
Villainous Heiress And Her Ex's Tyrant Boss

Participating in Cupid quill contest!! Please show your support! "He lied, cheated, and dared to reject me with utter disrespect!" This is the fury of a vengeful soul, who shows no mercy. Hailey Gao's whole being is fueled by an unrelenting fury. She's out for the blood of her boyfriend : Mason He, who spurned her in the most degrading manner, igniting a hatred she can't ignore. This is when Hailey's path crosses with Adrian Zhan, a tyrant in the business world whose very name instills fear. • • "Together, we'll crush our enemies," Adrian proposes, sparking a risky alliance. "And make them regret ever trying to ruin us," Hailey retorts with a sly smile and a mischievous glint in her eyes. • • What begins as a supposed fake relationship, a transaction of mutual use, takes an unexpected turn. • • "We're in a relationship now. You are mine alone; remember that." • • Hailey is startled as Adrian seems to invest genuine emotion into this charade. Is her ex's boss truly in love with her, or is he skillfully playing a game of deceit to make their faux relationship disturbingly real?

Kuchi_G_ · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
29 Chs

The Grand Entrance.

December 15, 1999.

The snow fell silently over the city in a light flurry that had yet to turn into heavy flakes. A woman, with burnt scars on her right cheek, dressed partially burnt brown slacks and a red sweater, walked briskly down the sidewalk. Her head was ducked low to block the icy cold determined to freeze everything in its path and her boots crunched against the thick layer of fallen leaves covering every inch of pavement. Trails of blood were smeared beneath her on the frozen ground as she held onto her bulging stomach.

'I must not let this baby die... no.'

Her thoughts raced through her mind as she tried desperately not to fall from the pain in her lower abdomen. Her face was pale as death, and her hands shook uncontrollably.

'I will ensure this child lives... and avenge me when she learns the truth,' she thought through gritted teeth, desperately trying to move forward and maintain her pace. To her dismay, she felt herself losing balance, and her sight became blurry. 'No... please God... you can take my life but not my child's,' she thought as tears streamed down her cheeks.

She reached an alleyway, leaned against the wall, and slid down to the ground, where she laid with her head on the dirty pavement. Her sight slowly faded as faint footsteps approached. A dark shadow loomed before her, and as she narrowed her gaze, she saw long white hair cascading like a waterfall, a robe woven from threads spun by time itself, and eyes the color of stormy skies that seemed to pierce through the veil of reality into the unseen. Silver ornaments adorned the man's wrists, jingling softly with each movement.

"The gods have heard your pleas. Do you want me to save you both?" he spoke softly in a voice that echoed inside her skull. The woman opened her mouth in shock, looking at him incredulously, as she slowly lost consciousness. "Ye..." she answered, as the world faded away around her.


The present...

A sleek black helicopter hovered above a modern building, its rotating blades casted a shadow that gracefully sweeped across the polished exterior. The rhythmic churn of the rotor wash delicately stirred the meticulously landscaped surroundings below, while the rooftop helipad proudly displayed a distinctive GR logo, symbolizing a touch of opulence.

In the helicopter was a lady, she slowly opened her eyes revealing sharp honey-brown orbs catching a glint from the harsh wind as a mischievous smirk played upon her lips. She was adorned in a precisely tailored black suit, the blazer boasted a modern cut that accentuated clean lines. Impeccably tailored trousers gracefully cascade to the perfect length, featuring a high-waisted design that elegantly accentuates her figure with straight.

She wore high-heeled shoes that added a touch of allure, while her black hair was artfully pulled back into a sleek bun.

"Alright, let's do this." She yelled with enthusiasm.

She firmly gripped the hands of her parachute bag and inhaled deeply. With unparalleled confidence, she makes a daring leap from the helicopter, descending gracefully into the open sky.

Her tailored suit caught the rush of air. The sleek lines of her attire, coupled with the subtle silver accents, created a mesmerizing contrast against the canvas of the morning sky.

As she hovered above the rooftop helipad, the iconic GR logo now a distant detail beneath her, she expertly activated the parachute, it unfurled, revealing a custom design that mirrored the sleek elegance of her tailored attire. The mischievous glint in her sharp honey-brown eyes persisted as she descended with flair.

Having smoothly landed on the helipad, the lady swiftly removed the parachute bag. She adjusted her blazer with a sense of casual ease, and took a moment to absorb the refreshing morning atmosphere, a contented smile graced her lips as she gazed at the rising sun.

' What a landing! That felt good. ' She thought.

Her tranquil reverie, however, was abruptly interrupted by the insistent alert of an incoming call, seamlessly transmitted through her earpods by Assistant Julie Han.

With a subtle roll of her eyes, she answered the call,

"What is it? I'm kinda busy," she stated, her tone betraying a playful nonchalance.

"Ma'am, isn't this a little bit too much? You could have just arrived by car," Julie asked with a touch of skepticism.

"Ms. Han, just keep quiet and listen carefully to my orders," she replied, a sly smirk playing on her lips.

"What is it, ma'am?" Julie inquired, accustomed to the unpredictable nature of her employer's directives.

