
VR Faye Rift Online

New big world VR started and everyone is ready for it. Walk with our hero in this new VR game side by side. See him grow and explore the world of Faye Rift. A world once full of magic. An era of wars caused the creation of the Vortex, a hidden magical well where all the magic in the world has been accumulated over time. The sudden absence of magic all over the world caused the death of many races, which were promptly replaced by new races coming from other worlds through various rifts. These rifts were formed when magic from other words pierced the veil between the worlds as it spilled from the magical vacuum of Faey Rift. Among the races in the Faey Rift have been the magic-eating Demons, bound to destroy worlds as they drain them of all magic before moving to another. Now sleeping under the veil of the world and waiting for the return of magic. You, yes you reader. I have question for you, but you must be honest to yourself. Did you ever think how it will looks if there is some actual VR* game like that ones in novels? Did you ever wanted to play VR game ?? What if you can read story about how can VR feel and look, or you actually found some VR game. Will you be overjoyed or scared, depressed or impressed. Let me show you how I imagine VR game will looks like, but not the standard one. In world or Faye Rift with rich history and backstory is actually no levels or system assist. The world once full of magic but now with threat of demons. Let see how someone can fight for survive and others are defenseless. Come with me and help, follow or hate our protagonist who will try to fight himself. Will he be demon king or king, fighter or worker, guild leader or member?? See for yourself what happened when one day magic will return with dragons. Who can thrive and who will fall. Can you rise to the top?

Angel_Wolf_Muck · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs


POV: From the outside, you can see a massive and tall wall from the left to right side in a circle. In the middle of the wall is a gate with a water canal that surrounds the walls and seems to go inside the walls in left and right. When you step inside you can see a big cathedral in the middle of the city and that city is in the circle. There are many houses and shops, but what can be seen for now is that right before the gate inside the city is a tavern and on the left and right shops. Around them are houses.

I went around the city district but I didn't want to cross the bridge right now then I had a feeling that someone was following me, but I couldn't see anyone. Perhaps it's an illusion or not, let's just go to another district. On the left side there seem to be just normal houses and on the right side there are blacksmiths and workshops. Let's try the left side first, here we come into the unknown. Where the fuck am I there are just more houses and I don't know how to get out of there wait did just a long-haired half-elf step before me with her fancy daggers in hands. She is smiling at me, wait is she striking at me with her right hand, It went around my left ear, and then she let of the dagger. The dagger went into rotation movement to the head of the succubus who was standing right behind my back and wanted to strike me when I was distracted. I hate that I wasn't aware of her, my awareness is so bad and I can't even check my back. This game is so dangerous it gives me a feeling like it's a shooter game where you need to peak and check every corner and every back. She sprints past me, let's look where so I can thanks her for saving me life. Oh, I can barely see a squad of demons and they look like a fourth man squad of the army, maybe a patrol, and she is moving to them. What's made me amazed is her elegant movement when she got to their position and dodged some strikes from a big heavy sword. Without a problem, she blocked with her last dagger a sword attack from one of two side guardians, after that she elegantly jumped on the archer in the back. She killed him with one swift throat cut then she quickly dropped down to dodge a pike of one side guardian and knocked him down with her leg. Then she makes a barrel roll beside him and pierces his heart. The one with the heavy sword started to berserk and killed the second side guard by mistake then he hit the ground before her when she wanted to stand up so she dropped down. I quickly need to get the dagger from the succubus's corpse and now let's throw it to save her. "Hiah" Oh no that wasn't powerful enough it just bounced off him like if you hit a wall with a stone but at least I got his attention and he started to move to me. She got up and barrel rolled to her second dagger, with her both daggers, she swiftly strikes and pierces the last demon. She then moved to me and held a dagger under my neck, with her head moving she suggests me to go the way she wants me to go. Now we got into a different corridor and she suggests that I turn to her, I think that she is the commander of the scouts and not someone who wants to kill me. Didn't she help me and defend me ?? Let's just do what she wants if I'm supposed to die there then so be it. Huh, she puts a blindfold on me and takes me somewhere, I actually don't know where because it's hard to remember when you don't know this city but it feels like some sewers.

