
12. Prince Charming

Autumn's POV

The strong urge to turn off my phone again and not switch it on till the end of time ran through me but I didn't.

Instead, I walked away from the fire place to the dining room. Took a chair, laid my phone on the table and just stared at the screen as countless messages floods in.

Lola, Gia, Keith and my parents have not stopped calling and sending text since the lastest headline broke out merely an hour ago.

Lance was even showing great concern and so was my team.

I know Gia and Lola would have gotten to my house already, but Gia is in New York for New York fashion week and Lola went to spend sometime with her parents in Monterrey, Mexico.

So it was just me, myself and I.

Sighing tiredly, I made up my mind to turn off my phone. I appreciate their cordial and solicitous actions but I honestly don't need it right now.

Too much affection makes me nauseous majority of the time.

It's a real problem.