
Charlie's introduction

The year is 2033 and north of the Swedish city of Vasteras is a small remote place. It is so small that no one outside of it has ever heard of it. The place is called Virsbo, part of Vastmanland County. This place differs greatly from the rest of the country. You see we are the only place in Sweden where humans live alongside creatures of myth.

There are local mythical beasts and even mythical beasts who have immigrated here in secret. We call them Mythicals. We have everything you could possibly imagine. We got centaurs, vampires, pixies, dwarves, elves you name it. They even go to school like normal teenagers. However, since some Mythicals are nocturnal the classes have been divided into the Night Class and the Day Class.

My name is Charlie and I am a human and I attend the Day Class. I am a pretty average guy. I live with my older brother Jake. I am 1,70 centimeters tall, have brown rocker hair, blue eyes, and freckles. My hobbies include but are not limited to reading, painting, listening to music on Spotify on full blast and analyze shitty cartoons on the TV. My best friend Gus would describe my fashion sense as a mix of goth and geek. He calls it goth geek chic. My friend Gus is what some people might call a stereotypical image of a Swedish boy- Blond hair, brown eyes. But he dresses like your typical skater guy and never leaves home without his old tattered skateboard whom he has lovingly named Mitzie. He is the direct descendant of Abraham Van Helsing the notorious monster killer. Many Mythicals are off-put by the fact that Gus is a Van Helsing. Who can blame them. His ancestor did kill Mythicals, but Gus isn't anything like that.

He's totally rejected his family's line of work and is aiming for a career in professional skateboarding.

Anyway, this is the story of how we prevented the apocalypse together with a rather interesting exchange student from Barcelona, Spain.