
coming of my age

in the next 4 years I have become a strong and handsome man that even the maids were starring at me because of my brown hair and my green eyes which my step brother s are jealous . I sometimes noticed that I can move things with my head but I did not focus on it and moved on with my training session. one faithful afternoon when I was in my court yard practicing sword fighting with my teacher my Grandpa come and meet he said that my birthday coming in 4 days and I will be 18 he said that many will be proposing to me I laughed and said to Grandpa that you are joking because I have never celebrated my birthday before he said that he is not joking that he has told my father Adir and my mom and they have accepted it when I hear that my mom have accepted it so I said ok and my Grandpa said he is already preparing the preparation and unknown toe it will be my last day to see my loved ones again