
The End?

Deep inside one of Essex's hidden bases a small time group of big heads were plotting their next move. "Ross this stunt is unacceptable, the mutants are getting too out of hand. Your Hulk debacle didnt do shit and now he's turning Kelly into the next Hitler. We need to get rid of him. Essex i know you wanted to study him more but you can study his corpse." Sterns was adamant about ending Invincible. He's grown to the point where he can no longer be ignored for their plans to be unhindered.

"Sigh, very well" Essex said taking out a tablet "He is becoming rather unpredictable and we still have yet to learn what he's doing on Mars, Maybe its time that he meets his demise."

Kelly looks at the table and brings up "How much longer til Sable gets that blood to Richards? Its crucial to the sentinel's development."

"From her position it shouldn't take her more than a day to reach his location."

"Good, now we need a good distraction to ensure her safe arrival Essex you know what to do." Sterns said looking at the mad scientist.

At that moment Essex picked up his phone and made a call "Reed my boy, i need you to unlock containment 325 take him with you for any interventions. We're expecting Invincible but if the trade off goes smoothly then send him after Invincible anyways....Thats right its time to kill him. Release the Sentry."

Back on the StarLabs med bay Invincible and Widow stood looking at the recovering Mystique and the regretful Kurt.

"So let me recap. You were visiting a contact who may have seen Kelly when you were targeted by Silver Sable and captured. She took not one not two but three vials of your blood before Kurt came in grabbed you and left. Leaving Sable with your blood which i cannot stress is the most dangerous dna sample on the planet..... *inhales deeply*... Nat tell me you're handling it."

"I have Ava, Gwen, Kitty, Logan and Tandy looking for her now. Shouldn't be long before we get word on them. Johnny and Scott are headed to Essex's last known location with a small strike team."

I breathe in and out calming myself. "Get me their location im joining in this time. Under no circumstances is that madman allowed to get her blood. If he could find a way to mold her dna structure to mine then i fear Laura wont be such a unique existence after all."

A few minutes later i have their location and im suited up, after sending Nat back to our home i call in a favor.

I hear a set of footsteps behind me as i turn and im greeted by a sensual kiss.

"Ready to help save the world?"

"No, but im ready to finally get something to do" Komand'r said rolling her eyes with a small smirk.

We spend about 20 minutes flying over to Oklahoma where the others were following Sable to her base. They had found her some time ago but waited to see her contact. They stood there for another half hour before a shady car pulled up.

Inside were two men, one of which gave me a familiar feeling and the other gave off a dangerous vibe. I watch the car come to a slow stop before they exited the car. Reed Richards and some blonde guy with long hair walk out of the car carrying a case.

That bastard Reed if i wouldve known Essex would've picked him up i would've killed him sooner. But who is he with?

"Damien, that man isn't simple." Komand'r said slightly gripping my shoulder.

We watch as Sable take out a locked box which showed three shiny red vials. The second we made eye contact with it we all decide that was our cue to intervene.

"I believe those belong to us. Please return them." I say with my peoples squadded up behind me.

At that moment a whole bunch of cars and armoured trucks come pouring in the street weapons locked and loaded as Sable says "Oh yea? We brought an army to make sure this deal goes smoothly."

"Sorry but i fear no army," I said taking a step forward.

"Thats why we brought him," Reed said as the blonde stepped forward.

Both sides tensed as Sable gripped the briefcase even harder afraid the blood might disappear.

"Release the blood Sable, we'll double whatever they're paying."

"Tempting but id rather not," she said pulling out her weapon.

I rush forward only to be intercepted by the blonde who is now wearing a gold and black super suit. He grips my arm as he sends a punch to my chest knocking the air out of my lungs.

I feel my conscience blur for a second as i wildly throw a punch only to be caught again as a heel connects with my throat sending my head into the ground.

My ears are ringing but the rage building up in my chest pushes me forward as i gain a bit of momentum trading blow for blow. The golden man connects more hits as he shrugs off my advances and keeps hitting.

