
Virus of the Damned

As the man's eyes widened in horror, a chilling realization crept over him as he lifted his head from the mobile. The dead bodies he glimpsed, their ghastly appearance etched in his mind, sent shivers down his spine. He knew instinctively that danger lurked nearby. Frantically, he gathered his wife and son, a sense of urgency gripping his heart as they raced to escape the unfolding nightmare. The car ride, turned into a harrowing journey of uncertainty. The deafening crash shattered the night, their fate sealed in a twisted dance of fate. At the accident scene, the people and the rescuers, their faces contorted in horror, struggled to comprehend the grotesque scene before them. Eyes bulging, necks swollen, mucus and blood oozing from every nose and mouth a silent terror gripped the onlookers. As the doctors grappled the inexplicable horror, a sense of dread settled over the nation. The need for quarantine loomed large, a desperate attempt to pause the spreading darkness. Will the cure be found in time, or will the shadow of death cast its long reach over the land, leaving only silence and despair in its wake?

JaveriaAwais0007 · Terror
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs

The Alarm went off, clock is Red!

"Hey, Amy, wake up," Matt's urgent whisper cut through the silence of the room. "You gotta wake up."

In her sleep-induced haze, Amy barely registered the sound of his voice, but the urgency in his tone sent a shiver down her spine.

'Something must be wrong,' she thought, her mind slowly rousing from its slumber.

As Matt's muttering grew louder, Amy's consciousness began to surface, like a swimmer emerging from the depths of a dream.

"Amy!" Matt's voice grew more insistent, punctuated by the occasional shake of her shoulder. "Wake up, hey, wake up, Amy."

Amy's eyelids fluttered, resisting the pull of wakefulness as she struggled to make sense of the situation.

'What time is it?' she wondered, her thoughts muddled by sleep.

Finally, with a groan, Amy forced her eyes open, blinking against the dim light that filtered through the curtains.

The clock on the night table glowed faintly, casting eerie shadows across the room. It read half past three in the morning.

'Why is Matt here?' Amy's mind raced with confusion, her heart beginning to pound with a growing sense of unease.

'He should be on his shift or asleep.'

With a sinking feeling, Amy turned her gaze towards the source of Matt's urgent whispers. He stood by the side of her bed, his silhouette outlined against the faint light. His hair was tousled, his eyes wide with fear or something.

"What's wrong, Matt?" Amy's voice trembled slightly, betraying her rising fear.

Matt's response came in a rush of words, each one laden with urgency.

"We got to move. Get up and get your stuff, I'll get the baby and we gotta go honey."

He left her confused and moved to their baby's room. She looked at her reflection in the mirror, messy hair, tired eyes, and pumpkin nightie.

Fear crept up her spine like a chilling whisper, causing her skin to prickle with unease.

"What's going on, Matt? Where are we going?" she asked, her voice trembling slightly as she tried to process the urgency in his tone.

Matt's expression was tense, his eyes darting around the room as if searching for an unseen threat.

"We don't have time for questions, Amy. Just pack a few essentials, I'll get Aiden ready." His words were laced with a sense of desperation, his voice low and husky.

Amy's mind raced with worst-case scenarios as she hastily grabbed her ponytail holder from the nightstand and secured her hair into a messy bun.

She yanked out the suitcase from the closet and began throwing in diapers, food, and a few pairs of clothes. Her hands moved with a sense of purpose, but her heart was racing with fear.

As she rushed into Aiden's room, she saw Matt holding their sleepy toddler, his face etched with worry.

"Get him dressed, Amy, quickly," Matt urged, his eyes pleading with her to trust him.

"You're scaring me Matt," Amy spoke while trying to rouse her son from his slumber. She swiftly dressed him in the clothes Matt handed her, her mind whirling with questions.

What was happening? Why were they leaving in such a hurry?

Matt's frustration and fear were palpable as he ran a hand through his disheveled hair.

"Please, Amy, just do as I say. Jesus Christ woman... Just for the sake of the child! Look, you'll understand soon. But for now, we need to go. I'll go check the wind."

The urgency in his voice sent a chill down her spine, and she knew she had to trust him but was confused after what Matt said in the last.

'What does it mean... Check the wind...? How is it even related to us leaving the place...? Is it a harsh wind outside...?'

