
Storm Rising

Susan Storm

Ugh my head hurts. I've been getting a lot of headaches this past few weeks. Jemma says its from my brain adjusting to the new spectrum it has access too. Ugh i hate this.

I was the first to wake up from Reed's accident that turned us Meta. Im glad Damien was there to help us out otherwise who knows what couldve happened? I was the first to wake up. I learned of the incident and where it went wrong and i can't believe its all Victor and Reeds fault because they wanted samples to study. Just my luck hang around two mad scientists and i become the result of an experiment gone wrong.

NOT TO MENTION THAT BASTARD RAN AWAY. As soon as he woke up he attacked Jemma who was checking his vitals. He managed to crawl out of the air vents before running and is now in hiding. He didnt even care about the rest of us who's lives he affected. Johnny was the third awake and he was loving it. He's still training with Tandy and Logan to be Watch ready.

Ever since he learned about the OverWatch members coming and going from the WatchTower where we were resting he has been wanting to go out there and prove these gifts we recieved wasnt by dumb luck. Which according to Shuri it was. We had a 3% chance of coming back from that incident alive. The other 97% was what we considered dumb luck.

"Sue you ready?" i look over my shoulder to see Natalia standing in her widow suit. I think she sleeps in that suit. Especially since she got the widow bites upgraded web shooters of hers shes been loving it. But for now its my turn to train.

We arrive in the training room to see Jean Grey floating in a lotus position and the new guy Amara and Daisy brought in. Quentin Quire hes a telepath. Hes not the strongest but hes growing steadily.

"Okay focus Sue now your training today is simple. Find me." She disappears and get ready to send out a invisible wave to act as sonar when i feel a finger poke my throat. "Dead." Natalia spoke as she rematerialized.

"Ugh i didnt even hear you" I complain. Ive been training on cycles with Natalia, Jean, and Laura for various things. I cant fool Lauras senses, I cant match Jeans barriers and i definitely can't out invisibile Nat. Its

"Frustrating right? If you could hear me after only training for two weeks then i wouldn't be worth my name now would I? Besides you need to read the situation better. You immediately switched to offense trying to find me without setting up a defense shell. Sue you are a glass cannon so better always put up a defense before you attack."

Hearing it coming from her i cant even be mad. We get back in our stances and continuing practice for another half hour before im on the ground unable to move.

"Note to self work on Susans endurance" Nat speaks into her watch. Her overwatch. Ha Sue youre so funny. I leave the training room headed towards the female showers.

Walking past one room i see the glass glow a bright red. I move closer to find my brother getting flung around the room by Nightcrawler. Stupid Johnny if he had read up on creatures from the Hel dimension then he'd know Kurt has fire resistance. Hed need to be way hotter than that to even singe him.

Johnny gets up before yelling "AGAIN" and flying off towards Kurt. I smile at my brothers antics and walk off to the showers.

The girls bathroom is amazing. A line of showers and an indoor sauna and hot springs. The hot springs use an artificial nutrient solution to heal our bodies while making them stronger. The things this place comes up with is amazing. If only we had came here first before the government.

I take a quick rinse in the shower and head to dip in the hot springs.

"Aaaaa that feels so good after getting my ass kicked all day."

I hear a chuckling and look to my left with Ororo and Nat sitting there with some vodka. Ororo passes me a glass and starts speaking "The ass kickings never get easier. But its good to see you adapting to the new life."

"Being a meta isn't bad. Maybe its due to me having manageable problems. Id probably sing a different tune if i was stuck looking like Kurt."

"Kurt actually chose to remain like that. Since joining overwatch when people see him they cheer for 'Nightcrawler'. He enjoys it" Nat chimed in.

We three women keep on drinking for a bit before the alcohol totally got to me.

"I MEAN HOW IS IT FAIR? Domino and Laura stay next to him almost 24/7? Its not like either of them are ready to cut the cake." I complain to my new two best friends

"Haha well said Sue. But believe me when i say that any man who can lift entire collapsed buildings in one go and fly into space by holding his breath. Will never be satisfied by one woman! You want a piece of the cake you need to let him know youre standing at the table with your plate ready." Ororo is a genius. Why didnt i think of that?

Natalia looks over in contemplation before getting up and out of the water. I ask "Where ya going Nat?" she simply smiled and said she's feeling like cake tonight and walked off. I looked at Ororo who smiled and pulled herself out of the water saying "Save me a slice."

Dammit Sue are you really gonna let get ahead of you?

I make my decision and pull myself out of the water. Mamas going for a slice of cake with extra icing.

Bonus Scene - Damien Nyxxus

"Yes Professor, i would like to meet with you tomorrow. The new year is right around the corner and we have much to discuss. Yes tomorrow around noon would be perfect thank you." I get off the phone and look around normally id go to bed with Laura cuddling next to me or Domino straddling me.

Oh well. I climb in my bed and turn off the lights. I wasnt even in the first cycle of sleep when i felt it. Someone was messing with my pride and glory. I was going to say something when i felt my glory going inside a moist hole as a tongue licked it up and down. This blowjob is different from Domino's who always swallows my dick and Laura who barely plays with just the tip. This is a full shaft no balls blow.

She's licking me like a lollipop and i have no clue to who it could be. I lay back enjoying it when my door opens and i see Ororo and Sue standing there in nothing but towels. I lift the bed sheets to find Natalia sucking the soul out of my dick.

"Save some for us." Ororo walked over and start rubbing her hand on my chest before locking lips with me. We trade saliva for a minute when Nat stops sucking me off.

"Dont forget about me now," as she slides down on my cock "mmmmmmmmm fuck yes."

Natalia started riding my dick when Sue slid over and placed my hands on her breast. I pull her closer and start rubbing her pussy. She shudders under my touch and Ororo looks jealous. So she slides one leg over my chest and her back turned against me. She slid back over my face and im no bitch.

I slidy tongue in her pussy as my dick keeps pumping Natalia and my fingers have Sue gripping my arm so tightly if i were Normal itd break.

We move like this for a few minutes when I nut in Nat causing a chain reaction of 3 different girls orgasming at the same time. Natalia falls over grabbing Ororo for support and Sue lumps over the bed.

"Whos next?" I ask and all the girls shudder in anticipation. Its going to be a long long night.