
4. Broken Vases

Autumn's POV

No amount of broken vases or glasses could ease the anger and frustration I was feeling right now.

I screamed and shout, trying to let it all out but it wasn't working. How in the hell is it supposed to work?

How the fuck are you supposed to react when you are told you are getting married to a stranger whom you've never met in your entire life?


I picked up my phone, scrolled to the contact list to find Lola and Gia's names but for some fucked up reason, none of their lines were going through.


It was already a day since the meeting with my family but every word still felt so fresh to me.


"You have to marry his son. Reece Hayes." The words left the mouth of my Father seriously, his eyes not leaving mine.

I stared at him for some seconds, turned to my brother on my right and my Mother on my left, who both had guilty expressions laying on their faces.

I brought my attention to my Dad again, meeting his now unwavering look before bursting into a fit of laughter.

They all looked at me with concern masking their expressions but I just kept on laughing.

"That's the most craziest unrealistic shit I've ever heard." I say in-between laughs, wiping literal teardrops from my eyes.

"That's a good joke Dad." Surprisingly, I was the only one laughing.

"It's not a joke Autumn." I turn my head to Keith as my laugh dies down. He's expression was a mixture of seriousness and sympathy. Odd.

I snap my head at my Mom, then my Dad- I've done that so much that my neck is gonna start aching.

"What?" My voice had taken a new turn, same as my expression.

"Are you guys serious?" I questioned again when they didn't respond. I saw my Mom bringing her hand up to my shoulder but I pushed it away before it could touch me.

"We know that it's not ideal or a great idea but it's the only option we have now. I hate for us to do this princess but you have to if you want to save your career and The Snows from falling into nothing." I looked at my Mom, not believing the words coming from her mouth.

"You agreed to this too?" Guilt washes over Keith's face as I directed the question to him. "Of course I didn't want to...but I had to. I know marrying for business and not for love is the worst thing that can happen to anyone," Keith starts.

"But I know what your work and career mean to you and if marrying Reece Hayes can end these allegations against you..." He touches my face with his palm.

"Then you have to do it baby sis." I felt anger rise up inside me, making me slap his hand away from me.

I got up from my chair with fury waiting to break out of me. "There's no way in hell am marrying a man I have never seen, I don't know and I don't love!" I yelled.

My Dad sucked his teeth in anger before chugging down another glass of whiskey. I threw all of them daggers with my eyes before turning back, ready to stomp out of the office.

"It's not a request Autumn!" I halt at my Father's words, backing them. "And it's not our fault. You brought this upon yourself." My breathing was itching harder the more my anger increases.


"Dad." Keith and my Mom each inputted at his words. I heard him draw out a long breath before sighing.

"Elle," He calls softly. "I know this may be a lot for you to process and it looks like we're taking a decision that is meant to be yours away from you," I didn't even know he had left his chair to meet me until he touched my shoulders, turning me back to him.

"But this is our only option. Do you think I like this idea too? Letting my only daughter marry a total stranger?" He shook his head, "No I don't." I felt a teensy bit better by his tone.

"You are not doing this for us Elle. You're doing it for you, we are just a plus." I laughed at that and so did he.

"Just to put the information out here honey," We both turn to my Mom. "He's not an old fat short man." She informs.

"Yeah....Like his father." My Dad adds with a grumble, clear pretend-hate present on his face.

"I haven't even seen The Reece guy." I was still angry, like really mad but I tried to bottle it up for now.

"Well you'll get to see him very soon." Keith says. "His thirtieth birthday is coming up in a weeks time and it's gonna be a gala." My Father explains further.

"The world and precisely celebrities hates me. Why would I go somewhere I would receive so much physical shade and loathe?" I point out because apparently, they are forgetting the whole reason for this.

"They don't matter honey. Only Reece does." My Mom shrugs. I didn't think on it before but now that I do....

"He's thirty?" My face falls into distaste without stress.

"He's twenty-nine but he will be thirty in a week. So yes." I watch the back of my Dad as he walks back to his chair.

"You can look him up if you want. Not so many pictures but they are some you'll find." Mother suggests. I let out an exhausted, frustrated breath.

Social media stalking? Hell-to-the-fuck-no.

How did my life come to this?

"Although it's already decided but just think on it, Okay?" Dad says like it's the proudest thing. My bottled up anger began to rise up again.

"The fuck am I supposed to think on if it's already decided?" I retorted defensively. "Try not to punch anybody while you're at it. Okay Princess?" My Dad looks up at me from the papers on his desk.

I part my lips to speak but nothing came out, only shooting arrows at my Dad with my eyes.

I wish they were real one.

I stomp out of the office and the last thing I heard was Mother scolding Father for making that last statement.

End of Flashback....

You know that time I said I was bottling up my anger......well now I was letting it out and my living room was the one paying for it.

Broken vases and glasses littered over the quartzite floor and around the couches. Different types of flowers stems laid on the floor too, along with lamps and my laptop.

Poor Mrs Laura- my house keeper.

I live on the top-floor of one of the biggest, most lavish penthouse in LA. I recently started living here though, because one of my stalkers broke into my old place, so I moved here a year ago with extra security.

Sometimes, it feels like a prison more than a home. Plus I live alone.

It isn't all bad though, especially the night times. The see-through glasses makes it less awful.

