
Vincento's Weakness

A real definition of 'The Devil' is someone who'd have an amused smile on his face when the world is burning to ruins, someone who'd create chaos to watch like a spectacle, and someone who goes crazy over the scent of blood. That best describes Vincento Roberto, a ferocious mafia who stole the throne from the devil immediately he was birthed. He has endless number of dead victims who had their share of his dark heart, both guilty and innocent, and in the midst of his victims, she stood out. A girl who lost everything to him, he got rid of all her family in a day, leaving her in ruins and nothing but agony to dine with. He left a piece of his dark heart behind, and she etched it into hers, she must get her revenge for everything he took from her. She'd give him a gift worse than death and make him beg for his life on his shredded knees. Finding his weakness made thinghs easy, and now she only has to penetrate into his domain and plant pains in his existence. Will this be possible? What's the Devil's Weakness? How will she get to him. Will she be able to her Revenge. Who exactly is she? Find Out!!!

LaLisa05 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs

Death Wish.


Vincent was smoking aggressively, as usual as Trigger rushed in.

"Boss!!" He bowed and Vincent turned to him.

"What's the problem? I've been hearing noises from outside?" He asked.

"Ma'am Apple wanted to see you..She has been trying to get in, but you said no one should come in..."

"Apple? And why are you adding the Ma'am?"

"She ordered it.."

"Call her that from now on, and you hands will be gone" Vincent said, seriously.

"I'm sorry Boss..."

"Stop mentioning that words, you know how much I hate it"

Trigger went mute, not knowing a polite answer to reply with.

"Let her in..." His voice brought him back, and he bowed and left in a quickly.

Vincent was facing the window, when Apple came in but her heels clicking noise are too loud to be unnoticed.

He his not the type that looked at his mobsters, but her burnt face was too scary and it's caught his attention.

Half of her face were burnt, if not for power of makeups she wear, it's would have been more scarier.

"What did you want?" He finally spoke.

"Are you seriously asking me what I want? Can't you see my face? It's ruined cos of that b**tch, I couldn't even sleep cos it was stinging so much!! I cried all night!! She deserves to die a horrible death, Show her no mercy Vincent!!" Apple shouted, angrily.

"To whom are you shouting at right now?" He said, with his usual expressionless face.

"I'm...I was just angry" Apple quickly, apologize.

"Can you make what you just said clear? I'm not understanding you"

"The w*tch they brought here yesterday, Didn't Rusty tell you about it? The didn't come back with the bag of money cos she stole it and they don't know where she keep it!"

"What!! Why am I just f**king hearing about that?" Vincent half yelled.

He called Trigger and he came in immediately.

"Get me Trigger!!" He ordered.

"He's not in the clan, He left early this morning" Trigger replied.

"Why the f**k did he go without informing him? What's going on with him?" Vincent muttered, almost raising his voice again.

Trigger said nothing. Vincent signalled him to leave.

"And what are you still waiting for?" He turned to Apple.

"Aren't you going to do something for burning my face?" She asked.

"I'm less concerned about that, Do whatever you want with her but we can't kill her just yet untill she provide the money" Vincent said.

Apple matched out of the room angrily, bumping into Trigger unknowingly.

"F**king watch where you're going, Fool!!" She shot, with an eye roll and left the place.

Trigger sighed, as she left.



Grinder was at the shooting range, shooting her arrows as usual.

The training ground, is like a home to her in the clan, it is either she's there or in her room. She doesn't really associate with other mobsters, Even her cold face scared everyone.

She suddenly smile lightly when they arrow hit the middle spot, She's improve a lot since last year.

She use to suck so much in Arrow shooting then but Valerie was her out best friend, since she came to the clan.

The only friend who thought her how to be strong.

Mere thinking of her painful death, tears were already forming in her eyes and she tried to fight it cos she hates before weak.

She let go if the arrow without thinking,hurting her pinky finger slightly.

"Argh" she winced and dropped the arrow arrow at once.

Everyone present in the training ground, turned to her.

Without waiting to be asked what happened, she left the place.

"Do you think she's Okay?" Butthead suddenly stopped, her fistfight with Venus.

Venus turn to Grinder, before returning her gaze back to her.

"Why don't you goan asked her instead of asking me all the time?" She scoffs.

"I badly want to be her friend but idunno why I'm afraid of her, Can you teach me how I can approach her?" Butthead blinked.

