
Volcano in Chat group

A man reincarnated in Rwby and suddenly gets invited to a chat group.

Ghidorah · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

Red Rose

Washington was walking down the road many women were giving him lustful looks which he ignored because they had nothing on the girls of the Rwby verse.

'Man I can't wait I'm gonna fuck all of them.' Washington thought.

"Oh I want some teriyaki chicken." Wash said seeing a Japanese style store near him.

Washington crossed the street and went to open the door but another much smaller hand hits his. Washington looked to the side then down to see a familiar cloak and two puppy dog silver eyes.

"Oh….I….um…hi…IM SO SORRY." The girl looked terrified.

'I almost forgot Ruby was socially awkward.' Wash thought.

-2 minutes ago-

'I'm so excited for the next issue of WeaponsRfriends.' Ruby thought.

"Oh teriyaki chicken i still have some left of money dad gave to me." Ruby smiled as her stomach growled.Ruby went to grab the door when another hand hit hers when she looked to the side she saw a tall man in a suit with a scary face.

'Oh man he's so scary and he's in a suit he could be rich. Oh crap I offended a rich person he's gonna make me give him my money then I won't have anything left for teriyaki.' Hundreds of thoughts went through Ruby's head.

"Oh….I….um…hi…IM SO SORRY." Ruby bowed aggressively and tried to run away but Washington grabbed her by arm before she could speed off.

"Calm down you don't need to be scared I'm not gonna hurt you." Washington she is a monotone voice.

"Promise." Ruby said with puppy dog eyes.

"I'll even buy you some teriyaki." Wash said letting go of her arm.

"Oh no need I'm really not that…." Ruby was cut off by her growling stomach.

"Oh really." Washington opened the door and gestured for Ruby to enter which she reluctantly did.

Ruby went and sat down at a table and Washington sat down across from her. The two ordered their stuff and Ruby got meals for Yang and her dad too with Wash's permission.

"Well we should introduce ourselves while we wait." Washington said.

'At first I thought he was scary but he is really nice he even paid for Yang and Dads food.' Ruby thought.

"Sure Im Ruby Rose nice to meet you." Ruby said smiling.

"My name is Washington but friends call me Wash and likewise so Ruby what's a little girl like you doing out here all on your own." Washington said.

"Huff I'm not little I drink milk." Ruby said proudly.

"Oh is that right." Washington chuckled and Ruby's cheeks got slightly red.

"Yep and in 2 years when I get into Beacon I'll be the most mature person there." Ruby started daydreaming.

"Oh beacon I am going for the exam in a week."

"Seriously so is my big sister Yang you should meet her I'm sure she would like you." Ruby said.

"Yang huh I'll keep that in mind anyway you said you will attend beacon right so ghat means you want to be a huntress." Washington said.

"Yup my mom was a huntress and I want to save people just like she did." Ruby looked a little said speaking about her mom.

"So do you have a weapon in mind yet or still thinking about it?" Washington asked

"Weapon! Yes I have one my baby Cresent Rose here I'll show you."

"Wait!" Wash tried to stop her but couldn't do it fast enough and she pulled out her massive Scythe that cut the table in half.

After getting scolded by the owner and Wash paying for the table the two moved to another table.

"I'm so sorry Wash it's just I get so into weapon especially Crescent Rose then I forgot about everything else and you've already paid my me and my families food and I'm just.."

"Ruby stop it's find besides the table was old and didn't cost much just be more careful next time."

"Thanks wash your actually really nice even though you look scary." Ruby said innocently.

"Haha anyway how about you show me your weapon later." Wash said as their food came.

"Ok." Ruby got to digging into her food

"So what's your family like." Wash decided to ask.

"Mhmjmmfm." Ruby tried speaking but he couldn't understand with all the food in her mouth.

"Ruby I can't understand you swallow your food first." Washington chuckled.

