
He's Back!

Finally calming down from the excitement of not only hearing im having twins with Nat but also Dom was pregnant too, i finally made my way down to the Pipeline to meet our special guest.

"Well hello Dr. Banner. I've heard that you're quite the angry guy" i teased the man huddling in the corner of his cell. He looks at me with half dead eyes but doesnt speak. He has the tv going on for background noise and a his bed seems untouched. "C'mon Doc do you really want to sit in this cell all day?" I say as i open the cell doors.

"CLOSE THEM!" he freaked out "Leave me be, this is where monsters like me belong."

"Oh c'mon Doc a monster? Thats a bit much dont you think. Sure the big green guy is a bit angry but throughout the entire fight he never tried to kill civilians and always jumped away from the city. That doesn't sound that monstrous to me."

Bruce looked up at me and i simply smiled at him, "What happened to Betty," he asked. I told him how she's currently being watched by the U.S. military in case he tried to contact her but other than that she's back to being a science teacher. He seemed to have released some of the stress on his shoulders at that point. He still sat in the corner but the two of talked about some science things, anything except his raging transformation.

Thats when his t.v. sent out an alert broadcast and to my surprise i see Johnny and Gwen with the adolescent Peter and Sam flying around fighting the Abomination. At that point Johnny got slapped into a wall and the creature screamed "GIVE ME HULK!"

Bruce flinched at the scene and retreated further back into his corner seemingly traumatized by the scene. Mass destruction of buildings and roads left in the charge of the Abomination. I looked at the broken doctor and then back to the T.V. making up my mind. "You know Doc to me it seemed as if Hulk was a child who suddenly developed powers and was afraid of being hunted. Talk to him. He's not a monster. Youre a meta human. Hulk is just your Meta part. Now excuse me, i have a real Monster to go put down."

I left Bruce sitting there in contemplation as i head back upstairs and he calls out "Wait!" making me stop "He's after hulk. Let me come. I cant sit here knowing more could die because i chose to sit here in pity. Please."

Meanwhile upstairs Logan was shouting out orders "Alright lets go people, We got a bigger baddie than before I want all hands on deck 32 confirmed dead i need everyone to focus on keeping that at 32. Rescue all civilians, heavy hitters get ready cuz this guy doesn't seem afraid to kill like the other one. Call in PowerMan tell him suit up."

"Theres no need Logan," everyone's voices turned to my voice to see me heading upstairs with a scientist in tow. "We're going in, you guys handle clean up. Me and greenie will handle The Abomination."

"Are you sure about this? This guy seems pretty big," quipped Bobby the ice man. I say nothing as i press a button on my bracelet equipping my suit and i walk on the warp pad with a Doc wearing purple stretchy pants with the OW logo on the belt.

"Send me. No time for jokes Iceman. Doc nows the time to get angry" I say as the warp emits light around us and Bruce's eyes glow green.

- - - -

"WHERE'S BACKUP AGAIN?" screamed Peter trying to web down Abomination again who ignores it pulling out a chunk of cement hurling it at the escaping civilians.

Johnny throws a few fireblasts at the Abomination who shrugs it off and yells jumping towards him. However he's stopped as Gwen webbed his legs and pulled him back to the ground causing him to leave a huge hole in the road.

The Abomination gets back up in perfect? condition as he looks at the heroes breathing hard and he yells "WEAKLINGS! ONLY HULK CAN BRING ME EXCITEMENT! BRING HIM TO ME OR I WILL RAZE THIS CITY TO THE GROUND!"

Peter and Sam took a step back unconsciously in fear at the monstrosity before them, never really facing something like this. Gwen and Johnny tensed to protect their proteges, but are interrupted by a giant green mass falling in between them raising a dust cloud.

Abomination covers his eyes from the dirt as the heroes took the chance to regroup. Then suddenly all people in a 5 km radius heard a massive "RAAAAAAARGH" as a giant muscled green arm comes through the smoke knocking back Abomination a few miles away from the city before jumping after him.

"We have to chase them. I dont know how he got out, but we cant have two of them running rampant" yelled Gwen as the others nodded ready to take action.

"That wont be necessary GhostSpider," I said floating down to them.


"Holy Shit. You're actually here? I thought you hung up the tights?" quipped the bucket wearing Sam Alexander.

"Invincible was that Hulk? Why is he here?" Johnny asked

I gave them a smile and simply said "Initiation" causing them all to go wide eyed as i flew off to participate in the clash of Titans.

A few miles away two massive figures one grey and one green was trading blows that shook building and shattered windows as they yelled back and forth at each other. Abomination kicks out his leg slamming it into the Hulks chest sending him crashing through the ground floor of a nearby building. The Hulk sails through the air, but grabs a car and slams his fingers into the ground slowing him down enough to throw the car back at the charging Abomination who swatted it to the side.

Hulk met him mid charge stopping the creature as he uppercuts his jaw sending shock waves to his brain momentarily stunning him as the hulk slams his head in between the worlds deadliest clap.

Abomination snaps out of his momentary confusion as he grabs hulk at the waist and started charging through building after building with the Hulk used as a battering ram. Hulk started slamming his fists into the Abomination's back over and over. And no matter how resilient you are when the Hulk hits you, you feel it.

After finally dropping Hulk who slammed his fist in the grey face sending Abomination into an armoured Truck as he got up.

"Is that all you have Hulk? Im disappointed. IM THE STRONGEST! YOU, INVINCIBLE, WOLVERINE! NONE CAN STOP ME. I AM-"

But at that moment a black and red blur slammed into the Abomination at an amazing speed knocking the wind and some blood out of the creature sending him swimming into the concrete. Invincible slowly drifted down as the smoke cleared around him showing off the Iconic I that brought hope into people.

News copters all focused in on our hero as people around the state all cheered and hollered.




"THANK ALLAH WE GET TO LIVE ANOTHER DAY!" a dad said to his little daughter clenching her fists tightly as she stared at the TV screen with her eyes wide.

"I think you got the wrong idea Abomination." Invincible said loud and clear to the monstrosity as it stood back up "You're nothing but a failed experiment. So let me show you what happens to people who attack my city" I say as Hulk steps up next to me and screamed

"HULK SMASSHHHH!" as the three of us charged all ready to clash for the last time.