Questions paced through her mind.

"What are you doing!!" he came and hissed at her. "Get yourself ready! Don't you understand this?"

The baby Aiden started crying and was cranky. She patted Aiden to calm him down while looking at Matt who was mad for God knows what reason.

"Shush look, we are okay baby. Shush my baby, it's okay. My sweet lil pumpkin." She cooed to him with sweet words.

He hurriedly yanked out old suitcases and ran with the pair of her underwear and bras. The straps trailed behind him like ants moving in a lane. He threw them in the case.

"What's wrong?" she spoke from upstairs and followed him.

She went downstairs and spoke, "Can I know what just happened that you're reacting like this?" she sounded a bit irritated but stayed calm for Aiden.

"Look honey. The thing I know is if we don't get our asses into the car, we won't be able to make it to the base. I don't even know how on earth I got out of the Department..." he sneezed. "It was like everything was going wrong. Things weren't working fine. Malfunctioning maybe."

"Aiden's ready? Okay good! Did you pack milk? Get the powdered milk and bottles in the white bag. Can't risk it if we can't find milk on the way."

"Dadaa, Daddyy, laps! Daddy rideee." Aiden spoke in broken English and rose his arms up for him. He was only 2 and a half.

"Not right now, bugs." he spoke absently while looking around to see if everything essential was taken with them. He went to the kitchen and shuffled the crockery. He found it above the shelf and broke the piggy.

Amy used to save up but Matt took it today. 70 or 80 dollars that was all she saved. He crumpled the money in his jeans front pocket and left the kitchen.

Amy left Aiden on his feet. He was fully awake now and could walk by himself. She started to line up the bags when Matt came out from the kitchen.

"Let's go." He picked the bags and hung them behind his back. He bent cautiously not to let the bags fall and picked Aiden up and Aiden's face lit up.

"Weee lapss! Daddy where goinn? I was seepinn Daddy." his cheery lil voice was just contrary to the atmosphere. He poked his daddy's nose and giggled.

"Baby can sleep in the car. We are going right now." he replied to him.

Amy took the bag and hung it on her shoulder. "What happened... Was there an accident? Something happened right? Was it a fire...?"

Fear and anxiety groped her and tears stung her eyes threatening to fall down. She cupped her mouth and muffled herself.

"Oh my... God. My lord. This can't..." a silent whisper came out from her mouth which was now dry.

"I was playing ludo until the alarm went off. I looked up from my phone and turned my monitor on. The alarm turned red from green... I saw... Amy... They... They were all dead..." the images played into his mind again of what occurred and fright was evident on his face.

"O, what's deddd, daddy, mommy." Baby Aiden chirped.

"Nevermind, Baby. It's nothing." Amy spoke silently.

"I took my eyes away from the screen for a few moments... And I don't know how that happened so fast. Like hon... It was supposed to lock! We got electromagnet locks. The alarm went red it was supposed to lock but it malfunctioned and didn't lock. I swear to god I know how I jumped out the door. Only if I was 10 seconds late that door would have cut me in two... if it wasn't for the alarm sound that ran off. I would have been locked up in that control room."

"What...what is it...?" Amy spoke with fear and fright. She was so shaken by what she had just heard.

"I don't know...I don't really know... All I saw were bodies. Killed..."

He handed the baby to Amy, and she held him tight and close to her. They started moving swiftly.

Matt hurriedly opened the trunk and threw the bags in swiftly as if someone was after him.

Amy stared behind at the house where they had spent the last three years. Her pregnant frame flashed through her mind. She remembered walking around the house with her protruding belly, the house smelling sweet from the blooming, colorful flowers she had in pots.

"GET IN THE CAR, LADY!" Matt whispered, yelling at her.

She snapped out of her reverie and put the baby in his seat, buckling him in. She then climbed into the front seat beside Matt.

Matt ignited the engine and spoke urgently, "We need to move fast! We have to get to the safe area as soon as we can."

Baby Aiden was asleep again.

"I would even break the door if I need to! The direction of the wind is north to south, so we'll go north," Matt said, coughing hard.

Amy shivered at how her simple life had taken such a drastic turn. Everything was so confusing. She looked at Matt, and he gave her an assuring look.

Soon, they were driving towards Woodside from Adelaide.