"Send her in," she instructed, the mischievous glint returning to her eyes.

Julie exhaled with a mix of exhaustion and understanding. "Alright, ma'am," she conceded, bracing herself for yet another unconventional task.

The lady casually ended the call, and mumbled to herself, "Lots of minds will be blown today," as she strode purposefully across the helipad.


A sleek black cab smoothly rolled to a halt in front of a towering skyscraper. As the sun gracefully dipped above the horizon, a soft glow emanated from the building, casting a gentle radiance that enveloped its polished exterior.

The facade, an artful combination of sleek glass panels and metallic accents, stood proudly against the city skyline. A mosaic of reflective surfaces captured the vibrant hues of the rising sun. At ground level, an enchanting landscape unfolded—a meticulously manicured garden adorned with vibrant blooms and fragrant blossoms filled the air with sweet scent of the exotic flowers.

The entrance was framed by a minimalist yet sophisticated logo, featuring the Gao Radiant Beauty Labs emblem, was subtly integrated into the exterior design. Its luminescence echoed the radiance that awaited within.

Stepping out of the vehicle, an averagely-heighted lady revealed herself. Her long brown hair cascaded elegantly, framing her face with fair skin. Despite a slightly plump face, her features exuded innocence, creating a stark contrast against the dark, piercing stare behind her glasses as thick, dark lashes framed her expressive dark eyes. Her attire, simple yet professional, comprised a white blouse paired with black pants. The ensemble was completed by black heels and a touch of red lipstick, perfectly complementing her polished outfit.

As she approached the revolving doors, they smoothly slid open with a hiss, revealing the splendid interior of the building—a spacious, well-lit lobby adorned with tasteful art installations showcasing cosmetic innovations.

Approaching the receptionist, she introduced herself, "Hello, my name is Rebecca Chen. I'm a new employee here. Could you please direct me to where I need to get started?"

"Ah, yes. Please follow me," the receptionist responded with a warm smile, gesturing towards the elevator. Rebecca nodded politely and followed the woman as they stepped inside. The elevator stopped at the second floor, and the woman led her through the corridor until they reached a door labeled "Design Studio."

Upon opening the door, they entered a space where the air was infused with the invigorating scent of essential oils, accompanied by the soft hum of collaborative energy. The studio was bathed in natural light, offering panoramic views of the cityscape that inspired the creative minds within.

The workstations were sleek and minimalist, each equipped with cutting-edge technology and tools tailored for cosmetic formulation experimentation. Large communal work tables encouraged collaboration, with magnetic whiteboards lining the walls covered in colorful sketches, formulations, and inspirational quotes.

The color palette was a sophisticated blend of neutrals and pastels, creating a calming atmosphere conducive to creativity.

In one corner, a dedicated space was set up for brainstorming sessions and collaborative meetings, while in another corner, samples of raw materials and cutting-edge cosmetic products were displayed on shelves.

A man in a blue sweater vest briskly approached as the pair entered the studio. "Welcome, Mrs. Huang," he greeted politely, smiling. He appears older than Rebecca, perhaps around thirty, with neatly trimmed light brown hair.

"Thank you, Director Cao. This is Ms. Rebecca Chen, our new employee," Mrs. Huang said, gesturing at Rebecca, who bows.

"Ms. Rebecca, this is your team leader, Mr. Lei Cao, the Art Director for the Graphic team," she introduced.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Chen," he said, shaking her hand with an earnest and genuine expression.

Mr. Cao looks at Mrs. Huang and says, "I will take it from here." She smiled, bowed, and exited the room. Rebecca turned her attention to Mr. Cao, awaiting his instructions.

To her surprise, Mr. Cao's expression changed drastically to a serious one, with no trace of a smile. He then imstructed, "Ms. Chen, your first task starts now. I want you to arrange my office. Once you're done, get me coffee."

Confused, Rebecca looked at him and asked, "Hmm, pardon me, Director Cao, but I'd like to know where my workstation is. After I'm done with your errands, I should start actual work, right?"

Mr. Cao fixed her with a stern gaze and exclaimed, "Ms. Chen, I explicitly instructed you to organize my office and promptly fetch me coffee, did I not? That is your responsibility. If you fail to get to work, I'm afraid you won't leave my office without facing some form of consequence."

As the tense exchange unfolded, the other employees observed with hushed murmurs among themselves. Rebecca sighed, pausing in silence for a moment. She then watched Mr. Cao turn and stride toward the door, and under her breath, she mumbled, "I wouldn't open that door if I were you."

Undeterred, Mr. Cao swung the door open, only to be confronted by two imposing men in black suits. His expression shifted from authority to fear as his eyes locked onto the lady standing behind them. With a deliberate motion, she removed her sunglasses, revealing sharp, piercing honey-brown eyes, and smirked at him.

Witnessing the unexpected turn of events, Mr. Cao's eyes widened as he pondered, 'What is Ms. Hailey Gao doing here? Her business trip was supposed to last for a year, but it has only been six months.'

"Shocked to see me, right?" she said playfully, tilting her head to the side with an amused smirk, leaving every employee in the room shocked by her sudden entrance.