"Asked Eight and not me!" Venus replied, coldly and started walking out.

"Ven, Wait!!" Butthead grabbed her hand.

"What?" Venus asked.

"You've been acting strange? Why? Though we're best friends!"

"We're still best friend, And I'm not acting strange, I just needed a time alone ok?" Venus said, and walked out.

Meanwhile, Scarface was having training with Jerry, in the same room but different angles.

"Attack! Hit! Smash!!" Jerry shouted as she fought with Scar.

Scarface laughed and fell on the floor.

"Are you laughing? Seriously? You aren't concentrating" Jerry frowned.

"You're the one who's not concentrating here!! Did you forget you already thought me how to do that just now? How come we are starting all over again? So funny exactly like real life Jerry" Scar said, laughing more loudly.

Jerry suddenly, began staring at her and she stopped laughing at once.

"Why? Is there something on my face?" She asked, touching her eyebrows.

"You're so cute" Jerry muttered, without thinking.

"What!!" She spranged up.

"I mean, You face...is cute" He stuttered, giving his lips a slight bit.

Scarface started laughing again.

"What is funny again?" Jerry asked, looking straight into her face.

"Everything about you is just funny, Can't believe you're even bitting your lips. Tell me were you a girl in your first life?"

Jerry only scoffed.

"Com'on tell me, Even your face looks like that of a girl" Scar teased.

Gaspipe, who has been watching from where he sat suddenly stood. He knowingly bumped into them and they splitted.

"What the f**k, Pipe!" She asked.

He only glared at Jerry and left the training ground.

"Piper!!" Scarface went, after him.

He didn't wait untill she caught up with him, and grabbed his hand.

"What's the problem with you? Do you have a problem with me? Why are you f**king giving me attitude? You were not like this before? How come you've you changed overnight?"

"I see you're close to him now, For you to be smiling so much with him?" Pipe said.

"Jerry? He his just my friend? Is it a bad thing to smile?"

"No! I'm just jealous you have never smile that way with me..."

She hit his head.


"Stop talking like that, people will actually thought we're dating or something"

He said nothing.

"So, are we cool now?" She asked.

"Sure! Promise never to laugh that way in front of him anymore!" He said.

"I can't promise"

"Why? You like him?" Pipe groaned.

"Maybe, He his cute and funny!!" She chuckled and Pipe started walking in a fast pace.

"Wait for me!" She ran after him.



The room was dark without any dim of lights penetrating in it. It's empty and the quiteness make it more scary.

Lucky suddenly sighed for the upteempth time, and Natalia turned to her.

She moves closer to her, lifting her chin up since she was facing down.

"I'm sorry" She said and Lucky smiled lightly.

"It's fine, we are more than friends Talia, You've like a big sister to me since i lost my brother!! I can never get mad at you Even if we're going to die here!, Let do it together" Lucky said, and they both broke into laughter.

"Thanks Lucky, I love you!!" do anything to us since yesterday?" Lucky asked.

Meanwhile, Outside the place was Apple struggling with the guards, to get in.

No matter what. They refused to allow her.

"Do you know who I am here? You'll are going to die if he found out about this! Let me in right this minutes!!" Apple threatened.

"We're sorry ma'am, but it's an order!!' One of the guards said.

"Vincent gave me order, why don't you believe me?"

They remain mute.

"You're going to regret this..." She left the place angrily.



Rusty has been in the rooftop since daybreak just watching the everything going on in the clan.

He got back to the clan, early and he came thier directly. He refused to spoke with anyone and even when Vincent sent from him through Trigger, He declined and told him he shouldn't tell him he his already around.

It's almost 10 and he his not ready to leave anytime soon.


This has been is usual spot since Valerie death, Before he left Italy last year, He would come here everyday just like today only to cried and morn her death till daybreak.

"Haven't you stay here long enough?" A figure suddenly stood, next to him and he turned at once to see Grinder.

"Here!!" Grinder gave him one of the soda she was holding.

Rusty looked at the soda, then back to her face.

"You know I don't drink this" He muttered, slowly.

"Even soda's, Thought it was only Alcohol and Cigarettes. Your allergies don't really suit your job" She smile lightly, trying to open the soda.

"Whoa, You know how to smile now?" Rusty teased.

"Of course, I was once a cheerful girl. Untill that horrible night Valerie died" Grinder said, and Rusty expression changed as usual.

