

What if you just woke up someday things began to change. The Dream that you're having started to become real like what you've read in the books and watch on the movie. Will you do everything to make them safe or you need to sacrifice something to make things better. Right now looking at the tall buildings in front of me start to fall down, while people start panicking and hearing the cries of everyone's, where there's a big impact of earthquake, a strong rain and hearing the strong sound of the thunderstorm because its already happening the Big One.

WhoKnowsWhatYouDid · Adolescente
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8 Chs

Chapter 5: Lost in Thoughts

Erin POV

Like this past week, I didn't get as much sleep as I thought. Every time I dream and wake up not remembering a single thing, I cannot sleep anymore, not realising that morning has already come.

As I was fixing my uniform and looking myself in the mirror, I could see under the dark circle in my eyes. Like I said, I didn't get enough sleep again this time.

I wish that I could remember my dream.

I got lost in thoughts again. I just snapped back into reality when my mother called me to eat my breakfast. So I leave my room immediately and go to the kitchen, where I sit and put food on my plate.

I don't have much energy while eating my breakfast. Until I just felt the warm hand softly touch my forehead.

And I saw Mom put her hand on my forehead to see if I was okay. I just smiled at her a little bit and told her I was okay. I finished my breakfast after that.

My mother called for me, so I looked up to her, confused.

"Erin, my daughter, if something bothers you, care to tell mom okay. And my daughter, if you're not feeling well, then don't go to school and just take a rest."

My mom looked at me worriedly, so I smiled and hugged her.

"Mom, I'm okay; it's just that I didn't get enough sleep. So don't worry about me too much."

I told her to rest assured.

"My daughter, I'm just worried for your health, okay? Take care always, my daughter."

I just smiled at my mother and kissed her on the cheeks before telling her I'm going to school already.

As I'm walking to the school quietly and just observing, I see some fellow students walking with their friends to school while I'm just alone. I just look away, put my headphones on my ears, play some music on my phone, and start listening and vibing to the music as I walk my way to school.

I reach my school so fast; after all, it's a walking distance to our house. That's why I arrived earlier than I thought.

I saw my best friend Remi waving at me. So I waved back to her, walked closer to her, and said our greetings for the morning.

And we go to our classroom while talking to each other and sit while non-stop talking.