
The Crossover pt 1

Barry Allen

Fastest Man Alive?

"So let me get this straight Barry," said Oliver Queen as we stand in an old Star Labs hangar "Aliens?"

My name is Barry Allen and im the fastest man alive. To believe what im about to tell you, then you have to believe in the impossible. You see This here 'camera points to Woman' this is Layla and she works at Argus. They deal with unknown tech and meta humans. Recently her people found this unknown tech that they didnt understand.

She outsourced it to Felicity Smoke who got stumped on it and ending up asking Cisco for help. So Felicity, Layla and Oliver Queen as the Green Arrow, a badass superhero who shoots people with arrows, came to Central City.

Originally team Flash was stumped as well not until Earth 2 Harrison Wells came by and recognized it. He told us that it was a Dominator's Homing Probe and that it was active.

So now we have...

well you guessed it.

"Barry let me explain this to you" said Oliver in his serious voice "I shoot arrows. Street thugs, crime lords thats easy. Ninjas and Assassins sure thats a Tuesday. Magic....still scares me but i can handle it. Barry, what are we supposed to do about aliens."

Everyone stands in silence looking around when I finally remembered "We're not alone." Everyone's head turned to me as dramatic music played in the background "We have allies."

"The Legends" said Cisco Ramone earning his CW paycheck.

"I'll call Sara and leave a message her and the Legends should get it" added Laurel Lance, not that one the other one.

I ran into another room and grabbed the badge thats been sitting in this glass case forever. I break the case and run back into the room.

"We can always call OverWatch"

"Who's OverWatch?" asked Oliver

"A Superhero Organization from a parallel universe. " said Kaitlin like it was the most natural thing.

"Right. Anyways even if they cant all come just having their support would make it easy. And Cisco can take me to Earth- 23 for Kara."

Uplifting music plays as we finalize. Suddenly there's hope I press the Orange button and it starts beeping. I rest it on the counter and wait for someone to answer the call.

"Oliver you guys wait for someone to answer, me and Cisco will get Kara."

Cisco opens up a breach to Earth 23 and we run right into it.

Meanwhile on Earth 23 National City

Alex Danvers was walking around Kara's apartment nervously. While Kara herself was just watching her go back and forth.

"Alex Im fine you dont need to worry about me." Kara said reassuredly

"No Kara youre not fine. Who knows what kind of effect all that Kryptonite exposure did to you. Not to mention that beating from Cyborg Superman."

"Alex it wasn't a beating. It was more like a....a ...."

"My point exactly Kara. Mon-El is still missing and with this Cyborg Superman running around and Guardian still being a wanted individual"

"Alex we will handle it. No matter what we always do. And if things get too much i have you, John and Winn to support me. I promise you everything will be alright."

In the middle of the suspenseful dramatic scene occuring in the nice ass apartment no regular secretary could afford a giant blue vortex opened up and our secondary heroes Barry and Cisco jumped through the portal.

Alex had her gun out and trained on Barry as soon as they came through but Kara was already next to her with her hand over the nozzle. "Wait! They're friendlies."

Alex lowers her gun and Barry takes back off the cowl that he wastes so much time on per episode taking it off every occasion he can.

"Kara, i need your help. My world is facing an invasion by the Dominators. I need your help." Barry blurted out

"Um okay Dominators, aliens.. right. Im in!"

"Kara! Youre still-" started Alex

"Fine enough to handle Dominators." Kara supersped and she was standing in her OG supergirl suit with the skirt. "Im ready. Alex tell the DEO im off world for a bit. Ill be back."

Kara sped through the portal ignoring Alex. The enraged sister glares at Barry and 'threatens' him "If she gets hurt"

"I promise i wont let anything happen to her" Barry said convincing no one. Him and Cisco returned through the breach joining Kara and the newly arrived Legends.

"Barry glad to see you again my friend. Who's the skirt?" asked Sara Lance badass tv show assassin that doesnt kill anyone in the series anymore.

"This is Supergirl, shes a friend." introduced Barry as Cisco goes off to join the scientist Caitlin, Felicity, Stein and Harrison.

The Legends all walk over Sara, Mick Rory, Leonard Snart, and Jefferson Jackson. They join the arrow squad of Oliver, Diggle, Laurel, and Thea.

"So what can skirt do?" asked Rory aka HeatWave a man with a powerful flamethrower who secretly writes romance novels.

Barry started to explain, but Kara was a strong independent female kryptonian who didn't need anyone to mansplain for her, so she started floating in the air and used her heat beams to carve her Fancy S into the floors of the hangar.

Mick was staring with a hard on, while everyone else felt reassured having her on their side.

"Okay so we have a plan, the badge you gave me hasn't responded yet Barry so im not sure if they're coming." Oliver said "So we make do with what we have. We have to fight aliens so i suggest all combat ready fighters do a couple sparring rounds with Supergirl. She's the closest to what we're gonna have to face."

Everyone looked around but no one disagreed. Kara looked around at the team and started thinking about how much she would have to hold back in these spars. Afterall she didnt want to break this planets defenders.

Barry looked around at the gathering and started remembering his time at the OverWatch base. They weren't there yet but he fully believed they'll get there one day. Yet he couldn't let go of the disappointment that no one answered the badge.

The two sides of Kara vs the others went about just as how we'd expect it to go. Kara one sidedly decimating the opposing sides. She smiled wryly and unconsciously started limiting her strength as she does every time she overwhelms someone like this.

The group was picking themselves off of the ground when an Orange vortex appeared in the hanger. Everyone stood on alert and Kara took a step forward protectively.

They heard the sound of footsteps coming through.

But the episode run time ended so find out next time on the following episode of Arrow.