
The More Things Change

"To what do i owe this pleasure today Mr. Coulson."

Its been a year since Star Labs opened. From medicine to home appliances to cell phones we blew the market out of the water. Star Enterprises is one of the worlds biggest markets but still not om the size of Stark, Doom, or Frost yet. Warren has taken great care of the business but he's plateaued when it comes to his power.

Natalia is on a mission for me right now recovering some interesting samples for our tech geeks Shuri, Gwen and Cho to go over. Susan declined due to her father's company being used to build some machine set to go live in a few months.

Selene trained Tandy and Ty to the point the could function without being around each other and they're powers have grown too. Tandy has turned basically into a white lantern without a ring and Ty is basically an MCU Raven.

Yet none of these things can explain why Coulson is sitting in my office at Star Labs. "Mr. Nyxxus its a pleasure to meet you. You as well Ms. Kinney and Ms. Gallio. As you know my name is Phil Coulson and i work for Shield" he hands me a badge before continuing "The technology that your StarLabs have been producing has been very forthcoming and we of Shield would like to extend a partnership."

I raise my eyebrow, what could Shield want from me? I know my servers are clean and theres no way even Hydra could access us Shuri made sure of that. "What kind of partnership?"

"Shield has a couple of young talents that are too smart for the Shield academy, therefore we would like them to study here for a year or two and possibly you can help them raise to new heights."

I close my eyes and stop and think. In one way Shield is providing me free talent. But i cant have them tell Shield about OverWatch. And if theyre as smart as they seem then they'll eventually figure it out. What to do what to do.

"Well Mr. Coulson before i agree to that id have to meet said individuals and talk to them myself. As you can tell i keep a small and elite staff here and i refuse to allow just anyone to enter."

He gives his famous Coulson smile and says "I understand Ill contact my boss and workout the details with him. In the meantime please keep us in mind. Have a good day Mr. Nyxxus you shall be hearing from me again soon."

I wait a few minutes after Coulson leaves and walks up handing me 30 different listening and recording devices he left behind. Impressive Agent. I smile when Gwen buzzes my intercom informing me that Natalia just arrived.

"You know when you said you were sending me on a field trip i didnt expect it to be an actual field trip." Natalia saunters in the room with a metal box on wheels. She stops in the middle of the room leaving the box and walks over to me giving me the remote.

Amara and Shiri looks at it with interest. Only Nat and I know whats inside. I press the button and the box opens up showing 20 different containers holding 18 various spiders. I look at Natalia and she shrugs "One of them was already gone by the time i got there and another bit me then ran off into the sewers system. Whats so special about these spiders though? I could stolen everything Oscorb had but you only wanted Spiders?"

It took me a second before i realized what she said. "Wait it bit you? Which one?" I awk with visible concern since some of those spiders are packed with horrible mutations.

Seeing my panic everyone stares at Nat which makes her uncomfortable "#1610 why? Is it poisonous? Poisons dont affect me."

"Theyre not poisonous, theyre way worse." I exclaim. Everyone looks at me quizzically as i look at Nat and then proceeded to throw a punch her way at 1/4 speed. She senses it and flips upwards before sticking to the ceiling shocking everyone.

"These spiders have had their DNA enhanced and a bite could either kill you right away or if youre compatible grant you super spider powers. Congratulations youre an actual Black widow now."

She seems dumbfounded by this development. She's a meta human now. She's no longer helpless in the group training sessions. Shes got her own powers now.

Watching her internally plan her training routine i look towards Gwen and Shuri before asking "You girls wanna go on a road trip?"

Fast forward a bit and now im in a StarLabs van with Laura as my "Security" and Shuri and Gwen as some of my scientists. We drive up to this nice coffee place outside downtown and head inside. We look around for a bit before i spot my target.

Sitting down in a corner booth typing away at a computer wearing dark sunglasses and a hoodie. Laura stands behind me as Shuri Gwen and I make ourselves comfortable.

The girl looks up from her computer before closing it and giving us her attention. "Can I help you guys?"

"Skye. 18 years old. Orphan. Living in that god awful van out front. As brilliant as you are tell me why arent you in college but instead playing around with that Hactivist group?"

"Well sir, I need answers and they can help me get em. And dont insult my van." She starts packing up her stuff and gets up from the table angrily. I let her go but while shes in earshot i say "Daisy Johnson." And she stops and turns around angrily. "Thats your name. What you were looking for. Daisy Johnson." I see her curiousity peak and she finally cracks.

"What do you want?"

I cant help but evil grin for a second before i calm myself and face her. "Its simple Daisy, i want you to come work for me. Truth be told i value your technical skills and Star Labs always has room for the talented."

Shuri interrupts there and say "No offense but what can a hacker do that we cant already do?" But she's shut up when her Kimodo Beads light up and a message appeared saying Nice Toy. She looked over to see a smug Skye holding out her cell phone. Damn. Thats more than i expected.

With no more complaints we all get into our car and Skye follows us in her van. Arriving at StarLabs we head down into the lower floors and arrive at the training room. The things Shuri and Cho could do once they got serious was incredible.

Upon arriving to the danger room i see Amara and Domino sitting in front of a giant tarp. "Do you know how difficult it was to get this? I was lucky but even then i was nervous" complained Domino. She didnt really care she just wanted to be spoiled.

I walk over and pat her head watching her pout and Amara starts giggling. They walked away from the terragenesis crystal as i unconver it. Everyone looks at it confusedly as Skye takes an unconscious step closer. I break off a small piece of the rock and throw it at Skye who catches it.

We all step back and Marvel at how Skye becomes surrounded in the crust.

Looking back at Gwen and Natasha who succesfully bonded with different Spider Bites, Amara with her Magma abilities, Laura my right arm and Domino my left. Warren and Selene now adding Skye and Shuri for now into the fold. OverWatch is growing nicely.

"Alright ladies get your ear plugs, youre going on a rapist hunt."