
Trip to Mars and Kidnapping?

[Crystalia Amaquelin P.O.V.]

"So Crys, what's an inhuman like you doing on a wall like this?" Hearing the immensely cheesy pick up line actually brought a smile to my face. I can't even remember the last time someone other than my sister called me Crys or actually dared to lean on a wall while talking with me. It's always stand straight, don't make eye contact, be polite and soft spoken, Ugh it's irritating.

"...sigh, I just needed to get away. Ha even my own sister was trying to marry me off. Isn't that fantastic, our entire family was cursed to be commodities."

"It can't be that bad, can it?" Damien asked

"My sister was sold to my brother in law by my parents, my parents were sold to a weird freaky alien collector, now I'm being sold to the Kree that made us. Sometimes I think it's better if we could all just leave this damned city. Obviously we can't survive here much longer."

I finish my mini rant looking over at Damien with a flush of red on my face with excitement "You see it too! Mars has blue on it! That means it's liveable , I feel it."

"Mars is liveable, in fact that's where I'm from."

I look over at my wall friend with visible skepticism "You don't look like a Martian to me?"

"What? Didn't expect Martians to be this handsome? I can't help you with the green skin but Me'gann has green skin though. The Martian not my ship."

...okay? Maybe this guy has lost it. Should I leave? "Well it's been a long night so I should probably go back home now."

"Haha I'm not crazy Crys" Damien said as he stood up on the wall "I really am from Mars. New Viltrum to be exact. If you dare trust me, I promise to blow your mind."

I stood there watching him smirk for a second before slowly raising his hand out to me. My heart start beating faster and I finally took a second to take a good look at this Damien Nyxxus. He had a tan which meant he wasn't from Attilan as the solar rays don't get through our dome well.

He also had a different style of clothing than we had as if it's meant for warm weather instead of the slightly colder city we reside in. It's almost as if.... my thoughts disrupt as I reach out my hand towards him.

He grabs my hand as a red and gold ship appear out of camouflage from behind him and a door opens as a ramp spread out towards us.

"This is Me'gann this ship not the Martian. She's my personal bio-ship capable of responding to thought, deep sea or deep space travel capable and highly adaptable and smart."

To say I was dumbfounded was an understatement to say the least. Was he really a Martian? But despite my fear and nervousness, I couldn't hold back the excitement. Wasn't this just the opportunity I was looking for? If he could take me to Mars and potentially allow me to meet someone in charge and we could work out a deal for the inhumans, wouldn't that mean I don't have to marry Ronan?

Feeling the excitement in my chest I subconsciously grabbed his arm with a bit of force but it didn't seem like he noticed, "Damien is Mars really habitable? Do you think there would be space for the inhumans to live there? Of course we can contribute and we won't hold the Martians back!"

The more I spoke the more I saw the shock and bewilderment on his face before it settled to dejection like a child who was looking forward to something but had it taken away? "...sigh nevermind, just think of it as wishful thinking. But I would still like to go on this trip. If possible could I possibly, perhaps by chance, meet someone in charge to discuss an alliance or trade?"

By this time I had already walked into the ship leaving the man sulking with an almost visible raincloud over his head. Huh, new fact unlocked, Martians carry personal clouds. I take in the sights before sitting in what I assumed to be a chair, or maybe Martians have another name for it like Gu'xon or something. OMG IM GOING TO MARS! "Come on Martian Man let's go, let's go! I wanna see Mars!"

Best RoadTrip Ever!


[Damien Nyxxus P.O.V]

Well that didn't go to plan at all. What about Medusa and Blackbolt and forming relations with the royals and turning them into coolies. Sigh, I should've trusted my judgment, women really have a knack for ruining a man's fun.

I turn to look at the excited Princess willingly being kidnapped to another planet as she plays with the ships console. Honestly I don't know if I should be happy or not but at the very least I got someone with influence to come check out the planet.

