

knocks on the door, Mr. roach boss is calling you.

Mr.Roach opened the door again with the clown mask guy standing in front of his door,he took Mr. Roach to the dining hall, The table was decorated with the beautiful cousin Mr. roach sat down on the chair.

"Hello Mr.Roach sleep well? I don't think so" Ryan with smiling voice.

Mr.roach Infront of table he saw a guy with clown mask again but he recognized the voice it was ryan voice.

with curiosity papa roach asked"why you and all of your guys wearing a mask, do you all live here like this,?"

"nobody know how i look, not even my bodies here i like everything confidential in this world you never know whom trust," Ryan

papa roach"well that's the one thing I'm agreeing with you." "so whats the plan and when do we start?"

Ryan calls all his guys and told them to gather at the hall at exactly 1 pm.

Mr. roach we will be leaving at 5pm if everything goes smoothly as my plan you will be at your destination tomorrow at 5:45 pm in Dubai airport you make sure that your friend jeff is ready to pick you from their.

"so what is the plan?" curious papa roach.

"once my all mens are gathered we will review my plan." ryan left the table just like that.

paap roach didn't like his attitude"if i ever met this guy again after I'm free from here i will chop his head." he finished his launch and and went to his guest room and start making cocktail.

At exactly 1 pm door knock Mr.roach boss is calling everyone.

papa roach rushing into the hall he saw around 30 men, he was amused. "can these men really get me out of here i mean they are like only 30 of them!!" papa roach thinking.

Ryan "boys we have very big and challenging night today. we are taking our Don Papa Roach to back his home. before that i know many of you have also heard of his bounty on his head and some of you might also thinking of taking him and keeping all the bounty money by yourself if anyone wants to do that i want you to walk out right now cause you know that will never going to happen and if you are still staying here thats mean you are loayal to me, thank you guys thats mean a lot to me. okay with all said and done lets get to work. good luck everybody."

papa roach was just standing their frozen, Ryan comes towards him.

"Mr. Roach everythings all right?"

"where is the plan??how do you get me out of here??what kind of speech is that??do you even trust your god damn fucking men??" with anger papa roach.

"clam down Mr.roach, clam down i want you to get ready i will be here after 1 hour to pick you up."

"I'm not going anywhere until you tell me your plan," papa roach

"come on now don't be so childish now. you will see my plan just wait and watch!! you have some packages in your room wear that and get ready."

papa roach went to his room he saw a box on his bed he opens it there was a black shirt,black blazer, black pant,black shock ,black classic shoes, and white mask and there was a written note saying make sure you wear this before you leave your room!! VIPESCORT.

after one hour Ryan called papa roach tell him to come out of his room papa roach was ready with his dress and mask. he opens a door two men were standing there with the same outfit as papa roach, he was shock.

they take them out of the building but this time they didn't blindfolded him,he walks out with two men he was wondering how on that garbage dumpster be so wonderful from the inside they took him to elevator press floor no. 5.

"why are we going up? ohh you might have arranged chopper for me!!" papa roach

two men didn't say anything and keep walking, elevator door open there was many door, papa roach was amazed by that after walking 5 minutes they took stairs and went up and one man open a gate he told Papa roach to get out.

papa roach get out of the big shining day light he couldn't believe that he was underneath that garbage dumpster. there was a cab waiting for papa roach, "hop in" driver said,papa roach get inside a cab he saw driver was wearing the same exact outfit. papa roach looked at his watch it was olnly 2:15 pm he is wondering where he is taking me Ryan said at 5pm. are they the one of them for my bounty he seems desperately confused. after 15 min he stop at one Bar, "get out" driver said to papa roach. papa roach get out of the taxi and asked driver "where is ryan?" The driver just starts the car and leaves. papa roach is in dilemma where to go or whom to talk he take his cell phone out his pocket and tried to called jeff suddenly same outfit guys slammed his and the phone dropped then he crashed that cell phone into pieces,"are you fucking insane"papa roach with intense anger voice "ohh papa roach you do know how to make drama in the middle of the street now keep your mouth shut and follow me." papa roach recognize ryan voice.

"why did you break my cell phone now how do i contact jeff?"papa roach ,

"from now on i decided when and how you will talk with whom!!" ryan replied with tense voice.

for a moment papa roach became statue.

"come inside" ryan drag him inside the bar.

that bar was so private that each and every customer had their own separate room with table, and no one can inter there unless customer called for service.

they went to to room no. 11,

"Mr.roach you can take off your mask now, so what do you like to drink Mr. roach??" rayn simply ask.

papa roach take his mask out "what are we doing here aren't we getting ready for leaving?"

"please picked up the phone and press one, i will have 90ml of blue level with one ice, you can order what ever you like."

papa roach pick up the phone and order two glass of blue label with one ice cube each. "what else do you need do you like to have some pizza also" papa roach in his angry voice.

"no no I'm okay Mr. roach thank you for asking "ryan smiling.

suddenly knocks on the door. "sir your drinks."

ryan coverd his masked face with menu and said "come in"

waiter put two glass of whiskey and left.

"I was not wearing my mask" papa roach

"you don't have to now!!" ryan said softly

"now he have to take off his mask to drink that whiskey,,hahaha show me your face"papa roach mesmerizing.

ryan take a straw out of his pocket and start drinking.with little laugh

"what!?" papa roach.

"nothing,,my every client think i will take off my mask before i drink then when i drink it with straw my every client face exactly look a like yours i just love to this" ryan with big laugh.

"did you take me here for this chit chat you bitch.?"

"nah nah mr.roach with respect, we have to move so finish your drink and you have a package right beside please wear that.!"

papa Roach see bag with clothes.ryan told him to wear that.

it was casual summer wear Hawaiian shirt with half shorts, and shoes. he was amazed with that wear. papa roach is more comfortable with suits than casual summer wear.

"please hurry up we don't have all day." ryan.

ryan also pulls out a bag of clothes black denim jeans, white t-shirt , white hoodie and casual shoes.

they dressed up papa roach see him still wearing a mask so papa roach also put his mask on.

"you don't need a mask now,wear that fedora hat and please put all our clothes in that bag.

"are you ordering me?" papa roach with angry glare on ryan face.

" come on we don't have time we better get going now".

they put all of their clothes inside of bag leave the money on table called the Waiter to keep the change.

"are you seriously walking with me with that mask on everyone will be looking at me" papa roach.

ryan puts his hoodie on and puts the glasses with a mask on then he wear a mask now he doesn't look like he is wearing any mask.

"now it's okay.," papa roach

they leave the Bar and throw their bag of clothes outside the garbage, ryan took papa roach at the parking lot and take old model dacia out of parking lot. 4:45 pm Ryan called one of his men and said"at exactly 5pm tell everyone to do whatever i said, i will meet you guys on the way."