The place overlooked the beautiful city of LA. It consisted of beige and white with black touches of different things everywhere. It was quite simple but I liked it.

I picked up my phone, dialing both my best friend's numbers but it went straight to voice mail again. I let out another frustrated sound before making my way to the balcony outside.

I was in nothing but a white crop tank top and white panties. The lights from all around the city only adds to the divine view high above. I wasn't scared of heights, so I never had a problem living in top floors or buildings.

I took in deep breaths and exhaled, repeating the procedure before looking up at the sky. There were no stars tonight.

I just wish the oasis of the evening could calm down my anger. I felt so mad that I couldn't even be mad anymore. I get that I put myself in this situation but fuck!


Am not ready for that yet.

I don't even know who the guy is and why would he agree to this? Huh?

I just got out of a fucked up relationship with that scumbag Kaden and now am diving into another wild jungle.

And he's thirty?

It's just six years difference between us though, so it doesn't really matter. Age is just a number but I just keep imagining an old boring man, who has basically nothing to do with his life but intends on ruining the life of a well established, young and successful woman like myself.

You brought this on yourself Autumn. So own up to it.

I don't need your judgement as well self-conscience. And not all the allegations are true.

I just wish I can fix this and end this scandal another way without marrying some man.

My phone dings just at that. Expecting it to be Lola or Gia, I peeked but it was neither of them, rather someone irrelevant. Kaden has been headlining since his interview and his upcoming games. I threw curses at him before putting away my phone.

Kaden and his stupid lies. If he didn't say all those shits, I wouldn't be in this....



Why didn't I think of it?

I quickly made a call to Mrs Laura as I made my way to my room. I told her to come by my place tonight instead of tommorow morning- obviously because of my little tantrum/act of anger.

I threw on a big black hoodie, an oversized denim jacket and black bike shorts with Tns. I took my car keys and small purse before heading out.

I was out of the elevator leading to the parking lot in mere minutes. I smiled at my baby immediately I saw her- my ferrari pininfarina sergio -my car.

She's a true beauty. I own one of the very few in the world. Red in colour just how I love it.


I know I will regret what I am about to do but right now I don't care.

I didn't know if the guards at Kaden's house were terrified to see me or happy but either way am good with it because they let me drive into his home or past the gate.

I parked my car and came down. I didn't think twice about it before walking to his door and pressed the doorbell.

Kaden is the one who created this mess, so he needs to fix it.

A minute after I pressed the doorbell some more, the door opened. My eyes couldn't stop itself from rolling at the person that stood at the door.

"Autumn..." Kyle licks his lips with his eyes running over my body. The disgust on my face was pretty clear in response to his own lustful look.

"I wanna see Kaden." I ignored his stupid look. Loud laughs erupted from the inside. Kyle reluctantly looks away from me and looks back into the house.

Kyle is one of Kaden's best friend, who's the fucker who begged me to not tell Kaden about what he did or tried to do.

"Yo Kaden! Someone's here to see you." Oh so am someone now. I certainly wasn't just someone when he tried to touch me at an after party we threw for Kaden after his big win for a game last year.

He gave me a once-over with a disturbing smirk before going back in just as Kaden approaches me.

Kaden laughs at something again but the annoying sound of his laugh hooks and his face immediately falls when he saw me.

"You know I never tagged you as a let's-get-back-together kind of ex." He says nonchalantly with a grin.

"Fuck you Kaden." He snickers at my angered expression and tone. "Why did you say those shits about me to the entire freaking world?" I hate that I was letting him see me like this because it was only adding to his ego.

"Chill out blondie," He shrugs, looking at me like am one of his crazed-fans or stalkers.

"I needed an alibi for our breakup and you were the perfect fit. Plus it was easier because...." He gestures his hand up and down me, "You don't have the best reputation. So I figured why not just throw her under the bus, it won't cause her so much damage but it will certainly be an asset on my side." He smirks deeper after uttering those words proudly.

I was just an Alibi.

His expression switched to that of pride to terrified just as the fury grew in my eyes.

"Kaden I don't give a fuck how you're gonna do it but you're gonna tell the world I am not those things you made them believe I am." He knew I was dead-ass serious by my tone but he covered up the evident fear in his eyes.

"Not gonna happen Autumn. Now leave before you get another restraining order." I turned to my left and found the stupid flower pot he never got rid of even if I hated it.

"Don't be stupid Autumn. I know what you're--" Without warning, I took it and threw it at him. He painfully missed but his attention was on the broken pot when I walked towards him and kicked his stupid balls.

A pained cry escaped his lips, making me feel a little satisfied.

"Fuck you Autumn, you crazy bitch!" The others in his house rushed towards us at his sob. I gave him the middle finger before leaving his sorry ass on the floor.

"You're getting another restraining order Bitch!" He yells.

"I could only care less low fuck!" I yelled back proudly.

I got into my car and drove off but not before seeing his friends- including a girl which I haven't seen before - all holding and surrounding him as he holds his crooked dick.

A particular guard nod his head at me as I passed the gate. I didn't pay attention to it even though it was weird. Something way more important was circulating around my head.

My genius idea to make Kaden publicly take back everything he said against me did not work. Another restraining order was the least of my problems.

All I can think about now is the fact that marrying Reece Hayes is my only Option.

And one I do not like at all.


Thanks for reading!