
Villains Are My Sponsors!

*** [ is pleased with your ruthlessness!!] [ grants you his Mangekyo Sharingan !!] --- [ is smiling because of your intelligence!] [ grants you his Immense Strength!!] --- [ is grining as he is watching you manipulating others!] [ grants you his Conqueror Haki!!] --- [ is impressed with your resolution of World Domination!] [ lends you his Blood Vein Ring!] --- And so, the story of the World most powerful Villain start! First world: Overlord! (Mc won't join Nazarick just so you know, he will be in the New Worlds from the start) Second world: Solo Leveling (for one vol) It may be a multiverse story, but that will later be decided on how this story progresses. --- Read my Review, for more details of the story. Thank u

Dark_Crown98 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
71 Chs

Chapter 6: Meeting Emperor

[Baharuth Empire/ Arwintar]

Currently, Infront of the Imperial Palace of the Baharuth Empire in Arwintar.

Many, Big and Luxurious Carriages were parked infront of the Palace Entrance.

While all those Luxurious Carriages have an dignified noble insignia printed on it, representing there each Household.

While many Imperial Knight were infront of the entrance, welcoming the Nobles to the Imperial Palace, as they checked there invitation letter.


[Alard PoV]

While all of this was going on the Imperial Palace, My carriage running in the Local Market of the Empire, while I was currently staying in my carriage, sitting in a lotus position.

While, Purifying the Mana and Chakra pool inside me.

As, It took me a total of 25 days to reach the Capital from my Territory!!

If I had come here with my foot, I could have reached here within 10 days under.

But this stupid Noble courtesy made me ride this stupid carriage, while wasting my 15 days!


Taking a deep breath, I felt my carriage halting, while I heard my escort opening my door.

"Young Lord, We have arrived at the Imperial Palace."

Hearing which, I slowly opened my eye, while slowly taking a breather.




[Name: Alard von Auguste]

[Title: None]

[Class: 2nd-Tier Magic Caster, ]

[Sub- Class: Swordsmen (Beginner-class), Shinobi (Student).]

[Talent: Magic Talent, Five Elements Control ( more Talent are accessible)]

[Age: 10]

[Attack: 22/ average 10]

[Defense: 15/ average 10]

[Mana: 29/ average 10]

[Chakra: 27 (Student level chakra)]

[Health: 18/ average 10]

[Strength: 26/ average 10]

[Agility: 20/ average 10]

[Intelligent: 16/ average 10]

-Equipment: [Black Tuxedo (Rare)] [Black tie (Common)] [Elastic-made Boxer (Rare)]

-Inventory: [Iron Sword(Common)] [Steel Dagger (Rare)] [Necklace of Fire God (Low-Class)] [Healing Scroll x20 (Rare)] [Summoning Scroll x1(Artifact)] [Teleportation Scroll x2(Low-class)]

-Skills: [Brute Force] [Magic Shield (2nd-tier)] [ Wind Lance (2nd-tier)] [Hundred Stabs(2nd-tier)] [Shadow Clone Jutsu (E)] [Body Replacement Technique (E)] [Leaf Whirlwind(D)]


Nodding my head in approval, because of my the improvement in my status.

I looked at my escort with a pleased face.

"Sure, Help me down." I said, While my escort, courteously bowed his head, as he offered his right hand to me.

While, I took his right hand, as I slowly landed down the carriage.

As, I slowly began to move forward the Entrance of the Imperial Palace.

"Greeting Respected Guest, May I receive the Invitation." said a Imperial Knight, in his utmost respect. While giving a salute.

"Here." My escort replied, as he gave the Invitation Card, while the Knight who saw it, gave nod to his fellow Knight, as he made a way for me and my escort to enter inside the Palace.

"Please Lord, May you have a Great Day."

"Same to you all, Keep protecting The Empire." I said, while entering through the entrance.

As, I entered, A beautiful garden came into my view..

It was a garden full of beautiful Flowers, Neatly cutted bushed, fountains with sparkling clean water, and Crystal Sculptures.

While there were road made of tiles, leading to a place, Table full of Delicacies, wines.

While many Official were talking with each other, with a glass of wine in there hand.

