

"Damien, bro you know I've always loved you right? Now get your ass over here and open this cage already." Amara can be quite the spitfire but it makes sense considering her powers. I walk over in between her and Domino's cages and rip a bar each off the structure.

Domino walked through the gap slowly and gracefully. I snap her cuffs and she stretches her limbs with several pops. Amara jumps through the cage and the room started getting hot. I mean really hot as Amara coats herself in a layer of magma, grinning from ear to ear.

I hear a slashing sound and look over to see Laura cutting through Warren's cage. He looks at us with a determined gaze and unfurls his wings. They seemed bigger than i remember.

Turning my attention to the newest kids on the block i instantly recognized Cloak and Dagger. I gotta do something about those code names later. "Whats your stories?"

The two share some looks before the girl spoke up "Im Tandy hes Ty we just met each other after our powers showed up a few weeks ago. We were still figuring it out when we got snatched."

I look at the two then back towards my group and they all shrugged. So coming to a decision i walk over and open their cages. We all take a second to ready ourselves to fight our way out.

I open the door with my super strength only to be met with a hail of bullets. I cross my arms in front of my face to protect my eyes as the bullets touched my skin and immediately lost momentum and crumpled falling on the floor useless.

The soldiers dont give up their trial by bullets, but Laura doesnt wait as she uses my back as a spring board to propel herself over the spray and into the frey. She unleashes her claws and goes on a gore spree. Slitting throats and puncturing throats.

Amara comes out next and starts launching balls of magma at people, Warren sniping down and outliers using his feathers. I jump into the free for all and start throwing my strength around. With no restraint my arms go through rib cages like their paper. Its crazy how easy it is to kill these guys.

But i should try and hold back. At lot of these people are just grunts who have -- AH, FUCK THAT BITCH SHOT ME IN THE EAR. Fuck it, theyre all dying. I go to punch the ear shooter in through the face but a bullet comes ricocheting around the room before it hits my target. I turn around to see Domino smirking before mouthing the word 'Lucky'.

I roll my eyes and focus back on the escape. Tandy is doing fine but Ty needs some cover, its too bright for his powers to work. We continue our rampage through the facilities leaving a bloody mess, lockdown protocols mean nothing as i kick adamantium doors down with a bit of effort.

The rest of the group right behind me we book it for the door when Essex stepped right in front of us with some weird gun. It glowed blue for a bit before slamming into my chest sending me flying back from recoil. Getting up from my me sized crater in the wall i see Laura slicing his heels and wrists as he falls on the ground.

I stumble out of the wall and look at the bleeding deranged mad-man collecting people to harvest their DNA. I walk over without a trace of hesitation and squish his hesd under my foot.

I now know im not above killing especially in a world as dangerous as Marvel where planetary level threats are always hanging around. The X-men, The Avengers, The Defenders all useless. They cater to the public but with so many millionaires running around who all have some ulterior objective i refuse to leave any pawn pieces for them to recover.

Essex has been alive far too long with far too many clones of his. I will not let him have the leeway to keep doing what he wants. I look over at the group of teens waiting on me. They had several ways to break down that door holding us here but they're waiting on me.

I walk over in front of them and i give the order. "Magma burn down this door." Amara smiled and didnt hesitate to melt the door that have been holding us for years in some cases. The alarms start going even wilder as we walk through the molten door to be met by a plethora of trees.

Laura looks around warily while Tandy and Warren both cry at our freedom. We embrace the quiet for a second before Laura unsheathes her claws and lowers herself into a pouncing stance. We all see her and tense our bodies. Lauras senses are dialed to the 15s so if she gets serious that means something's coming.

Amara lava's up while Dom aims her weapons at the clearing. Tandy creates a couple of light daggers while Warren covers Ty with his wings and a dark force starts seeping out from under him. Everyone is battle ready when Laura leaps into the brush.

We all take off after her to find her circling off against a man who also had claws outstretched. Both carnivores circling each other refusing to give their back to the dangerous individual in front of them. Upon recognizing who the man is im about to call Laura off when a red beam comes flying through the woods hitting me causing me to fly back.

"LOGAN ARE YOU OKAY?" Scott yells as he comes out with his hand tightly on his stupid headwear. Behind him are Jean, Kitty, Rogue, Kurt, Ororo and Hank. The Classic X-men. But thats not what im worried about. Scott's stupid beams hurt.

Domino helps me up as she mutters something about Unlucky standing spot. Im pissed and my group sees it so they all start flaring their powers to counter attack as the Xmen did the same. Im still a bit disoriented but the war is called to a stop by the bald man in the wheel chair.

"I believe that is enough damages done here already." He comes rolling out of the foliage with a classic Xavier grin and i see my side visibly relax while the Xmen are all still tensed up.

Not even a second later i understand why as a wave of calm slams into me. I glare at Xavier "You know its rude to force my people to calm down while your boy here still has his hand trained to attack. AGAIN." I call out Xavier on his bull and my group snaps back to alertness. "Laura." She looks back at me out the corner of her eye then back at Wolverine and she decided to listen to me. She retracts her claws and comes to stand by my side.

We stand off against the Xmen awkwardly quiet when Charles decided to break the atmosphere. "My name is Charles Xavier and i run a school for gifted youth such as yourselves. We came here today after being made aware of your presence a few hours ago. I believe that each of you have extraordinary gifts and we would like to help you learn more about them."

My group all look at me causing Xavier and the Xmen to do the same. I think for a second before deciding.