"Come on Martian Man let's go, let's go! I wanna see Mars!"

With that excited squeal I put away my mini raincloud projector from my watch. Hah, and Nat said I'd never use it. Hmph as if you'd ever understand a man's romance.

"Im coming, I'm coming. And I feel like you're getting a misunderstanding of Mars a bit." I walked to the central pilot's seat as the ship took off into space. With our current speed it would take about 5 minutes to reach the planet.

"Mars is currently a reclaimed planet, back on Earth the supernatural and the natural humans couldn't really blend in. We tried for years to make them accept us and when I saw it wouldn't get better me and a few others designed a plan. We would terraform Mars and make it ours. Now Mars has 5 continents even though one of them is just a polar region and many mid sized islands. This ship is currently headed to Viltrum which is the biggest continent with the current highest population."

Giving it time for her to digest my words as her eyes lit up with brilliance as she asked, "Wait you designed? Which meant you're someone important? Why were you in Attilan by yourself?"

"Crys I'm not weak enough to need guards and I was mainly there to see if the inhumans had any remarkable features or products to see if it's worth forming friendly relations."

Her eyes started getting nervous remembering she told me herself how screwed up her problems are. I felt her tension so I gave her a helping hand "Looks like we're about to touch down Crys. We'll be landing in the capital city Vestroia. Going on a tour of the city and get you some souvenirs."

She weakly nodded her head watching the clouds part to reveal the brightly lit city. While it was night time on the moon (irony), it was still only half past 7 in Vestroia so there was still some daylight.

I flew to the castle grounds under her astonishment coming to a slow touchdown.

"Omg, I'm on Mars.....hahahaha IM ON MARS! One small step for inhuwoman, one giant leap for inhuman kind."

Watching the blonde get excited a smile crept on my face as the hatch opened to reveal Laura holding an excited Diana and a very pregnant Sue standing before me.

"Well isn't this a surprise! I'm back and I brought a guest."

Baby Diana was excited and eventually struggled out of mommy's arms to come to papa. Haha I was so proud of my little floating princess.... wait floating?

"Diana, you're floating? Laura since when could she float?"

"She's been getting kicks out of floating around all day. It seems like her Viltrumite blood is stronger than my own, and she seems to be getting stronger as well. Slowly but I definitely felt it."

I couldn't help but be proud at my offspring knowing she's gonna be a badass later on!

"Oh before I forget Crys, these are two of my wives Laura and Sue, and this is my pride and joy Baby Diana!"

I turned to Crys holding out my baby Simba(crossed out), Diana as Crystalia's eyes grew wide.


Hmmm I thought I forgot to tell her something. Oops that's embarrassing, I wonder what else I'm forgetting today?


[Medusalith Amaquelin P.O.V]

Throwing another chair at the incompetent guards I barely restrain my anger "You're telling me in a closed city, my sister just disappeared. USELESS!" my hair couldn't help but lash out breaking a pillar nearby, I really hope that wasn't a support column. "FIND MY SISTER AND BRING HER BACK TO ME SAFE AND UNHARMED OR SHE WONT BE THE ONLY ONE MISSING! DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR? ATTILAN IS ENCLOSED SO I DONT CARE WHETHER YOU CHECK THIS CITY, THIS MOON, HELL GO CHECK MARS FOR ALL I CARE, FIND HER. NOW"

The poor trembling guards couldn't even speak as they tripped over one another rushing out of this scary scary place.

With a heavy breathe I couldn't hold back the tears, where did you go little sister. You can't leave me too.


[Blackagar Boltagon P.O.V]

As king of inhumans one must be very flexible and very strong. So seeing my wife to be lash out against the guards I knew it was my time to do what I do best.

I turned around walking back to my room before she noticed me as well and blames me for Crystalia running away. Heh, poor guards who made you not learn how to silently disappear.

Well Blackagar let's just keep our mouth shut, after all silence hasn't failed me yet.