
VR System In Walking Dead. (dropped)

Roran A retired Marine Scout Sniper finds a VR system that gives him a second life in the Walking Dead world. Follow Roran on his rise to be an Apocalyptic Overlord. (This is my first time writing a story, I will appreciate any advise or criticism. Also I do not own the cover picture, if you're the owner and want it taken down just tell me.)

endless · TV
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29 Chs

The Next Steps

---A bit of updates here. From now on Roran will just be called Rick in the walking dead world. When he goes back to his own world, he will be Roran again. A few of my friends read this and told me it would be easier to follow. Also as most of the comments have mentioned I will now use "whenever some is talking" I will still put the name after they speak. Also I am sorry for the slow updates. I work in emergency services, and with the Covid 19 things are a bit crazy right now. One of my coworkers got sick and I had to work an 18 hour shift. Then I wake up today to being writing some more chapters and my power went out, it just came back on after six hours. Anyways I'm done with my rant. Thanks again for taking the time to read anything I write. I am truly shocked with the positive feedback I am receiving.----


Over the past week things had been progressing very smoothly. One of the four apartments had been fully completed. The apartments were ten stories tall. They had twenty five apartments on each floor. With a living room, two bedrooms, a kitchen, and a bathroom with a laundry room in it. Everyone of them were identical and they came fully furnished. The families that moved that had multiple children would have bunk beds switched out for the regular beds. If a family had more then two children, they would just have to cram in. Rick understood that in the apocalypse this would still be a major luxury. The other three were on track to be completed quickly. Rick had his own construction crew working on the one that was completed. He had contracted out the other three. Now that his people were completed he would split them up and send them to help on the others. And a few more people to help complete the other tasks and building still needing work.

"Hey Rick." Said Daryl as he saw Rick walking between the apartments. "Your boy is a natural at tracking. I don't know if it is because he is a kid and they seem to learn easier. He has learned everything I threw at him this past week with flying colors." (Daryl)

"That is good. Do you think he is ready to start learning how to hunt and trap?" (Rick)

"He will be fine, I was about his age the first time I shot a rabbit. He seemed really interested in setting snares. I showed him a few types of traps and dead falls and he was really interested. He wants you to take him hunting too." (Daryl)

"Alright. I think when Shane gets back I will set some time for the three of us to take Carl hunting. It has been a while since I have gone too." (Rick)

"Daryl I also wanted to tell you that Michonne came through and your brother should be getting out of prison two days from now. Apparently your brother had a terrible public defender, who barely even tried. Your brother was never read his Miranda Rights. Michonne got him released on this technical difficulty. Michonne will be meeting with him today to let him know everything that is going on." (Rick)

"Are you still sure you want Merle working for you? He ain't the easiest guy to be around. And he definitely doesn't have the cleanest background." (Daryl)

"We can manage. Believe it or not, your brother will definitely be the kinda guy I will need in the future." (Rick)

Rick remembered how essential Merle was when he was helping the Governor, in the TV series. Merle just needed to be leashed in a little, and he would become a very effective tool. Rick planned on making Shane his spear, he would pierce through everything in the path and clear all obstacles. Rick wanted Merle to be his dagger. He would be the one Rick used to do the things that couldn't come to light.

Michonne arrived at the Fulton County Jail. She had requested a meeting with Merle to inform him of everything. Rick wanted him to know who released him. Michonne was lead into a room that was used for inmates and their attorneys. Merle was led in shortly after.

"Oh sweet damn, please tell me this is a conjugal visit. You are a sweet sweet chocolatey goddess." (Merle)

"No Mr. Dixon it is not. Now please have a seat and I will tell you who I am, and why I am here." (Michonne)

Merle sat down at the table on the opposite side of the glass.

"Mr. Dixon I am your attorney. I was hired by you brother Daryl's new employer. They requested I see if I could get you released early. And since I am very good at my job, you are set to be released in two days." (Michonne)

"Daryl got a job? And he has some fancy pants boss that sent you? Why?" (Merle)

"Daryl's boss Mr Grimes wants to hire you as well. He believes he can use a man with talents such as yours. I am here today to just tell you to keep your head down and don't get in any trouble. Transportation will be provided when you are released. Do you have any questions?" (Michonne)

"I guess not." (Merle) He was still trying to rap his head around the fact that he was getting out of jail six months early.

