

His hand protruded from a yolk of embryonic liquid. He spilled out on to the ground and let it edjaculate out from his lungs on to the earth. He took the first few shuddering breaths of a new born. The oxygen filled him and exhilarated his whole frame. The absolute bliss of consciousness filled him and the world became as new. Because it was.

"Where am I?"

"You are here"

The voice said to him.

He looked up and a large majestic creature lay on the ground in front of him. It was breathing its last breaths as he took his first.

"Who are you?"

"I am who am"

It said.

"I am you, you are all."

He sat up. And walked toward the creature.

"What do you want from me?"

"Nothing, through your own desire lessness you will bring to this universe the goal of my many manifestations."

The great and powerful breaths of the being in front of him were now shuddering. They produced a wind storm and dust and debris circled around the two of them. The storm grew stronger and stronger until it seemed as if it could not longer be bared. Just as it reached its most powerful gale force, it stopped, settled and only silence remained.

He sat, next to the creature feeling his heart pounding. And as if some energy was being drained from this colossus, his heart was filled with a sense of peace and purpose.

He stood up and took a few timid steps in to the darkness. This place was familiar. He had been here before, but was that all just a dream or reality?

He had not yet learned not to distinguish between the two.

Where is here? Where is there? Who is me? What is what?

These thoughts were as those of a newborn filtered through the mind of a man. As he was just newly born such inquiries filled his every step. And the answer came flooding back to him, not in terms of words. But the experience itself unfolded before him. As a light illumined the path in front of him he walked forth amongst many massive pillars.

The temple however began to collapse. As the last light drew from the eyes of the massive creature behind him, its abode began to crumble. The earth shook violently and his steps turned to leaps and bounds.

Massive stones fell from the ceiling and he dodged behind crumbling pillars attempting to shield himself.

"You must get far away from this place, very far away!" The voice of his master echoed in his mind.

He ran, running as fast as he could he cut his feet on the stones underneath him, the pain was as excruciating as his first breaths were exhillerating.