
Void Horizon

Ares is a young man from the ruins of the third city. The world he lives in is still recovering from the Demon war which has left its mark throughout the continent. A chance encounter with a round sphere plunges him into a world of magic and adventure. He will delve into the mysteries of magic whilst also exploring his own unknown beginning. In doing so perhaps he will discover the secret of his black eyes. The story may be a bit of a slow start but from chapter 6 in its magic and spells, please be patient with it.

Lost_void · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
57 Chs


Momentarily Ares saw a clear path amid the chaos. He took a chance, running forward into the heat of the battle. As soon as he was in the affray, he had to jump backwards to avoid a large spiked ball attached to a chain, it swung around imbedding itself in the back of a boy stood next to him. The boy fell backwards blood trickling from his mouth. As he took a glance Ares thought he was younger than him.

A feeling of regret hit Ares; this boy would have lived longer if not for his meddling. Regardless he remained focused as he continued to move dodging a few swings of clubs and ducking under a sword swing. Most men moved onto another target immediately but as Ares got towards the end of the battle a man swinging a staff looked in his direction. Knowing stopping would put a bigger target on his back Ares ran straight at the man silently empowering his arms with push.

The man not knowing Ares knew magic swung his wooden staff at Ares as he approached. The staff hit Ares side but barely stopped his momentum as Ares barrelled into the man. He was pushed flying through the air a look of surprise on his face. The man managed to somehow stop himself mid air a cushion of air appearing behind him and lowering him to the ground in a controlled manner. He looked up to see the back of the boy running into the distance. He thought to himself that he was lucky it wasn't a more lethal spell, then after a moment of pause, he charged back into the fight staff held above his head roaring loudly.

Ares glanced back at the battle. Many men lay writhing on the floor and even more lay deathly still. He knew he had caused this. He felt numb as he trudged towards his goal. Any enthusiasm he had died with the boy back in the battle, he just wanted this journey to be over.

There wasn't much left on the journey and after passing dead mans alley he found himself at the edge of the crater, one of the many around the city. It was made during the Demon War. It was a huge crater ranging more than three miles in diameter apparently caused by one spell.

On it and around the sides were the slums. Thousands of houses made from anything and everything were built into the slopes. It looked strangely beautiful; life was thriving even in the aftermath of such an evil spell.

Ares travelled straight into the slums walking fast to avoid people who looked suspicious. It was late and he knew he would have to move quickly if he was able to help Alex escape. He followed the directions provided by Carl felt lucky the old Shacks were exactly where he remembered. The shacks looked aged but they were still all in one piece. His old home was covered with gang tags and it looked like a couple of squatters had moved in, Ares didn't care; it was more use to them then it was to his family anymore. Two doors down he could make out The Cleaves shack. It was clean and looked used.

As he arrived at the door he saw a new lock made of metal, it looked pretty secure. After glancing around checking if the coast was clear Ares cast Void at the lock and it melted away silently. He pushed the door and entered into the room Alex was bound and gagged in the centre of the room. Her eyes lit up as he walked into the room. Instantly he crossed the room stepping in front of her and kneeling down. Alex stared at his eyes happiness obvious in her expression. He untied her bindings and sat down in front of her.

"You came" she muttered her voice hoarse.

"Of course I did you idiot"

She laughed coughing at the same time.

"Where can we go?" her eyes were weary; she looked tired, he guessed she had been here for some time.

"We should stay here tonight and move in the morning, you can stay in the library" Ares suggested looking at the darkness outside.

Despite clearly being scared Alex nodded meekly.

"Can you sleep with me?" she asked quiet as a mouse.

Ares raised an eyebrow which led to Alex punching his arm.

"Just stay close to me you idiot" she said again nestling herself into his chest. Ares propped himself against the wall and remained vigilant. He no longer needed as much sleep and it had been a long and eventful day. Alex feeling safe feel asleep shortly her breathing rhythmically sounding in the night. Ares didn't shut his eyes until the early hours and before long the light was streaming into the room and they decided to set off back to the Railway.

The walk back was long but it was safe. Whilst the road was still dangerous something about the daytime kept criminals to a minimal. As they both passed Dead Mans Alley they passed the many bodies from the previous battle. Alex was pale white as she did and remained plastered to his arm her body shaking.

When they finally got to the library Alex followed him to the door. Suddenly she put herself between him and the door and faced him.

"You can't keep me here forever. One day soon. I will have to leave."

"This is temporary" Ares explained. He had no reassurances to give.

"What next then?" she looked exhausted.

"I will think of something soon, we best get you in and safe first" Ares dodged around her and went inside. He hadn't thought to bring anything in preparation for her living here; instead he took off his black coat and passed it to her.

"You will need this more than me tonight. I can bring blankets and other bits tomorrow."

She seemed uneasy as she took the coat and retreated into the room. She looked exhausted and he didn't want to keep her up any longer.

"I will be back tomorrow morning" Ares said stepping outside.

She nodded and then slowly shut the door.

Ares stepped outside and stared into the sky and sighed. What could he do.

"I may have an answer for you young Ares." A voice came from the dark.