

Hi my name is vinet the fifteen Son of Adir the powerful and cruel man in the kingdom of veeral all his people fear him even the neighborhood kingdom fear because he kill his enemy in a brutal way I never fear him because I am the most weakest son in my family so I used to be bully by step brother and step sister with their mom's and the reason is that. my father has a lot of children because he married many wife .my mother is the last wife and was not given any attention and I was the only child of my mother so I have to protect her from any bullies and me to. so I ask my grandfather to teach me self defense .

because he is the only that I am very close to apart from my mom .my grandfather first think that the idea is bad because I am only 14 and my body is to weak to train but I beg him atlast he allowed me to train and I kissed him on the cheek