
Chapter 2 - The start

Alcoria a world of wonder's! legends! Hero's! And last but not least Killers! Death! Monsters! And more! And also the world were our so potent heroine is born!

On a very sunny day a women would be groaning, moaning, shouting, even crying as she kept pushing to give birth to her child, after a grueling few hours Ark Milo would be born. Her eyes being a beautiful emerald green that faded downwards into a piercing blood red and her skin being pale and delicate. Her mother would embrace her hugging her little girl, soon a man with blood red eyes would rush in and would hug the mother and baby as he fought back tears, his happiness indescribable.

the man who was lost for words is known as Arwen Croft, a minor yet successful merchant who thrives on the black market and also the father of ark. the women who was now crying happily as she hugged her baby would be Maria milo, a lovely singer who would spend her work doing gigs in pubs at night, both parents had very questionable ways of work but both of them were being so loving and caring towards this baby, ".....who would even suspect us of unsavory act's?"

those were the types of thoughts running through the fathers head as he hugged his wife and daughter, his face looking towards an empty wind with a wicked grin and glare as he looked into a vague reflection coming from a very dirty and dull window, his clothes were a dirty lime green mixed with red track suit, quite a peculiar outfit to war, he had a gold chain wrapped around his neck like a snake hanging from a tree, a golden tooth that looked almost as green as his clothes.

After 24 hours the couple would be on there way with there baby, the father would wave down a taxi and they would happily hop in looking like a perfect little family. Now aside from this heroines assumed happy little family let me the narrator explain to you a little more about Alcoria dear stalker while they drive home in the taxi!

Alcoria is a modern world of fantasy and wonder, but with a dark under belly, that well this story will show you more of! Currently in Alcoria there are 5 major factions, Gale, Axton, grai, marlo, and signa! Each faction being at a current peaceful stand still due to the unification cause, now what is the unification cause? Well about 1,000 years ago giant black orbs would start appearing all over the world of Alcoria, these giant black orbs being what the people now call deity's, after a few weeks one of the black orbs cracked open like an egg, releasing what we now call deity's!

deity's are nigh god like creatures with the capability of defying all natural laws of reality, they could be a devastating enemy or Hail Mary of an ally depending on who you are. Now the birth of this first deity was not a beneficial one, this deity was disgusted by the current look and shape of Alcoria, and would alter its shape and even its reality, creating different living sentient races, such as our protagonists, which is the crueman, there are all kinds of races now due to the deity's some say there are more being made even to this day.

soon though these creations of the deity would start evolving, start adapting, they would start creating technology, start rapidly evolving in just 1'000 years, soon enough these races would start forming nations, soon enough these nations would go to war over power, each one having a reason to control the others, but soon enough a deity would enter the world called The Unification, this deity would start gathering those who yearned and wished for peace and well unification, these people would be called saints, named by the unification itself.

But the saints were not made to unify the 5 nations, they were made to create what are now called pillars, pillars have the ability to summon what are now called aether beast's, these pillars would section off an area and would s around itself with different kinds of aether beasts, each nation recognized this insane threat, and after one of the nations sacrificed there king and queen they would all set a truce to destroy the pillars and halt the unification's plan from expanding whatever that plan may be, thus birthing the unification cause.

Now after a few hours of driving the taxi would reach a rather middle class looking home, they would slowly walk through what looked like a rusty gate and would walk up the pavement trail, they would reach the house and the father would open the door, as if he had forgotten to lock the house, they would quickly run inside and place the baby on a shabby couch and would soon start making love and just ignoring the baby, this would be the first ever mistake that would birth what is now known as, The Villainous Bard.