
13. Bad Parenting

Reece's POV

I tried so hard to concentrate on the proposal Dexter Dawn was making in front of me and the board of directors, but I couldn't.

The last statement Autumn said in pure irritation and hate was going on repeat in my head like a record player.

"You know I was really starting to tolerate you Reece but you just had to fuck it up."

She was just tolerating me?

What the fuck is that supposed to mean?

Okay I admit, I made myself sound like a huge ass dick but I only stated the hard truth.

Autumn needs to understand that the longer she waits to accept the reality of us getting married, the possibilities of my family getting entangled in this mess will only increase.

"Sir?" Madeline- one of the board directors -calls, intruding my thoughts. Everyone draws their eyes to me but I only stare ahead of me. No ounce of emotion was written on my face and it wasn't just because of the whole serious boss thing, I really wasn't feeling anything.