
Vrika: The War For Survival

Humans, want Binilquadoctium from the devil's island. But the citizens there, don't want humans to take that. This causes a war between Humans the the Devil's Island citizens.

Mridul_Jha · Fantasia
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37 Chs

Back to HQ

(Dr. Gyan Singh's Point of View.)

Then we crossed Kraken's area.

"Now our work is done, from here you have to go by yourself." spoke the Vodyanoy.

"But how will we go that far." Asked Mr. Lakshman Prasad Ganesh Prasad Hanumaan Chettri.

"I forgot to tell you, drive this boat. We will take the submarine that is currently attached to the boat. We will eject it and go back using the subamarine." Replied Vodyanoy.

We thanked them. Then the sea bishop entered the submarine.

The Vodyanoy came to me and gave this capsule having, 5 moles of Binilquadoctium.

"What is this?" I asked.

"A mineral that is found only on our island, we call it 'Surya Dhatu' because it is a huge source of energy." Replied the Vodyanoy.

"But why are you giving me this?" I asked.

"Medium leader told me to give it to you, for saving his son's life. Keep it, but please don't tell any human about it or our Island." He replied and went to his submarine. Then they ejected the submarine and went back. I kept that capsule in my pocket. Mr. Ajay Kumar went to helmsman seat. I sat on the right seat while Mr. Lakshman Prasad Ganesh Prasad Hanumaan Chettri sat on the left seat that is opposite to me. Mr. Ajay Kumar started the boat. We begin our journey back.

Our Head Quarter was at Colva Beach, and the Honeycomb Lily Water Field was about 350 Km away from here. The average speed of our boat was around 90 kmph so, according to this we will reach HQ in about 232 minutes or 3 hour and 52 minutes that is nearly equal to 4 hours.

The journey was easy. We reached our HQ. There Mr. Ravi Ritesh Thakur was training another team to send them to Honeycomb Lily water field to collect the Honeycomb Lilies and also search for us and the other fifty two teams. When the Navy Boats and gaurds who were gaurding the HQ saw our boat they ordered us to stop. Mr. Ajay kumar stopped the boat by First pulling the throttle back to neutral.

Then pausing for a moment.

And at last shifting into reverse and applying some power.

The boat stopped. Then the head of Naval Gaurds of that area sent a naval boat to check us. Their boat started.

"Mr. Ajay Kumar and Mr. Lakshman Prasad Ganesh Prasad Hanumaan Chettri don't tell them anything about that island. I will handle this. If someone asks anything tell them we lost our way so we reached an unknown island. Where we survived all this time then we created a raft and came back." I spoke to Mr. Ajay Kumar and Mr.Lakshman Prasad Ganesh Prasad Hanumaan Chettri.

They agreed without any cross questioning.

The boat with gaurds reached us. They checked us.

"Who are you?" One of the gaurds asked.

"I am Dr. Gyan Singh." I replied.

"Who is he?" Asked the gaurd pointing toward Mr. Ajay Kumar.

"He is Mr. Ajay Kumar the Helmsman of my team." I answered.

"Ok and who is he?" Asked the gaurd pointing toward Mr. Lakshman Prasad Ganesh Prasad Hanumaan Chettri.

"He is Mr. Lakshman Prasad Ganesh Prasad Hanumaan Chettri the assistant helmsman of my team." I answered.

"What do you mean by team?" asked the gaurd.

"We work for the team Honeycomb Collectors Number Fifty Three. Sometimes ago we left for our mission from dock of this HQ." I answered showing them my I D Card.

"There were 6 members in Honeycomb Collectors Number Fifty Three. According to record there names are

1. Dr. Gyan Singh

2. Dr. Avinash Sarvottam Verma

3. Dr. Navneet Prajwal Mishra

4. Dr. Apyash Bajrang Kshitij Singh

5. Mr. Ajay Kumar


6. Mr. Lakshman Prasad Ganesh Prasad Hanumaan Chettri

You are only three

1. Dr. Gyan Singh

2. Mr. Ajay Kumar


3. Mr. Lakshman Prasad Ganesh Prasad Hanumaan Chettri

So, where are the other three that are

1. Dr. Avinash Sarvottam Verma

2. Dr. Navneet Prajwal Mishra


3. Dr. Apyash Bajrang Kshitij Singh?" Asked the gaurd.

"They died in the mission." I replied.