While young noble heirs were forming group and gossiping, as they seated in the Chair they were provided.

When I saw one of the Knight approaching me, as he had a familiar insignia in his armour.

"My Greetings Young Noble. " said Knight, while looking at him, he seems to be a high ranking Knight.

"Greeting Sir Knight, So what does Teacher need from me?" I asked, as the insignia he was wearing was of Imperial Magic Academy.

"Lord Fluder has ordered to escort you to him, when you could have arrived. I hope Young Lord to applies." he said while bowing his head, as I just gave him a understanding gaze.

"Sure, Sir Knight... Lead the way." I said, as he smiled getting my cooperation, while many other Noble heir began to murmur about me when they saw me.

"Wow! Who is he, Even Lord Margrave Vanelland, who is the younger brother of Duke Vanelland is being courteous to that guy?"

"Is he from another Country? Look at his beautiful blonde hair... Is he engaged, or else I don't mind being engaged~"

"But Young miss!, But you are already engaged!"

"Blah, Who cares~"

"Kyaa, his eye are so cuuuwwwteee~ He is like my puppy."

Hearing this kid's rumble, I couldn't help but sigh... if they only knew I was nothing more then just an 3rd Son of a minor House Viscount.

And the reason A Margrave being courteous to me was of course, my status being the student of the Imperial Court Wizard , Fluder Paradyne.


Quickly getting out from the Imperial Garden, I began walking in the corridor of the Palace, as the sound of Margrave Vanelland armour stepping the ground echoed the room.

While there were Knight in each 10 footsteps I took, standing straight with Sword on there hand, guarding there assigned places.

Soon, Walking through the corridors... Margrave Vanelland stopped near a gate, as he knocked the door.

"Your Grace, I have escorted Young Lord Alard here."

Soon, I heard a familiar, old and magical voice inside the door. "Good, Bring him in then."

"Yes, Your Grace."

With it, Margrave Vanelland opened the door while he stood outside the door, waiting for me to enter.

"Please Young Lord." Nodding to it, I entered the door.

As, A small room came in my viion.

It was a dull room, while Stone Sculpture, were placed near the corner of room, Unknown text Painting's were hanged toward the walls, a medium sized, Crystal Chandelier was illuminating the dull room, with its dim light.

As, in the center of the room, was a rectangular shaped Table, while sofa rounded it.

As, a old figure was sitting in one the sofa.

"Greeting, Teacher." I politely greeted the old figure, as he simply gazed at me, with his eye glowing rainbow colours, while soon he started laughing out loud.

"Fua Hahahah! Marvelous!! Marvelous!! My dear Pupil, You have improved again in this last few months!! I am really astonished, Your Teacher is proud of you!!"

'Tch!' I clicked in annoyance, as I don't really like this old bastard that much, But still I need him to learn about all I could about Magic from him, So..

"Yeahh!! Teacher are you really proud of me?! I will then do more to reach your expectations! I love you Teacher!~" I said, while looking at Fluder with an innocent face.

"Yeah, My dear Pupil!! I expect more from you." he said, while I just nodded my head, as I took my seat.

"Teacher, Then Why did you called me out here?" I said curiously, as I sometimes can't tell what this old fossil is thinking.

"Oh, It is nothing my dear, I have recently talked with Emperor about you."


"He was beyond surprise when he heard an 10 year old 2nd-tier Caster has appeared in Empire, It was really fun watching that brat face."

"And, now I want to introduce you to the Emperor, as he also want to meet you."

He said, completely surprising me. As, It was normal for civilians to see Emperor during his expedition, normal for Nobles to see Emperor at Parties, Banquets or Temple ceremonies.. But meeting the Emperor personally, It was extremely rare chance, for any lesser noble like a Baron, Viscount or Earl.

"Wow!? Teacher Can I really meet the Emperor!!" I said while jumping from my seat, excitement completely written on my face.

"Hahahah, Yeah My dear Pupil, You will be meeting the Emperor, Come with me." He said, while teleporting us to another room.

This room, was bright unlike the previous dull room, Sun light directly illuminated the room, chirping of birds, water splashing in fountain were echoing the room.

While a very noble figure was gazing outside the window, with his hand behind his back.

