
Villainous Dimensional Chat Group Alternative

Reboot of my Original Villainious Dimensional Chat Group, why did I Reboot this? well the whole reason i dropped the Orginal is that the direction i was going wasnt interesting and the whole entire 2nd quest that was done along with the first quest wasnt too interesting after thinking about it so ive decided to Scrap it and make this New one instead. Im sorry if you liked the Original but i didnt as much after looking back on it after making plenty of other stories since then so i decided to restart this one all over again. you can read the original Synopsis on the original one but short of it is Dio woke up 60 Years earlier than cannon and somehow got a Smartphone to make him part of this Chat Group. though this time this is completely DIO and not him merged with someone else this time so he knows his own plot being a major difference and some of the original chat group members will change as well with only a few staying from the original one. This is a complete Restart so this will go differently than before, hopefully. And the Cover is obviously not mine and belongs to their respective artist and all characters belong to their respective creators.

OneMoreScore · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
140 Chs

The Game of Kings & Intrigue

It was a absolute massacre, no one stood a chance as I easily dealt with every single guard and personnel spread throughout the palace painting the floor and walls red with blood.

All the way up until we reached the the throne room where the tyrant, I don't remember his name nor do I care to remember, sat before he stood up and pointed at me.(**)

Next second however all of his guards fell over dead while I sat upon his throne while making the pig my personal foot rest while a little flesh bud was injected into the back of his skull.

"A bit dramatic much?" Ainz says as he walks in seeing the dead bodies strewn the place but by now was completely desensitized to death being undead and that his real life where seeing dead bodies on the streets was the norm after everything that happen to his original world.

"Oh please, I could be way more dramatic than this, hehe, I've done way worse things in the sake of entertainment." I reminisce on a fond memory of mine.


"Please! I'll do anything you want! Just don't hurt my baby!" A woman pleaded out for mercy as i lounged back in my luxurious dining chair with my leg crossed over the other as I swirled a glass of wine in my hand as I turned my attention from the wine to the woman.

"Anything I want? So long as I don't hurt your child?" I say in amusement as I set the glass down on the side table next to me before I stood up and loomed over her.

"Yes! J-just don't hurt him please!" She stuttered in fear of the monster of a man before her.

"Alright, I promise I won't harm your child." I said with a gentle smile as I looked down at her.

"T-Thank you Than-"


"No I won't harm him." I say as I dig a finger into her skull as I pump my blood into her body.

"Grrr Roar!" The woman, or should I say now zombie roared out as she transformed into a monster right before my eyes before I turned and walked away.

"I won't kill him."


"But you will…"

*Flashback End*

"Ahh, good times." I say stroking my chin remembering some fond memories.

'…. I don't wanna know what he's thinking about….' Ainz thinks internally to himself before shrugging it off and walks further into the throne room, but before he reaches me he and I both look towards the door.

"Ahh, if it isn't the Ant King and his royal guards, I was wondering when you were going to show up, you missed the fun." I said casually as I watched the four of them walk in.

The royal guards gave their own brief look at the place where as the King just stared at me as I stared right back at him.


With movements that would be faster than the eye can see he was already standing before me, "You are sitting on My Throne."

"Your throne? That's funny because that would only be true if I worked for you…" I said as I stood up, putting all my weight on the tyrants back making him collapse as we stared each other down with him looking up and me looking down.

Soon I kicked my leg and flung the pathetic tyrant away as he lay in a heap as I stared at the Ant King, "Haaa, it's sad really, weak men like him can hold power over peoples lives and deaths because of money and military might but no strength of his own just because the throne was passed down from him from another, inherited right to rule but not truly earned." I say to him as I give the fallen Tyrant a sidelong glance before looking back at the Ant King.

"Weak King leads to a weak kingdom, how would humans allow something like that lead them." The Ant King scoffed at that and was even more disappointed in humans as a whole.

Just by the way that human dressed and the multiple statues of his likeness outside the palace it was no lie from Dio that this was in fact this country's king and feeling how weak he was made him even more disappointed, Kings should have strength to lead and build their own Kingdoms.

Law of the Jungle, the Strong stand above all the rest where the weak bow their heads and beg for their lives from the strong, that is what his instincts written in his very DNA told him.

But he did sense something, it was faint as he looked over at a body laying over on the ground nearby, the body was still fresh as his life blood was flowing out of him as the Kings eyes glimmered, "A Rare." Is all he said as he went over and ripped into the body and began to devour it and grinned a bloody grin as for the first time he found food that tasted delicious to him.

I just shake my head, "How uncivilized." I mutter to myself before I sat my ass, no my PERFECT ass, down on the throne once again only to see the other two Royal guards staring at me exuding anger and frustration.

"Hooo? Do you two have something you want to say to me?" I say as I lean my head on my hand as I stare them both down who both flinch in fear and look away from me.

"Tch, all bark and no bite, not even trying to defend your kings honor, some royal guards you are, at least Pitou went to do her job to secure the area." I decided to mock and demean them as just seeing the looks on their faces was pissing me off.

Because they still haven't gotten used to the power dynamic that their King isn't the strongest in the world or even the 2nd strongest and fall behind both me and Ainz respectively, and that's not taking the Dark continent, which is truly the rest of the unknown world, into account which could still possibly pose a challenge to me but I think Ainz still takes first place even with the Dark Continent included.

Though the King doesn't care and finishes his meal with relish as I feel him actually getting slightly stronger as a result of devouring that Nen user before his royal guards come over to him and clean off his face and he looks back at me.

Though before he said something I interrupted him, "Ant King, you can borrow this throne for you and your kingdom, but if you want to keep it and make yours and yours alone but you must play a game with me." I said as I stood up and approached him as we stared each other down.

"A game?" He asked questioningly, but the notion of a game was both novel and intriguing to him.

"Yes, we shall play the game of Kings, but not just the ordinary game of Kings, but one that puts us both into a situation that would simulate a real war between kingdoms, the Game of Kings & Intrigue." I know that the Ant King was utterly fascinated in both strategy games from chess, checkers, go and finally Gungi but my game is a spin on a old classic as it takes both luck and strategy to win besides your wits to out wit one another to win.

The Ant King smirked, "Alright you got a deal, I win I gain the throne for myself, but what is it that you get if you win." The king was fair in that regard with stakes needed for both sides obviously.

"Hmmm, how about this, when the time is right you and Ainz, the Skeleton King, will go with you even if you wished to go alone and not question why he came with, and any subsequent games after you will listen to my advice when it comes to being a King as with your young age you still have little knowledge of what it truly means to lead." I say in return making sure that Ainz will be able to do his own thing with no obstructions when the time came as well as possibly molding the King to my own ideology's, but in the end this might be a fruitless effort but at least it will pass the time before this mission truly ends.

The Ant King ponders before nodding, "Alright then I except your challenge, I may lose in this game but I know I will eventually win against you." He said with absolute confidence.

"Good, well then follow me." I say as I walk past him and his guards as Ainz followed behind me as he was a bit interested in watching this game of mine as we all headed to the upper floors of the palace to begin our game.


I'll give the details of the game next chapter as this was my own personal spin on the game of chess that I used to play with me and my family when I was younger and I just wanted to put it out here, though I doubt we came up with this version of chess as someone must have thought of something similar before I just haven't heard of it.

And no don't worry it's not like I'll go into extreme details as they play the game as that would be boring to you guys to read but it just will be their as that was a heavy point of the Chimera Ant Arc with Meruem and his fascination with board games and let's just say that Dio using some SP to cheat a little and have his own encyclopedic knowledge on chess games plus his ultimate Lifeform intellect will put and keep Meruem at a heavy disadvantage.