I feel pressured as he cocks his arm back and his muscles twitch with the rising force, but before he brings the hammer of dawn down on me he's hit with a violet starbolt that catches him off guard

I sit up and catch my breath before nodding in thanks at Komand'r who nods back before rejoining her opponents.

I feel my lungs hurt to breathe as the golden man gets back up. This time around his body begins to glow and i hear the words.

"Long time no see Damien, i have to admit i didnt expect Essex to unice me for you, guess it doesnt matter anyway. He was so excited about your unkillable cells, but in the end all falls before the Sentry."

He picks up the pace a bit as he assaults me with a flurry of punches and throws me into the ground. Before i can retaliate he's grabbing me by the throat as he rips off my right arm.

I try to scream but he presses on my vocals harder causing me to choke on my own blood. I hear a scream as someone rushes towards me only to be beaten back by his unused hand.

He looks at me again with a gold glow to his body and said "If only you had just been a good little brat. Now after i finish you off i have to go get X-23 as well. After all she has your DNA as well. Dont worry I'll be gentle."

I struggle and using my remaining strength i punch him in the face using all the force i could muster causing him to go flying backwards. I fall on the ground bleeding heavily injured, shocked at how much difference there was between us.

What happened? Im a Viltrumite, sure Sentry is powerful but i shouldnt lose this badly right? No Laura i have to get to Laura. I turn over on my back as im met with the stare of a angry Sentry clutching an unconscious Komand'r in his hands. He steps on my chest causing me to throw up the blood clogging my lungs as i cough gasping for air.

"You know Damien, you and Laura were my first friends. Its sad i have to finish you like this," he says as he plunged his hand directly into my chest grasping my heart, "Any last words my old friend."

I can't help but cry thinking about how this is it. All the effort i did to save my family, surviving that torture, saving those who need us, creating a city ill never see complete. "Tracer.." i choke out as my badge lights up "Queen protocol Viltrum."

My badge blinks twice before Komand'r shined in a bright light and disappeared. The queen protocol is set so all of my wives can be teleported to a safe house i had installed in Viltrum. If i go now then Sentry would come with since hes still clutching my slowly dying heart.

I look at the man with a stoic face and spit a mouthful of blood on him. "Fuck You Robert, today its me and tomorrow he'll end you too."

Robert Reynolds aka Sentry looks at me and simply says "If thats my fate, then so be it." With that he crushes my heart as my body stops moving and i fall flat on the ground. I feel his hand along with an organ leave my chest as warm blood poured over my quickly cooling body.

I felt everything around me become fuzzy as my vision turns pink. This is the afterlife huh? Guess this time i dont get another chance.

The pink light overtakes my surroundings as i die in the street as Kitty breaks down crying and Reed takes the opportunity to quickly escape while Sentry blocks Logan from chasing. Ava stood there stunned as Tandy was doing her best not to break down and keep her light chains active over the prisoners.

The world turned dark as even Gaia mourned the spilled blood of Invincible.

Meanwhile in an unknown space.

"Welcome Child of Anodine, we've been awaiting your return."

End of Vol 1


Wowwwww didn't see that one coming huh? Damien Nyxxus and Robert Reynolds two friends, both lab rats, destined to kill each other. Just so you're aware, no its not like he's that much stronger, but that first hit really was enough to dominate the fight. Not to mention losing an arm. He's a Viltrumite not Kryptonian, if the Immortal could handle OmniMan for a few seconds then Sentry whos basically Marvel Superman can catch him off guard enough to kill him. Keep in mind he's not a thousand year old warrior. Hes 27 so some experience but not much fighting people on his level.

Secondly the big reveal. Hes part Anodite, there will be explanations but thats Vol 2 stuff. Volume 1 was mainly focusing on everyone getting acquainted and honing their skills, they had that superhero mindset which might work on a tv series but this is real life. Now hes dead and his 3 pregnant wives and 4 unpregnant wives are widows.

There's gonna be a small time skip before he rejoins the story but Vol 2 will begin with a 'Those Who Remain' story line.

Essex got the blood, Invincible is dead, Laura has 2 months til she gives birth, The city is already complete whats gonna happen next? Find out next time on