Then the gaurds checked our bags. When they were sure that we are telling the truth they took us to HQ. Where Mr. Sujal Suyash Upadhyay Mr. Himansh Harshit Rathod and Mr. Ravi Ritesh Thakur came to us. They asked us about what happened.

"We were on the way to Honeycomb Lily water field, first 4 hours went quite well but then a Kraken appeared. We were about to die Kraken Monster was constantly attacking our motor boat but Mr. Ajay Kumar was a genius Helmsman he saved us everytime but still it was looking like we all are going to die. Suddenly Mr. Ajay Kumar took a spear from his bag on his left.

"Mr. Ganesh Prasad Lakshman Prasad Hanumaan Chettri Ji (Ji is used in hindi in place of respected sir), take this spear and throw it on the island when I tell you to do so." Said Mr. Ajay Kumar and gave him an spear.

He took the boat near the island saving it from the Kraken Monster. "Ganesh Ji, (Ji is used in hindi in place of respected sir) do it." Shouted Mr. Ajay Kumar.

On hearing this, Mr. Ganesh Prasad Lakshman Prasad Hanumaan Chettri threw the spear on the island. When the spear fell on the island the Kraken stopped attacking us and instead he started running away from the island. We were safe but we were unable to understand what just happend. Then Mr. Ajay Kumar told us that, the spear was coated with Ununennium triphosphate. And the island has high amount of sand. Sand is chemically silicon dioxide. When Silcon Dioxide and Ununennium triphosphate react they form, Ununennium trioxide and Silicon diphosphate. This reaction causes an irritating sound 80 kilohertz, this sound is much higher than frequency range that a human can detect so, we could not hear it but the frequency range that a Kraken can detect is between 1 kilohertz to 1000 kilohertz. So, when the kraken hears that sound it goes away. Then he told that as per his calculations we should go now as the amount of Ununennium triphosphate was only enogh to keep the Kraken away for ten to fifteen minutes. We agreed to him then he told us to take the seat. He started the blower and then he pressed the push start button. The boat was started. Now we were going toward the next barrier. Then we reached to the next barrier the skeleton sharks, After waiting for 10 more minutes, we saw something. "Get ready and hold something." Mr. Ajay Kumar warned. we all hold our seats. Then that creature came out, it was a huge monster. It was a snake of almost the size of the Statue of Liberty (The Statue of Liberty or Liberty Enlightening the World; also known as La Liberté éclairant le monde in French is a colossal neoclassical sculpture on Liberty Island in New York Harbor in New York City, in the United States. The copper statue, a gift from the people of France to the people of the United States, was designed by French sculptor Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi and its metal framework was built by Gustave Eiffel. The statue was dedicated on October 28, 1886). The snake was more like Jörmungandr or Midgardian Serpent. (Jörmungandr is a famous sea creature from Norse mythology known as the Midgard Serpent or the World Serpent. It is the child of Loki and giant Angrboða. The serpent is so large that it can wrap itself around the earth and bite its own tail. Legend states that when the snake lets go of its tail, the apocalypse or Ragnarök will begin. Real-life sightings of sea serpents have been recorded throughout history. Some theories suggest that these could be plesiosaurs that have survived the age of the dinosaurs. The Loch Ness Monster is a prime example of this. More logical explanations point to misidentified large sea animals such as the basking shark or sperm whales.)

The huge snake was looking at our boat. Mr. Ajay Kumar was driving as fast as he can. "When you knew everything, why didn't you told the government officials or Head Quarter heads or incharges about it?" I asked Mr. Ajay Kumar.

"I told them, Dr. Gyan Singh." Mr. Ajay Kumar replied.

"Then, why did not they took any action regarding it?" i asked Mr. Ajay Kumar.

"They, gave us whatever we wanted Dr. Gyan Singh. What else do tou need?" Mr. Ajay Kumar asked in reply.

"Security, we need security. When they knew how dangerous the way was why did not they send a big Navy or Airforce team to kill these monster?" asked Dr. Avinash Sarvottam Verma.

