
Viltrumite In My Wife Is A Beautiful CEO

Let's See What A Viltrumite Will Do In A World Full Of Excitement And Danger.

KingSeyer · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs

Knowledge About The Soul

Not knowing of the waves he caused, Arlsan woke up from his peacefull sleep.


Wow, that's the best sleep I had in years"

Glancing at his side, he noticed that no one was there.

" She must have left earlier. It's because of her I was able to have this refreshing sleep and I wanted to thank her"

Shaking his head, he got down from his bed and practiced some of the Forms in the Viltrix*.

" At this rate by the time I am reach Fifteen I should have mastered it since I started early.

After mastering it I should have a fifty percent increase in my physical prowess and with some more training I should be able to concentrate all the strength of my body in one point"

He said, practicing it until he was his muscles hurt.

Glancing at the clock on the wall, he realized it was 7:30 am.

Knowing his breakfast will come at 8 he went to the bathroom. After brushing his teeth and bathing he came back to his room and sat on his bed thinking about what will happen.

" By this time the news of what I did has already circulated in the underworld, this means powerful organizations and countries might be looking for me. Hmm, I wonder if he will give me away or keep me here , but I know either way he will benefit from all this"

He said with a smile on his face as he waited for his breakfast.

After a few minutes he heard a familiar voice from outside.

" Young master, your breakfast has arrived"

" Come in"

Entering the room was the busty maid Latifa who was carrying a tray.

Placing the tray on the bed she bowed and left the room.

After eating the breakfast, he sensed a familiar presence by the wall.

"Sattar you can come out now"

Arising from the shadows as usual, Sattar emerged with a smile on his face.

"Young master if I may ask, how are you always able to sense me even though I am hidden"

Hearing the question Arsaln said with a wry smile on his face.

"I guess all the torture at the hands of My father has made me susceptible to even the sense of danger in my surroundings"

Noticing what he said brought back some bad memories, Sattar apologized.

" I am sorry that my curiosity has made you remember some bad memories"

" Its okay since I benefited from it, but what brings you here?"

Arslan asked since he wasn't sure of what brought Him here.

" Young master I wanted to inform you of some of the supernatural artifacts that Alfa has to my knowledge"

Hearing what he said Arslan was intrigued.

" Go on"

" To my knowledge he has five artifacts which has been passed on from generation to generation to the descendants of the Sabbah Bllodline and these are the The Ring of Servitude, The Demon Sabre, The Ring of Strength, The Ring of Vitality and The Mask of a thousand faces"

Hearing all those names, Arslan could very much guess their effects from their names but the first two made him interested.

" What does the Ring of Servitude and the Demon Sabre do?"

Arslan asked, interested in these two.

" The ring has mind controlling abilities but I am sure it has limits since he didnt use it on me and the sword makes the user powerful the more he/she kills.He might try to use the ring on you if he arrives but since The Young Master has assured me Mind attacks dont work on you, I have no worries"

' So that's why he is that strong.'

Arslan thought, remembering the time Alfa ripped someone's head with the spine with one hand.

But he remembered that in this world there is no magic.

" How were they created?"

" They were created by a powerful Sorcerer who was the Founders right hand man and teacher. It was because of him Hassan I Sabbah was able to create the technique the Hassashin use which made him a powerful ruler at that time."

"If he was a sorcerer, that means he used magic right?"

Arslan asked since he wasn't sure magic exists in this world.

Hearing Arslan, Sattar explained with a smile on his face.

" No it isnt magic but Spiritual energy. This energy is created by our souls which makes everyone have it but only a few people can manifest it physically. The technique we use for example utilizes our spiritual energy to become one with the shadows and it requires those who have a lot of negative emotions and talent to use. Other powerful spells and techniques make use of human or animal sacrifices to gather a lot of spiritual energy as fuel. That's why Witches were hunted down in Medieveal Europe since they used human sacrifices to gain long life and attain immense power"

Hearing all this Arslan was surprised since he didnt know that apart from True Yuan there any kind of energy in this world.

'I guess i can't always rely on the novel knowledge I have'

Arslan thought.

After sorting the information in his head he asked a very important question.

" Does this mean I have a chance at using Soul/ spiritual energy?"

"Yes, and from what I can sense you have large amounts of it. If the Young master is willing I can give you a training manual or teach you personally" Sattar answered eagar to teach Arslan

" I dont need it now but when I do I will inform you"

' I dont really think it's that powerful and right now my alien physiology is more than good enough for me'

Arslan thought as he answered Sattar.

Sattar, who heard the answer wasn't surprised since he knew Arslan was already powerful enough In this world.

As the two continued they heard foreign sound from the door.

" Young Master, I am hear to inform you that The leader has arrived and is expecting you in his office."

After the person said that, he left leaving the two alone in the room.

" It seems my father is here. I have decided to go to America for my Vacation so get the other leaders there and after my vacation we can commence with our plans."

Standing up, Arslan left the room leaving Sattar alone inside.

'I will make sure Young Master succeeds no matter even if I have to go to hell to do it'

Sattar thought with a determined and fanatic look on his face.





Hey guys it's me, Arslan doesn't know how much influence he has on his subordinates but he will one day find out.

Thank you.

KingSeyercreators' thoughts