
Royal Meeting


Dark Side of the Moon

"My queen the fleets have launched and are a few minutes away from the planet Mars. I assure you we will take back princess Crystalia." An inhuman guard spoke up to the enraged queen.

"I want no mistakes, if they don't return her then turn Mars into dust."

As the guard was about to salute they heard a weird chuckle before a masculine voice sounded into the throne room.

"Oh really? Now I'm tempted to go back home and see you try."

The Royal family and their guards all looked around the room before one of the guards saw the three people and a big dog standing behind the throne.

"Princess!" He saluted as the others followed his gaze.

"Crystalia! Who are you and why have you kidnapped my sister?" Medusalith spoke as her hair started floating.

"Wait sister I was not kidnapped. Probably?" The blonde said as she looked at the man next to her who just shrugged.

"You got on the ship yourself? At best it can be called persuasive kidnapping?"

Ororo couldn't help but bring her hand up to her forehead as her husband just blatantly said he kidnapped the princess of an entire people to her sister and king.

"What Damien meant was-"

"I care not what he meant return my sister to me. NOW!"

"Wait can't we talk-" Crys tried to intervene.

But she miscalculated, Ororo Monroe who grew up on the streets of Egypt, Queen of the Storms, Queen of Viltrum naturally had her own pride and especially when some hairy woman thought she could command her.

Ororos eyes started glowing white as lightning sparked from them indicating her level of annoyance "Woman, I'm speaking civil here, you do NOT order me. Be lucky that I came by myself because Laura or Komand'r would've had your throat by now."

Seeing the two women glare at each other Damien and Blackagar just took a quick peak at each other and instantly came to the same conclusion.

Not my fight. Take a step back. But as they shifted their weight to disappear into the background as smart men would do, naturally the smart man's one and only enemy the angry woman ruined it.



The two kings just gave a wry smile as they stepped forward with a look of 'Why drag me into your cat fight'.

Damien stepped forward and extended his hand to Blackagar "Despite the circumstances nice to meet you. Damien Nyxxus King of Viltrum Mars, and my wife Ororo."

His eyes glowed pink for a second and surrounded Black bolt to the terror of the inhumans, but a simple wave of his hand made them retreat but never relax.

Blackagar felt the changes around his body or more specifically his throat as he opened his mouth to the shock of the inhumans as they all ran out of the way only to be met with "Thank....you. You may.... call me Blackagar. King of...inhumans of Attilan."

The inhumans were all dumbfounded but they didn't expect Damien to ignore them all as he threw an arm over the kings shoulder as if they were life long friends as he spoke.

"So Blackagar my friend why don't you show me around Attilan. I've already toured Crys around Mars so it's only fair right."

Black bolt took a second but immediately nodded his head as he took Damiens shoulder with a raspy voice and said "Come my friend, there's much to see."

The two kings shoulder to shoulder made a hasty retreat from the room under the bewildered gazes of the room.

Triton one of the most trusted people to the royal family couldn't help but feel as if they were missing something. He couldn't help but feel weird until he heard the commotion.

Turning his head he sees the red hair throwing things around the room to the dark skinned beauty who had already wrapped herself in an air bubble and started throwing lightning.

He gulped as he looked back at the open door the two kings left through and couldn't help but curse his king. If you're going to escape at least bring me with you.

The two kings couldn't care less as they walked through Attilan as they occasionally heard a crash and a boom coming from the castle. Neither turned his head back in understanding. Women issues require Women solutions. What would it look like their two big powerful men getting in a cat fight. No thanks.

The two laughed all the way down the street especially Black Bolt. With his throat no longer being a passive ability he truly didn't want to fight his new friend over a sister in law that's clearly safe and fine in his own home. Why couldn't Medusalith be as sensible as him sometimes he wondered.

But while the city of Attilan was wondering what's with the weather that day as they kept hearing lightning despite being on the moon, 10000 leagues above them in the vacuum of space their was a group of people in white uniforms looking at some gunships.

The situation was intense as inside the main battleship Logan, Natalia and Kara were standing in front of a man named Gorgon who just so happened to be the leader of this raid.

"Even if your words are true and the princess had already left I cannot return this fleet without the orders of The Royal family. So once they confirm the princess' safety me and my troops will return." Gorgon spoke without an ounce of fear.