"Gulp…sorry anyway Yang is my Big sister she's always going out late and getting in trouble." Ruby giggles. "But she's super strong and really overprotective her and my dad both."

"My dad is a big softy he tries really hard to make me and Yang happy after our mom passed away but I can tell he's sad. Ever since then he's been exerremly protective of me and Yang so even getting out is hard." Ruby sighed

"They sound wonderful and I'm sorry about your loss I know it's tough but I'm sure your mother would be proud of you." Washington said.

"Aww thanks Wash." Ruby smiled.

"Enough about me what about you how's your family."

"Well when I'm an Orphan."

"Oh I'm sorry."

"Don't be it's honestly not that bad I have money and I'm going to beacon so I'm in a pretty go position." Wash said.

The two talked for a bit longer before wash paid the bill and Ruby grabbed her families food.

"Let's find somewhere to place the stuff down so I can do you Crescent Rose." Ruby said excited.

"I'm new to Vale so I'm not sure we're to go so you ca pick a place."

"I know a park close by we can go to."

The two arrive at the park and Ruby puts the food down and whips out Crescent Rose.

"Here have a good look at my baby Crescent Rose." Ruby smiled swinging around her weapon gracefully.

"A scythe huh that's a difficult weapon to wield." Wash said applauding at her moves.

"Yup it's also a customizable high impact sniper rifle." Ruby then explains all the stuff it can do and shows other functions.

'She's so adorable when's she talking about weapons.' Wash thinks.

"Anyway what's your weapon." Ruby asks.

"Well I guess I'll show you." Wash opens an expensive looking case that has a single cigar in it.

He puts it in his mouth and lights it up giving it a puff.

"Your weapon is a cigarette." Ruby asked confused.

"Cigar not cigarette and yes." Wash flicks the cigar and it bursts into flames and he grabs his magma shotgun trident out of it.

"Woahhh that's so cool and oh my gooood your weapon is made of lava." Ruby gushes over his weapon.

"Technically magma but anyway this is my Shotdent."

"Shotdent?" Ruby asked still moving around the Trident.

"Yup my shotgun trident that's also a cigar." Wash opens the tips and shows Ruby the barrels.

"Also sense it's made of magma the only people that can wield it are people that are immune to its touch like me." Wash twirls it around and Ruby could feel the immense heat it gave off.

-10 minutes later-

"Wash what's a milf?" Ruby asks swinging her legs on the bench they say at.

"Ruby where did you here that." Wash looked.

"This morning my sister and dad were arguing and my sister told my dad to stop being a loner and to go find him a hit milf but when I asked her what it meant she wouldn't tell me."

"Sigh a milf is a very attractive mother that's more often than not an older woman." Wash said.

"Huh she wants did to meet another woman." Ruby said.

"Wash whats a lap dance."

"Ruby you really need to stop listening to what Yang says.

"Come one Wash please Yang won't tell me anything because she thinks I'm a child." Ruby pouts and gives wash puppy dog eyes.

"Sigh last one Ruby."

"Yay thanks Wash." Ruby looks at him with curious eyes.

"A lap dance is a sexual dance women give men usually at clubs for adults." Wash said shaking his head.

"Oh." Ruby was blushing incredibly hard.

"So Ruby do you know a lot of places in Vale." Washington said trying to change the subject.

"Yeah I know Vale like that back of my hand. If you want Wash I can show you around Vale another time." Ruby said

"Sure I would love to I'm free for the next week until school starts I mean friends hang out right." Wash said.

"Yuppie and you can't go back on your word Washington." Ruby said smiling.

"Here put your number in this way you can text me when you want to meet up." Washington handed her his scroll.

Ruby quickly typed in her number and sent a message to her scroll. After making a contact she nodded in satisfaction.

"Thanks for today Wash I have to get home now I've already told you how my dad is. I'll see you later." Ruby dashed off.

'I've got a friend I have to tell Yang.' Ruby smiled running home.