Someone.: "Now stop and don't move, tell me how did you get your badge, or I will kill you and don't try anything funny because we have archers aiming at you. "

She must be bluffing with the archers because I have a feeling that she is alone and she alone can kill me. "I got a badge from the general Adams, he send me to you because I'm a new scout who just got to this world. I'm supposed to help you with your mission and contact the military and they will assault the city to save us. "

Nothing can be heard for some time, I am just standing there and it's starting to be colder. "Hep cha, brrr" I begin to freeze, someone come please otherwise I will catch a cold. Wait, I can hear footsteps finally. The beautiful half-elf with long black hair and pale skin in a leather jacket and trousers finally showed herself again. She started to study me and then whispered to my ear "I'm sorry for what happened but better safe than sorry. Just now I spoke with the general's messenger and he told us that your telling the truth so come with me. " She cut my blindfold down and took my hand, her hand is so soft to touch. We went to a different room and in the middle, I can see a big conference table with a map of the city on it, around the table are ten other scouts standing and greeting me with a nod. Some of them seem surprised by the act of the half-elf girl how she's holding my hand but she doesn't mind. She stopped at the head and started to speak " We have a new member from today onward and now let's begin this meeting. I called you all there because we don't have much more time, our infiltration will be discovered soon. I killed a succubus in the city who stalked one of our members and near her a patrol was waiting for her command." She takes out a pergamen with something written on it in a different language " This letter of command proves that they suspect something so we need to act fast. Actually, I have a feeling that it is supposed to force us to do something so they can trap us and learn about our plan but anyway we need to do it because who knows what are they doing with the captain and prisoners. "

'Ding. You can now learn demon language dialect [Itazius] if you spend points for it or try to learn it by reading and decrypting letter.' She moved her head to me and looked at me as I was deep in thought as she snapped her fingers in front of my face and started to speak again. " Tomorrow we will start with the mission but right now the general sent us this guy to help us. We don't have time to train him but we can at least get him ready for combat and polish his sense. Utula you're first to teach him, give him to Matlok after that."

Utula (Old woman with black hair and Japanese look. Who has a scar on her left eye, and wears a long red and white kimono.)

Before the speech ended many of them disappeared only Utula and Elisabeth Elise(Elise) stayed so now every new member to be specific every new recruit gets trained by Utula.

Utula.: " Of course madam, so this time a fast-paced course how sad. But when I see how you've affected my lady then I will be good on him." We went to a medium-sized room with some figurines and tables full of different weapons. She stepped before one of the figurines and then took out her dagger, with one fast movement she strikes into the heart of figurine and with a smile she just starting to speak .: " This is your first test, strike this figurine fast without thinking but you must strike the heart or otherwise, I will slash you. Enjoy.!" I slowly get closer and strike without thinking but it didn't go into the heart. She walks near me and with fast movements, she slashes me "Fuck, that hurt" she really slashed me and now I have a cut on my wrist.

Utula.: "Again"

Let's try again, man I'm so angry at her. Let try to imagine that it's her and now let's strike. Oh, I hit it? I hit a heart. "I hit a heart, Utula did you see it? "

Utula.: "Yeah, Yeah now. I don't think anyone will want to train you today because they getting ready but Matlok will be happy to. I'm supposed to train you for more time, let's make you ready and skip others. Don't worry you will see Matlok." She moved near me and then takes out a needle from her hair. "Scouts are made from groups and one of them is mine group what are assassins, I will describe them like last. Nork group are seekers they can get everywhere without noticing. Layla group are infiltrators they are in enemy lines and the enemy knows about them but cannot do anything with them because they didn't do anything. Others six are just scouts and Matlock is a special arms man. Now to the assassins. We are tasked with quests like killing, defending escorting, and of course saving. We know many ways to kill someone but there are just 4 members of each group with leaders included. I will take you to Matlok and he will teach you something then you will go to sleep otherwise I will slash you again. For tomorrow you will be in the scout squad and will help scouts take out prisoners so you need to be awake early. " She took me to a small house in this sewer that looked like a fishing house on a lake. We open the door and from this point, I can see many weapons and armors like if you went to a blacksmith or shop.