
From Venice with Love & The Final Plan



Venice, Italy

A few days have passed since the final battle with Kars and the rest of the Pillar men was completed and currently I was enjoying myself as I was walking down the streets of Venice and taking in the sights.

(Dio-sama I was able to locate the young man, what are your orders?) (Anubis)

(Kill him, I want nothing to remain of his family either, kill all his siblings as well, this world doesn't need anymore Zeppeli's in it.)

(As you wish Dio-sama, it shall be done.) he says before I cut off the link between us as I keep enjoying the sights.

'Now that the Zeppeli's are dealt with by Anubis, then all that is left is to deal with LisaLisa and I'll finally have rid everything of the Jostars once and for all.' Thinking that I have realized things about me changing on the spiritual level.

By killing Joesph and taking his blood, Making Johnathan's body for all intents and purposes completely my body now with only the remnant of his Stand remaining for me to control and the death of Kars my soul has been slowly being…. Nourished? That is the best word to describe what I'm feeling now.

After my adventure in the world of HunterxHunter I've realized the existence of a worlds will that is set upon by both that worlds heros and villains, Villians are always meant to lose, at least from everything I have seen so far and hero's always win, even if they must make the ultimate sacrifice to win they shall win.

But by killing the Hero and the Villians before their stories officially begin the world is left with a void of fate that needs to be filled by someone or something with a strong destiny of their own.

So I believe I was beginning to gain the favor of the Will of this world for myself, but I felt two things that were still getting in my way of completely obtaining that is two threads that I could feel unknowingly pulling on my fate and that lead to the conclusion that both Ceaser and LisaLisa had to be dealt with.


I felt it in my soul a thread snapping away from the Will of the world that was tugging at me for sometime now.

(Anubis, is it done?)

(Yes Dio-sama, you need not worry about him any longer.)

(Good, now make a trip to America, I have plans that we shall set in motion soon enough, Enya, go with him to America as well.)

(But Dio-sama we haven't located the woman yet.)

(Don't worry, I will deal with her.) I then cut the link as a smile adorns my face.

"After all…. I already found her…." I say with a smirk as I saw the woman across the river who was drinking a latte at a cafe he fits the exact description of her in the photo I have of her before I put it away (**) so I walk right over to her.

"Ohhh…. This is even more interesting…." I say quietly as I see a blonde haired woman come over and join LisaLisa as well, this young blonde haired woman was none other than Suzie Q who by the looks of it was only around 17 or 18 at this time.

(A/N Suzie Q never had a canonical age for her but I always felt she was several years older than Joseph from her appearance in the manga and anime where Joseph was 19 she was like 23-24 in my eyes.)

"Madam Lisa…. I know it's been hard ever since that happened…. But you can't let it keep holding you down…. Will find who did it soon enough, I'm sure of it." Suzie Q says trying to cheer up a melancholic LisaLisa.

"I should have been there…. But now he's gone…. My child is gone from a gas explosion in his home, not only that but my mother-in-law too…. The only family I have left and their all gone…." She says sadly as she stirs her straw in her coffee thinking about the paper she had read about Britain and on the front page the headline read, 'Demise of the Jostars! A gas explosion caused by what authorities to believe to be from a lit candle by as gas stove that wasn't properly turned off caused the absolute destruction of the Jostars household, there were no survivors of the blast.'

(**)"Mmm, yes it is quiet sad from what I heard, a young boy no older than 12 was caught up in the destruction that day well over six months ago, it's sad really what had happened to the Jostars that day." I say as I sat at the same table as them casually reading the paper.

They both showed shocked and surprised faces when they noticed me and got up, but soon stopped and were mesmerized by my looks, Suzie Q more than LisaLisa but she was affected all the same.

My natural good looks, The Love Spot(Active) and Charisma A+, made them less cautious of me instantly, also the fact I was outside during the day made LisaLisa believe that I was a human from her perspective, a rather handsome one at that.

"Oh, I'm sorry to alarm you ladies, I didn't mean to startle you, I just can make myself go unseen if I need to, don't want to be swarmed with movie producers to try and become a movie star or the like." I decide to wave it off with my sudden appearance before them.

"…. Your using your Hamon to lower your presence to others that don't focus on you?" LisaLisa asks after realizing that I have Hamon breathing down pat and at this close of distance can sense it herself which is why she asked me that.

"Oh? Your a Hamon user as well? Oh if this isn't a surprise! I was just coming over here to chat with two young beautiful women but I did t realize you were a Hamon user till you mentioned it, and I can tell that scarf is made with Satiporoja Beetles isn't it?" I say pointing to her scarf wrapped around her neck.

"Yes it is, most Hamon users wouldn't notice it at first glance but you have a rather keen eye for detail it seems?" She asks me as while this conversation goes on longer she starts to feel calm and content while talking to the handsome man before her.

'Although he seems…. Familiar….' LisaLisa thought to herself but ignored it while she, along with Suzie Q began to enjoy their time with this young Hamon user.

But unknown to them, I had plans for them both to soon enough make them mine as they both slowly fell under my spell.

But the day is young, and the night will be even younger soon enough, 'I wonder will my charm alone surpass reason and make her unable to realize that I was the cause of all the pain and suffering she has gone through her life, but feeling the string of fate she is bound to by me is weakening, it seems my charms are working on her as well so it won't be long until they are both mine, but the dawn of a new Era is approaching as the New Moon approaches.

The time of Heaven shall rise on this world once and for all.


There will be a fun scene with them at a different point, but not now as it's finally time to set his plans into motion so he can easily get them both afterwards.