researches, because no one has found even a single atom of element 2048, but in our experiments that we conducted on the only Honeycomb Lily we had, we found the water it transpires contains 40 percent of element 2048." Answered Mr. Sujal Upadhyay.

Then Mr. Sujal Upadhyay told us how to collect Honeycomb Lily. He told us that it's very much reactive and it causes a skin disease, Plastic Skin if you touch it with your bare hands. He also told us that Plastic Skin is very dangerous disease, it makes human skin to turn into plastic and make the human immovable and if it is not cured in 2 hour or at most 3 hours, infected person may die. Than he gave each of us a spray made up of Unnilniloctiumdihydrate, that is a gas made up by reacting 2 moles of element 1008 and 4 moles of hyrogen in presence of catalyst nickle. He told us that if this gas is sprayed at the infected parts, the person gets cured within half an hour.

"Any questions." Mr. Sujal Upadhyay asked.

"No sir." we replied together.

"Nice then its time for your training to began. Get ready for your 2 months training." Mr. Sujal Suyash Upadhyay said.

"Ok sir." We replied together.

Then Mr. Sujal took us to the training area.


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