
Ulgu, The Realm of Shadows

Ulgu, this place is where shadows are made manifest, where shady dealings, murders, assassinations, illegal trade and all things that are better left in the dark is done in this realm.

It's a realm that during the Age of Chaos was never truly taken over by the hordes of chaos as this realm has always been in a constant state of flux even when one would be close to its center where the realm is most stable and most habitable for mortal races.

But this realm was like my own playground as I could become one with the shadows that are this realm thanks to Dark Necessities making me into a Shadow Being and so distances that could take someone their entire life to travel, I moved through this realm like a fish in water.

There are more beings in this realm than the population of earth more than ten times over and while I could use it for Reconnaissance if I don't focus on certain words then all I here is the equivalent of Gibberish of billions of different beings talking.

(Map of Uglu)

So I centered and focused on the whispers that passed the lips of the mortals about and any and all rumored 'Stormvaults' and of their locations, so sinking within the shadows of the realm I sat, and waited….



"-What do you mean a Storm Vault has appeared with the Great Gleam?" A woman asked as a another woman knelt before her.

"It is as I said my lady, rumors have spread of a Storm Vault appearing and many seek to gain the treasures that may be within." To which the woman that sat on her throne stamped her staff into the ground as her lower snake half slithered around the floor.

"Then send a fleet of our sisters to claim it all in the name of Khaine, do I make myself clear?" The woman, who was none other than Morathi-Khane said to one of her many Hag Queen subordinates.

"We shall do as you command my lady." The Hag Queen said before getting up and doing what needs to be done.

When left alone Morathi sighed, "The Great Gleam huh? Must have been a Storm Vault Sigmar left behind, luckily it's not the one hidden in the Clawing Forest, that one need not be opened…."


"The Clawed Forest Huh?" I mutter as I bought the map of Ulgu while I waited for the last few days for someone to mention anything to do with Stormvaults while at the same time attuning myself to the shadows.

She didn't say that was the one that housed one of Slaaneshes greatest followers but saying it's one that should Never be found, leads me to believe with 80% certainty that it is what I'm looking for.

"Though I wish the compass worked so I wouldn't have to sit around and wait for information to pop up anywhere within this realm, but as this realm is in a constant state of flux it's useless here." I say with a sigh as I sit on an inky black and dead looking tree while I stared off into one of the many inky black sea areas of this realm.

Sure there are many other items in the shop that could instantly lead me to my desired direction, and that would be the easy option the problem is that most of those make a grand spectacle in someway or another as to where I wish to go and bring attention grabbing isn't a good idea when actual gods are involved.

For now I am being cautious, as while I surely can fight a god I have no clue how their divinity effects those they fight and those that fight with them, I have read the stories from this universe, but what I can read in books isn't always 100% factual to the actual universe they reside in so unless I'm certain I know how their divinity works then I shall wait until I'm ready to face those gods on my own terms.

"But while I could do everything on my own I think the minions of Slaanesh would be more than willing to aid me in setting her free." I say before fading into the shadows and rapidly beginning to travel great distances with ease.

Though I say that I did go first to the Clawed Forest, which it's name was apt as while closer to the realms edge the forests trees curved with few branches and did appear like claws coming out from the earth while the shadows flowed and moved making the woods almost impossible to navigate if one was not one with the shadows such as I.

They call this a forest but if I had to give an apt size comparison then the largest forest back on earth, The Amazon, would be only half the size of this forest, this clearly made me realize that the realms are much, much larger than earth, maybe even a hundred to a thousand times over, maybe even more than that.

But while this forest was obscenely large, there was no life within it whatsoever as it seems the undead that were reanimated across all the realms had claimed this forest as theirs.

Undead bats and crows sat upon the few tree branches that the trees of this forest had, skeletons and zombies wandered about, ghosts and wraiths floated through the forest, all doing so aimlessly, but I noticed in the center of the forest, nothing was there, neither living or dead, and the area was in the shape of a perfect circle.

I pulled myself out from the shadows as there were no undead nearby, but with me still being a vampire I could easily dominate their mindless bodies, but I couldn't be bothered right now as I looked at an empty space, but when I put up my hand I felt my hand press upon a solid barrier.

If felt a tingling sensation on my chest as I looked down to see the Mark of Slaanesh glowing with a pink glow, "This is one of them…" I say before The World came out as both me and it activated NWO and reached into the barrier before using all my strength to pull, however….

"Uuuggggghhhhh! C'mon! Do as I command and open up!" I grunted and said aloud as for well over a half an hour using all my strength while commanding the barrier to open for me it still didn't budge before I stopped and swept back my hair.

"So….. haaaa….. my newly Aquired divinity is weaker than that of those four elven gods and as such NWO is ineffective or too weak to actually force open the barrier and such I can't do anything, this would have been to easy if I could do this all in one go, but how am I supposed to break this…." I muttered to myself.

NWO is strong but compared to the force of four living gods who have lived eons longer than me their divinity along with their grip on their realms are much stronger than my own which made me think.

Gods gain their divinity through faith from their followers, I'm a god in name alone, I have no worshippers only subordinates, slaves and lovers so to say my divinity was weak would be an understatement as it's nearly nonexistent when compared to real gods as what I have barely makes me pass the threshold of what is considered a god and thus while I stand supreme over all mortal beings I still am now at the bottom of the mountain that is godhood and must once again begin to climb even higher.

"So I have to discover what my divinity should be, but that answer is obvious isn't it?" I say before my phone vibrated to which I looked at it and smirked.

[Title Gained: Fledgling God of Time]

"That title will improve when I understand time to a much high degree, along with a larger control over my time powers, but I need something or someone with divinity to help me open the barrier…." I say as I thought how to get this done before I decided to ask who I was saving personally who to get aid from.

'Slaanesh, I have found one of the Stormvaults that hold one of your champions, problem is my divinity isn't strong enough to break the barrier, any suggestions?' I asked internally as the connection between me and her.

There was silence for a bit before I grit my teeth from feeling the mark giving me a burning sensation before she spoke, 'My daughters, Thousands of years ago Morathi stole some of my divine power to truly make herself into a true god and became Morathi-Khaine, but the ritual wasn't perfect as some of my essence escaped and formed two embryos that screamed across the land before landing near the edge of this realm and from their Cacoons my two unintentionally created Daughters, Dexcessa and Synessa, were born into the realms, they are both godkin and have been leading most of my hordes in my name while they search for me while dealing with traitorous followers who want to claim my throne for themselves, find them and gain their assistance and the way to the StormVault should open….' She said to me through the link as the connection began to fade before being cut short.

After the painful sensation faded I looked at my phone again as a new quest appeared.


[Quest: True Daughters of Slaanesh]

(Description: As you are now you do not have the power to force open the seals surrounding the Stormvaults so you need the aid of both Dexcessa and Synessa to open the vaults, however they wish to destroy the pretender cults that claim to become the next God of Pleasure, the mark on you won't make them hostile to you but you don't have their trust as many have said before they know how to save their mother/father and have either failed or were outright lying before they killed them for their insolence)

Objective: Gain the Sisters Trust and destroy the Seven Pretender Cults across Ulgu

Reward: Minor Boost to Divinity


"Well then, looks like I need to find her daughters." I say before stepping away from the shadows before I began my search for the Daughters of Slaanesh.

