
Vorx Novera

In the opulent neighborhood of grand mansions, where festive cheer filled the air on a chilly December day. The highly anticipated Virtual Reality Full Dive game, "VORX NOVERA," was set to release. Taka, seemingly indifferent to the festivities, possessed a striking handsomeness with dark green hair. His contemplative gaze hinted at a deeper purpose beyond the thrill of the impending game release. As the countdown on the news channel reached its climax, He ascended to his room. In his room, adorned with luxury and snowy landscapes framed by the window, His table had a mysterious black box. Opening it revealed a bluish-black helmet with a visor and a blue button labeled "ON." With nonchalant grace, he initiated a journey into the virtual unknown. Little did he realize that the serene snowfall outside masked an extraordinary world awaiting its quiet awakening, overshadowing the distant buzz of excitement in the opulent neighborhood. As Taka delved into the immersive experience of "VORX NOVERA," the line between the virtual and real blurred, setting the stage for an adventure where the outside world's clamor became a mere murmur.

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4 Chs


On a chilly December day, festive cheer crackled in the air as people reveled in holiday celebrations. In an opulent neighborhood, grand mansions exuded affluence, and within the expansive halls of a snow-covered mansion, servants diligently cleared the snow.

The living room of the lavish mansion hummed with excitement, amplified by the news channel's countdown, heralding the imminent release of the highly anticipated Virtual Reality Full Dive game – "VORX NOVERA."


A young man, seemingly indifferent to the festive cheer around him, lay sprawled on the couch. His features, however, told a story of quiet contemplation – dark green hair framed a strikingly handsome face. His green, seemingly detached eyes flickered with a glint of intelligence as he glanced at his phone.

Checking messages for one last time, he rose with nonchalant grace, a stark contrast to the buzzing atmosphere. The determination in his eyes suggested a purpose beyond the fervor around the impending game release. He ambled away from the lively living room, ascending the stairs with measured pace. Arriving at a door, he stepped into a room with a nameplate - [Taka].

The door opened silently without a creak, revealing Taka's room – a large bed, sturdy desk, towering bookshelf, and meticulously organized wardrobe. A window framed with snowy landscapes invited contemplation, and a door beside the wardrobe led to a private bathroom. On the desk, a mysterious black box awaited attention. Its minimalistic design and bold red line caught Taka's unimpressed gaze.

Opening the box revealed a bluish-black helmet with a visor, next to a blue button labeled "ON." Lifting the helmet with a detached air, he walked to a small bedside table, placing it there without much ado. As he lounged on the bed, Slowly he wore the helmet and pressed the "ON" button. The room echoed with a subtle beep, signaling the commencement of a journey into the virtual unknown.


Little did the indifferent participant, realize that within the serene snowfall, an extraordinary world awaited its quiet awakening, while the outside buzz of excitement became a distant murmur in the background. Everything became completely white and after a moment, it started becoming clear.


A game window materialized, greeting Taka. He found himself in a dimly lit, snow-covered garden. Averting his gaze from the serene surroundings, he noticed a person standing nearby. She exuded a calm demeanor with black hair and a subtle, welcoming smile. Taka approached her.

As Taka approached, the woman's soft voice broke the stillness, "What name do you bear?"

"Taka," came his subdued reply, lacking its usual fervor.

With a gentle nod, she observed, "A brilliant mind seeks constant stimulation, yet often finds fleeting satisfaction. Perhaps within Vorx Novera, you'll uncover depths beyond mere novelty."

Taka's interest flickered slightly at her words, a hint of intrigue stirring within him. "And what role do you envision for someone like me?" he inquired, his tone tinged with curiosity.

The woman's eyes held a knowing glint as she considered him thoughtfully. "Allow me to choose for you," she offered, extending her hand towards the holographic display of classes.

Melee Classes:


 Clad in heavy armor, a formidable force on the front lines, skilled in defense and melee combat.


 Stealthy and agile, excelling in precision strikes and covert maneuvers.


 Versatile in both offense and defense, a disciplined combatant mastering various weaponry.


 A master of martial arts, combining physical prowess with spiritual discipline.


 A holy warrior, wielding divine powers to smite enemies and protect allies.

Ranged Classes:

7. Marksman:

A sharpshooter with unparalleled accuracy, specializing in long-range attacks.


 A skilled bowman, adept at shooting from a distance.


 Armed with advanced firearms, delivering powerful and rapid ranged assaults.


 A specialist in throwing weapons, utilizing precision and agility in ranged combat.

Magic Classes:

11. Spellcaster:

Master of magical arts, capable of wielding powerful spells and manipulating arcane forces.


 Master of the dark arts, commanding the undead and tapping into the powers of death.

Support Classes:

14. Healer:

Skilled in the arts of healing and support, with the ability to bless and protect allies.


 A holy warrior, combining combat skills with healing and protective spells.


 A charismatic musician and storyteller, uplifting allies with inspiring tunes and supportive abilities.


 A magic-infused support class, specializing in enhancing weapons and armor with mystical properties.

Specialized Classes:

18. Thief:

A cunning rogue, adept at theft, sabotage, and evading detection.


 A conjurer of creatures and entities from other realms, with the ability to summon allies into battle.


 A potion-maker and transmuter, using elixirs and concoctions to alter the course of battle.

With a sense of surrender, Taka nodded in acquiescence.

The woman's fingers danced over the display, and a shimmering orb materialized, pulsating with ethereal energy. It fragmented gracefully, coalescing into the symbol of the Warrior class.

"The path of the Warrior calls to you," she declared softly, presenting the symbol to him.

 she snapped her fingers with a hint of mystique, conjuring a small medallion adorned with the warrior symbol and Taka's name. The medallion hovered in the air, emitting a faint, ethereal glow as if imbued with the essence of Vorx Novera itself.

"Do you accept it?" the woman inquired gently, her voice carrying a weight of significance as she regarded Taka with a mixture of anticipation and assurance.

"Yes," Taka replied simply, his voice betraying a subtle undertone of determination mingled with curiosity.

The medallion, adorned with the symbol of the warrior class and Taka's name, floated gracefully towards him, drawn by an unseen force. As it hovered within his hand's reach, Taka hesitated momentarily, his gaze fixed upon the shimmering emblem.

The woman's eyes held a quiet intensity as she encouraged him, "Take it."

As Taka accepted the medallion, a solemn acknowledgment of his chosen path, he couldn't help but feel a sense of gravity in the moment. His fingers curled around the emblem's cool surface, the faint glow it emitted seeming to whisper of adventures yet to come.



Versatile combatant mastering offense and defense. Armed with sturdy armor and diverse weaponry, Warriors excel in adaptable combat.]

With his decision made, Taka's gaze was drawn to a portal materializing before him, its ethereal presence beckoning him forward. Intrigued by the promise of the unknown, he approached with a measured stride, his mind brimming with anticipation.

The woman, her demeanor imbued with a touch of mystique, spoke with a quiet assurance, "Brave Warrior, may the essence of Vorx Novera guide your path."

Taka nodded in acknowledgment, a sense of resolve evident in his demeanor. "Until we meet again," he responded with a nod, his voice carrying a subdued determination.

With one final glance at the tranquil surroundings, Taka stepped into the portal, ready to embark on the journey that awaited him in the expansive world of Vorx Novera.