Michonne got up and left on her way she called Rick to let him know how everything went.

Two days later.

Rick went and found Daryl, He informed him they were going to get his brother out of jail.

Rick and Daryl didn't have to wait long shortly after arriving Merle came walking out of the jail. He was wearing a dirty white sleeveless t-shirt with a black leather vest over it. Daryl got out and gave his brother a hug. They talked for a few seconds before getting into the truck. Daryl got into the back seat. Merle got into the front while Rick drove back to the compound.

"So you're the guy who got me out. I guess I owe you a thanks. My brother says you're alright and that you might have a job for me." (Merle)

"That's right, but we can discuss all that later when we get back to my place. You can get settled in and your brother can show you around. Once my partner Shane gets back, and I find one more person, I will get everyone together and inform them of what my future plans are." (Rick)

When they got back to the compound Rick looked over at Merle he could tell that he was clearly shocked by the scale of everything.

"When you said you had a compound, I was expecting a small bunker or a large warehouse. Not a wall that looks like it should protect and castle, or the small city inside it. What did you say you do again?" (Merle)

"I own a large construction company, and originally I never expected to make this place so big. My plans just got bigger and bigger. I will need more people for that, and those people will need a place to stay." (Rick)

"Plans huh. Well anyways I am gonna split for a while, baby brother let me take your bike for a while. Also can you spot me some cash. I have been locked up for almost a whole year, and I am in need of the comforts that only a big breasted overweight women with loose morals can provide." (Merle said while laughing)

"Actually I took the liberty of getting your motorcycle out of impound and had it brought here. Daryl can show you the way to the garage. Here take this." (Rick)

Rick handed Merle about five thousand dollars in cash, and a cell phone. "This way I can contact you if something comes up. Just be back before the end of the week, I will be going over my plans with everyone that night." (Rick)

Merle said thanks and left with Daryl. The two were laughing while walking away. Rick had given Daryl the task of making sure Merle came back.

Rick's phone began to ring looking down it was Shane calling. "Hey Shane how is it going? Were you able to get everything on the list?" (Rick)

"It's going good, ready to be back home, and yeah I found most the stuff. Some of it was really hard to come by. I also found a special treat I think you're going to like it a lot. I also made contact with a less then scrupulous arms dealer named Victor. He said as long we buy in bulk we can get almost anything we want. The hard part will be getting it into the states without being caught. He suggested we buy them disassembled, and then put it back together in the compound. He also gave me a list of some people we can recruit. Most of them are ex pats, and have no family or ties to anywhere in particular. As long as we give them some cash, a place to stay, and something to do. They should stay pretty loyal." (Shane)

"When do you think you will be back?" (Rick)

"As long as nothing else comes up I should be back by tomorrow night. We really need to have a talk then. You know you're my brother and I will doing anything for you, but we have gone past the point of excessive. We are looking at serious jail time if we get caught with some of this stuff." (Shane)

"I promise at the end of this week I will explain everything to you. It is going to all make since then. Until then just keep trusting me." (Rick)

"Alright then. How is Carl doing?" (Shane)

"He is fine, when you get back I plan on us all going on a hunting trip. You will also get to meet some of the crew I hired then. But I will see you tomorrow." (Rick)

"Goodbye." (Shane)

Afterwards Rick called Michonne. "Hey have you found any people that I wanted to hire?" (Rick)

"Hey, and yeah I found quite a few, most of them will except the job once they get to meet with you. A few took the job as soon as they heard about the pay and the benefits. I mostly found doctors and a few researchers to work in the hospital. I contacted a few MIT grads to come work for us too. I figured a few more engineers wouldn't hurt either. And I found a black smith that can make just about anything. He said he would talk to you first and see if you and he would get along. He seems to have an unusual personality. Other then that I am still looking for Paul Monroe. It is a common name and there is a few in the Virginia area. I hired a few private investigators to look for the one matching your description. I should hear back in a day or so. Other then that everything is moving on schedule. Are you still having the big meeting with everyone this Saturday?" (Michonne)

"Yeah I am. I promise this will all make sense then. Anyways thanks for all your help and I will see you then. Let me know if anything else comes up." (Rick)

Chapter 9 down I wanted to be further ahead by now. But to quote a great man life finds a way. And i keep getting side tracked. I think I have worked on a schedule now that will allow me to keep up. I might only be able to post a chapter a day but it is better then no chapter a day.

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