"I couldn't do anything to save her and we still can't find out who's behind it, It's been a year..Am a bad friend right?"

Rusty refused to speak, He suddenly grabbed one of the soda from her and he opened it, drinking half of the content at once.

"Wait! You're allergic to that!" Grinder warned but he was almost done with it.

"Don't worry, I'll manage" He said, and gulped the rest.


He look at her, and she stopped talking.

Isn't it's weird that, she's not the type that would want to have a conversation with someone but whenever she's with him, She badly don't want him to stop talking.

She shooked off the thoughts and tried to open the second soda but she couldn't. Rusty grabbed it from her, He opened it, then returned it to her.

"I still can't believe in just a year Valerie died and I still can't find Mira too, My life's suck!!" Rusty forced a smile.

"I know you missed her, but trust me she miss you more wherever she is" Grinder pat him.

Rusty grabbed her hand.

"Stop doing that, A touch can get me h*rny you know" He chuckled and she blinked.

"Alright, Can you let me go now?" She removed her hand from him.

"I've to go now! By the way get that treated or else it's will leave a scar. And It's make girl look less pretty" Rusty said, and began walking away.

Few minutes after he left, She tossed the soda can somewhere and made to leave too, only to bump into Luca.

"Why are you always following me around?" Grinder asked him.

"I wasn't following you, I just happened to meet you here..." Luca replied.

"Liar...If truly you have feelings for me, Give up now or you'll ended up getting hurt in the end" She chuckled and before he could say more words, She fell on his arms.

She's obviously drunk.

Did he just got rejected without even confessing at all?? He looked at her face and found her smiling.

It's rare to see her smile. She's definitely Drunk. Nevertheless, He carrier her in a bridal style,leaving the place.


Natalia and Lucky were already sleeping when, they torture door bursted open and Vincent came in with Trigger. Apple was also behind them.

Three more guards entered with many long snake whip. Lucky was the first to opened her eyes and immediately she saw them, she started shaking.

"What are you going to do to us?" Lucky asked fearfully, almost in tears.

"Shut the f**k up and allowed us to torture you life in peace" Apple interrupted her.

Since the room was silent, Her sobs echoed in Natalia's ear and that woke her up.

"What Is going on here?" Was what came from her.

"Your death! You hear me w*tch!!" Apple walked to get and grabbed her hair.

Natalia threw her hands off and slapped her across her face. The same check, she burnt last night.

"Aaarrgh" Apple whimpered, painfully.

"I see what I did to you last night, isn't enough right?" Natalia asked.

Vincent brought out his gun and shot in the air, causing everywhere to became silent.

Thier gaze met and Natalia eyes widened at once, It's him...The Devil himself.

Even in her dreams, she'll recognize his heartless face, The man she hates most in the world is standing in front of her.

Her eyes went to his right arm, and the tattoo was truly there. She was trying to hold her tears badly but her emotions betrayed her.

Tears rushed down her cheecks on its own Accord.

"Have you all f**king lost your mind? How dare you not acknowledge my presence?!! Do you suddenly have a death wish? You wanna join your ancestors tonight?!" Vincent yelled angrily,his face turned to a burning flame immediately.

"Yes!! That's what you're good at anyway!! Killing innocent people and ruined their happy homes!! Making people miserable all thier lives is something you're f**king proud of, @sshole..Kill me! I'm not f**king afraid of you idiot! Lordly fools!! I'll never bow down to you" Natalia shouted at once and everyone eyes almost popped out of its sockets.

This is the very first time anyone will be talking this way to him. The f**king time..Even before she complete a sentence her skull should have been disposed, and it's indeed brought out the demon in him.

He angrily rushed to her like flash and pulled her up with one hand.

He pins her to the wall, chocking her neck with a knife.

The knife pierced Inside her neck, and visible blood were already appearing in her neck.

"Talia" Lucky broke into more tears.

"You wanna die right? That's what I'm good at, I'll f**king give it to you" Vincento said with his deep scary voice.

Megan only glared back at him. That alone make him more angry, His face became occupied with anger.

He threw her to the ground roughly, and brought out his gun, aiming to shoot at her head at once.

"Na...talia!!" Lucky cried, looking so scared.

Apple smiled, proudly. She badly wish he could just pull the trigger already.

Vincent was so bent on killing her and her death will cause him nothing...Untill they all heard a voice, as someone came in.