"Oh you are back Uncle Fluder? Is he the kid you talked about." asked the noble figure while he turned my way, as I had complete view of his appreance.

He was a bulky build man, with a height of 6,8 f.t, his blonde hair tied in pony tail, while he was wearing the Emperor gown.

The man infront of me was non-other then the current Emperor of the Baharuth Empire, Robin Rūn Fārōdo Eru Nikusu!

"Greeting Your Majesty!" I immediately greeted him seeing his Emperor Gown, while I could heard Laughter of Emperor and Fluder.

"Hahah, No need to be so courteous Kiddo, I don't think I can accept such courtesy from someone as Talented as you."

"Haha, Isn't My Pupil cute! So what do you think of him?"

"He is really cute, He may- no he will sure be a lady killed in future.. And, It seems just as you said Uncle Fluder, I can't believe I am currently seeing a 10 year 2nd-tier Caster, My Empire is blessed by the Four Great Gods!"

"So, Little Monster.. Why don't you take your sit." said the Emperor, while I nodded nervously... quickly taking a seat opposite to Emperor.

"Haha, Kid no need to be nervous, Make yourself home!"

'Tch! Like I could be loose my nerve against a dying bone like you, I just need to keep the faced of a innocent child until the War.'

'As, after the War.. I don't need to act innocent, as It is only natural for someone to change after going through an War.'

"I-I am noo-not nervous Your Majesty!! It's just that I am a big fan of your!! You are the Emperor you know!" I said, while making a fan-boy face, while he looked at me with a interest.

"Hoh? Then can I know, what is it you like about me?"

"I like about you? It simple, you go around the War swinging you sword Shoosh and Shoosh! I also want to Shoosh! Shoosh! at war like you! and protect Empire."

I said, trying to act as innocent as possible, while mine innerself was already choking itself..

"Haha! So you also want to Shoosh! Shoosh?! But don't the Knight also do it, So who do you like more me or them?"

'MutherTucker!! I am a goddamn 10 year old kid! Why are you asking me so many questions!'

Still, regaining my innocent composer, I replied innocent.

"You are the Emperor!"


"Why don't you stop it now, Your Majesty... He is just a kid, Why are you asking him questions, when he is here for Prince Jircniv birthday."

"You are right, Uncle Fluder.. I am sorry Alard, Hope you don't mind it."

'Your sorry is not accepted!!'

"It's okay, Your Majesty. It was my pleasure replying your questions." I replied while radiating a brilliant smile, as the Emperor suddenly began patting my head.

"Hahah, You sure are a cute little Child.. You are even more beautiful then Jircniv, I hope in the future you will help my Jircniv, if he need anything."

'Hoh, Finally getting to the point huh.'

I guess, the whole point of this all this meeting was, to get a strong support for his child Jircniv.

"If Your Majesty wants! I will be sure to help the Prince!" I said, with a clumsy salute.

"Yeah, Then I will be looking forward to you at the Banquet later night."

"Sure, Your Majesty." I said, while Fluder only teleported me outside the room, while the room was turned silence for awhile, as Robin spoke after awhile.

"I feel bad for this Child."

"What do you mean by that?" asked Fluder, while he looked at Robin.

"I received a report from my spy that, Viscount Auguste is planning a rebellion against the Empire, He has created a secret Faction with 4 Count House and even a Great Noble."

Fluder eye gave a surprised reaction to this, as he didn't believe someone has gut to try and start a rebellion when the Seasonal war against the Kingdom is coming.

"I hope that kid Alard don't having any relation with the rebellion, He is a great Talent.. that can be used for the greater good of Empire." said Robin, while he looked at Fluder for any solutions.

"Haha, My dear Robin.. Why are worried about such things, I am sure that Viscount brat is planning his rebellion when Seasonal War is running."

"Just make Alard an independent noble when the War start giving him some false merits, As he being a 3rd Son of House, It is natural he can become a independent noble."

"I will convince him to accept the position, while.. we just slaughter all those rebellious dogs and fooling that naive little kid is not a big deal." said Fluder, wisdom flashing in his eyes.

"Wow, As expected Uncle... I will apply this suggestion of yours!" said the Emperor, completely convince.