"Because, if we will kill these monsters the whole world will be against us. In the United Nations Organisation commonly known as its abbreviation UNO, our country would be eligible for a lot of bans." Mr. Ajay Kumar answered.

"But still, they sent only 6 people for the missions, do they think we can survive these monsters?" Asked Apyash Bajrang Kshitij Singh.

"I don't know." Answered Mr. Ajay Kumar.

"And, atleast they should have told us all the dangers, they told us about Sharks, Whales, Piranhas, other Poisonous fishes, creatures and plant. Don't you think we should also have known about Kraken, Skeleton Sharks and this Midgardian Serpent or Jörmungandr!" replied Dr. Navneet Prajwal Mishra.

But before anyone could give him a reply the Midgardian Serpent Jörmungandr attacked our boat. I hit it with crowbar. "Everyone trow your crowbar on it we are about to escape from it's area so, throw your crowbars on it." Mr. Ajay Kumar spoke.

We all one by one threw our crowbars, Firstly, I threw crowbar on it's head, the Mr. Ganesh Prasad Lakshman Prasad Hanumaan Chettri threw crowbar on it's head, after him Dr. Avinash Sarvottam Verma threw crowbar on it's head. The Serpent was still following us. Then Dr. Navneet Prajwal Mishra threw crowbar on it's head and at last Dr. Apyash Bajrang Kshitij Singh threw crowbar on it's head. We got enough time to escape from the Midgardian Serpent Jörmungandr. Then we were happy as there were no more dangers but suddenly a storm or I must say a sea tornado came. It Destroyed our boat but we reached an island due to that tornado. Where I realized that only we three that are Me, Mr. Ajay Kumar and Mr. Lakshman Prasad Ganesh Prasad Hanumaan Chettri were alive.

Dr. Apyash Bajrang Kshitij Singh, Dr. Avinash Sarvottam Verma and Dr. Navneet Prajwal Mishra were dead. We saw their dead bodies floating on the water. Then we came together. Then I told Mr. Lakshman Prasad Ganesh Prasad Hanumaan Chettri to build a shelter and Mr. Ajay Kumar to build fire. Then I went to search for water. While I was searching water Mr. Lakshman Prasad Ganesh Prasad Hanumaan Chettri started building a small shelter.

He collected around 20 long and thick branches. And also gathered as much thick foliage as he can.

He placed 3 of the longest branches into the ground to construct a tripod structure.

With the remaining branches, he placed them around the tripod to form a tight circle with a small open area to serve as an entrance.

Then he used the foliage he gathered to, cover the sticks with them to create a barrier against the elements.

And till then Mr. Ajay Kumar made fire following the steps.

Steps to build a fire are

Step 1: Collect a good amount of dry tinder and various sized dry branches.

Step 2: Make a miniature one with the smaller branches and place it in the center of where you want your fire.

Step 3: Find a piece of wood and cut a groove in its base.

Step 4: Place some tinder at one end that you will ignite.

Step 5: Using a hard stick, plow the end up and down this groove to create friction.

Step 6: The tinder will begin to smolder, blow on it to help fuel the fire.

I was unable to find any source of water so I decided to build a solar water slit.

I began to Dig a hole in the sand up near the edge of oak trees. I dug deep enough that the hole is within the damp sand underneath. I used the container that I luckily found on that island.

Then filled up the gaps surrounding the container with wet leaves.

Then I had to place a plastic sheet but I didn't had one. So, I used my saftey jacket as plastic sheet by cutting it using my cutter. Then I placed the plastic sheet over the hole and anchored the sheet in place with larger rocks around the edges of the hole.

Then I placed one small rock in the center of the plastic, just over the container.

Now I had to wait for condensation to fill the container.

I came back to the shelter, Mr. Ajay kumar was very much tired so he slept. I took rest for a while and then told Mr. Ganesh Prasad Lakshman Prasad Hanumaan Chettri to go and catch some fish, and I will make some rescue signals.

I began with use of smoke produced from fire as signal.

I was searching a mirror or a piece of shiny metal, luckily I found a small piece of a shiny metal. I began to use these to signal faraway rescuers. I went to the highest terrain possible and aimed the shiny piece of metal to reflect the sun to any ship or plane passing from there but sadly, there were no planes or ships.