Which says a lot, to look a Kryptonian in the eye and refuse to remove your armada from their planets' atmosphere, is ballsy. Although it helps he's never heard of Krypton.

Natalia took point and spoke back "You don't have to return but we ask you to remove your ships out of our orbit. Believe me when I say we have an entire planet equipped for spacial warfare. Hell I had three people at my dinner table 20 minutes ago capable of blasting your ships out of our skies but we don't want to conflict with your moon civilization if possible."

"I apologize Queens of Mars, but no matter what without a Royal order my people won't turn the ships around."

Seeing the frustration brewing behind her eyebrows Natalia couldn't help but want to hit something. She pulled out her communication badge and said "Tracer call Damien."

"One second Love"

It didn't even take a second before Damien and Blackagar showed up on the comms and seemed to be eating ice cream "Oh Nat, what's up?"

"Oh am I inyerrupting your date?" She quipped which brought out chuckles from Kara and Logan.

"Actually you did, I was thinking too many queens, too many problems and Blackagar agreed with me, a dual king regime sounds nice."

The looks of shock on Nat and Karas faces were pure gold that even Logan couldn't help but let out a gut churning laugh.

"Hey Logan you wanna join the king regime?" Damien said as he looked at Logan who's body froze.

"Okay Okay Nyxxus stop playing with your wives. You should know how that turns out. Gorgon seeing as how you're all meeting then you should still be in space. You all can return. The princess is saf- BOOOOOOM- Safe-ish."

"My King...you speak?"

"Ah yes a gift from our new allies."

"I understand my King. All ships will return immediately."

"Actually your ship stays. Damien has agreed to allow our main ships to get some 'upgrades?' yes that's the word. Anyways if that's everything I'll keep escapi- giving Damien a tour of Attilan."

And with that Blackagar disappeared from the image just leaving a smirking Damien "Well bye bye my queens. Logan if you change your mind you know my number" Damien said with a wicked grin as his comms cut off.

"He WAS joking right?" Kara couldn't help but speak a little nervously. After all she hadn't even gotten integrated into the family yet and she was about to be divorced?

"Hes joking. Or he better be at least. Anyways Mr. Gorgon I believe you heard from your king. Your main ship can follow the white lanterns and the rest return."

"Of course Queen of Mars. I apologize for the disconcord." As he spoke he issued commands through a screen as the smaller gunships returned home. He looked back at the two queens and their guard and said "Please lead the way."

Back in the castle of Attilan two women were standing as the darker skinned one had a handful of red hair as the queen slumped on the ground. Not injured too bad, but definitely beaten.

"Have you had enough?" Ororo spoke pure power radiating off of her.


The guards finally took a deep breathe thinking they'd have to get involved if their queen really wanted to fight to the death.

Crystalia breathed a sigh of relief not knowing what side to stand on. Obviously her sister was wrong but....that's her sister. So seeing the conflict end she had the biggest relief as she thanked Ororo.

Ororo released the redhead as she sat on what looked to be a throne of clouds as she spoke "As I was saying before the ever so rude interruption. My name is Ororo Nyxxus, Queen of Viltrum Mars. Now while Damien should've said something before taking a princess off world. As a Queen yourself you should know better than to let your personal emotions cloud your judgement."

Triton took a gulp as he thought 'Weren't you pretty emotional yourself just now?' But his thoughts just finished as Ororo snapped her head towards him and he subconsciously took a step back.

"By any chance were you thinking of something rude?"

"No your majesty I would never" Triton said as he took a bow. Ororo took a second longer to stare at him and just as he felt like she would drop lightning on him he heard the voice of his one true savior.

"Whats going on in here?"

The voice of his King that hes only heard twice, raspy and unused but to Tritons ears that voice was his savior. That day he decided that 200% of his effort wasn't enough and he'd serve Blackagar with 450% of what he had.

Damien floated over to Ororo and pulled her up before sitting on the cloud throne with her settling in his lap.

Blackagar sat on his throne as well as Medusalith still sour about her loss stood next to his side. After all as a woman she couldn't copy the woman she just lost too. That'd be too shameless.

"So King of Attilan we have much to discuss."

"Likewise King of Viltrum."