To get the attention of rescuers I arranged rocks, leaves and clothes into geometric patterns like triangles, circles, and X. I Made our display contrast with the ground and as large as possible, so passing aircraft can see it. Since I had got enough materials to spell out "S - O - S" the international distress signal in an uninhabited area. I used the materials to spel S - O - S.

And at last and I tried the least recommended option, that was to send a message in a bottle.

While I made this Mr. Ganesh Prasad Lakshman Prasad Hanumaan Chettri was trying to catch some fishes using the spear he made by the steps.

Step 1: Search for some long branches.

Step 2: Sharpen the end and make sure it is long enough and weighted enough to throw.

Step 3: Collect some stones.

Step 4: Use twine or shoelaces to attach stones to the spear to weigh it down.

To find a fish his best chance were in the shallow areas of water surrounding the beach. He stood on a rock as it won't startle fish who were ideally feeding on seaweed below him.

And when he had no choice but to walk in the water, he made sure that it isn't too deep as if he would have gone deep in the ocean, his main worries were the things like sharks, jellyfish, barracuda, etc. And when he had to venture out into deep water, he was in the predator's territory and if he would have been attacked, his chances of survival werw pretty low. So he always tried stick to shallow water till it was possible. Now while he was in water, he moved slowly as to not startle the fishes. To spear the fish, he held the weapon at his side and waited for a fish to stop and settle in a spot. Then he quickly extended his arm and threw the spear. He always tried to aim for the head of the fish.

When he came back he had a lot of fishes, we roasted the fishes in fire. Then we woke Mr. Ajay Kumar. He was also hungry so we all ate some fishes and kept the remaining dor our journey. Then I went and brought the water. We drank some and stored the rest for the journey. Then I again placed the container back. We also made Bow and Arrow and a club for self defense. It was night so we slept Next afternoon we ate some more fishes. Then brought back the container we drank some more water amd stored rest. Then we left the island in the raft that we made after following the steps

Stage 1: Collect 20 logs and tree trunks with a diameter of no more than 12 inches.

Stage 2: Find a few smaller logs to use as braces.

Stage 3: Cut notches in the logs in the places where your vine will be looped to hold each log together.

Stage 4: Begin interweaving the vine into the notches of the logs. Over and underlapping from one log to the next. When the entire structure is finished, tie off.

Stage 5: Finding out your raft is not seaworthy when you're out at sea if far from ideal, so you need to figure out if the raft needs modifying or repair. After construction, be sure to test it in shallow water. Try standing on it and test it for durability.

Then we tried checked the direction. With the help of sun we managed to find east. We took our items and put it in the boat. Then we sat on the boat. Then we reached to Honeycomb Lily water field. There were only 10 Honeycomb Water Lily so we Collected them in which I came in physical contact with the Honeycomb Lily. Which made me infected by plastic skin. Mr. Ajay Kumar and Mr. Lakshman Prasad Ganesh Prasad Hanumaan Chettri saved my life by curing me using the spray of Unnilniloctiumdihydrate, that is a gas made up by reacting 2 moles of element 1008 and 4 moles of hyrogen in presence of catalyst nickle. Then we started to return. We somehow managed to cross The Midgardian Serpent, Skeleton Sharks and The Kraken. After we crossed the kraken we found this abandoned motor boat and occupied. Then we came back using this motor boat." I spoke.

"So, does that means you have brought the Honeycomb Lilies?" Asked Mr. Sujal Suyash Upadhyay.

"Yes, but we used all the sprays made up Unnilniloctiumdihydrate, that is a gas made up by reacting 2 moles of element 1008 and 4 moles of hyrogen in presence of catalyst nickle." I replied

"Ok, we don't care about the spray. If he has brought the Honeycomb Lily it's time to go to our Head Quarters head Mr. Prabhakarna Sripalawardhana Atapattu Jaya Suriya Laxmana Sri Ram Krishna Shiva Venkata Raja Sekhara Sriniwasana Trichipalli Yekya Parampeel Parambatur Chinna Swami Muthu Swami Venu Gopal Iyer." Mr. Ravi Ritesh Thakur spoke.