
Villainess with a Dungeon

Step into the extraordinary world of Claire Ramos as she embarks on a remarkable journey in the novel "Roxana, the Healer." Trapped inside the body of enigmatic Louise Illicia De Luca, Claire embraces her newfound role as a villainess with unwavering resolve. As she navigates the halls of the Academy and delves into the mysterious depths of the dungeon, Claire encounters new allies. Join her as she unlocks the secrets and uncovers the true extent of her powers. With every step forward, Claire inches closer to her destiny, facing challenges that will test her courage and resilience. Don't miss out on the adventure of a lifetime as Claire discovers what fate has in store for her.

Isizo · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

CHAPTER 2: An Avid reader

Ding! Ding! Ding!

The noise from my phone woke me up suddenly. I reached out to find my phone. It's ringing loudly, cutting through the quiet morning.

Squinting at the bright screen, I saw it was just my alarm, not some urgent call. I took a sigh out of relief, though my heart was still racing from the shock.

I glanced at my phone one more time. It is already 7 o'clock in the morning! It almost made my heart pop out of my chest! My classes begins at 8 o'clock and I had a whole morning routine to squeeze into that hour: showering, eating my breakfast, and a 15-minute commute to university.

Rushing out of bed, I dashed to the bathroom, already mentally calculating the time each task would take. Toothpaste, check. Shampoo, check. As I scrambled through my morning routine, the minutes ticked by relentlessly.

Finally dressed and fed, I grabbed my bag and started to walk. Hoping that I wouldn't be late again. Each step that I take, seems like a clock ticking. With the urge to move faster, I started to run. Desperately looking for a public vehicle that will take me to my university.

After a few minutes, I found myself seating inside a public vehicle called a "Tricycle." It's a motorcycle with an extra compartment called a sidecar attached to it. This sidecar has one wheel and is connected to the motorcycle on one side. Passengers can sit inside the sidecar or behind the driver. It's a convenient way to transport multiple people at once, especially in areas where bigger vehicles can't easily go. The tricycle's compact size and maneuverability make it a popular choice for short trips or navigating through narrow streets. Plus, it's often an affordable option for locals who need to get around quickly and efficiently.

Finally, I reached my destination. I'm pleasantly surprised as I arrived earlier than I've expected. As I approached the university gate, I started to make a run for it. Fortunately, I reached the classroom before the professor. It could have been embarrassing arriving late to a class already in session. I exhaled a sigh of relief.

After a minute or two, the professor walked into the room. The students quickly composed themselves, quieting down and turning their attention to the professor. Seeing all the students focused on him brought a smile to the professor's face. "I'm pleased to see everyone's attention on me. It's great to see your interest in the class," the professor said with a wide smile.

"Good morning, everyone! Today, we'll dive into differential calculus," the instructor announced, setting the agenda for the class. "After the discussion, we'll have a recitation. Correct answers will earn you extra points, which can be added to your exam and quiz scores. So, pay close attention," the instructor emphasized before starting the lecture.

"We're starting with this equation. I've mentioned before that the derivative of a constant is zero." Our instructor proceeds to the lesson, but my mind was wandering elsewhere.

"What should I read today? I want a story with a strong female main character. I'll search for one when I get home. Yeah, that's my plan!" I whispered to myself during class, feeling the excitement within me. However, my eagerness caused me to completely forget to pay attention to the lesson. Uh oh, I'm in trouble now!


"It feels like forever since I left home this morning," I sighed as I finally stepped through my front door. It is such a long day, leaving me feeling completely drained. The thought of escaping into the pages of another story instantly revived my spirit. It's amazing how books breathe new life even into the weariest soul. Feeling the excitement inside me, I couldn't wait to unwind and lose myself in another world, even if just for a little while.

As soon as I arrived home, I headed straight to the bathroom to take a shower before going to my room. Once dressed, I reached for my phone and began typing, "Recommendations for novels, manhua, or manhwa featuring strong female protagonists." A lot of stories popped out right away that made me feel so excited. However, my enthusiasm was short-lived as I realized that most of the suggested stories were ones I had already read multiple times.

"Then, how about a villainess?" I asked to myself. But I suddenly had the urge to read something with dungeons or leveling up but the main protagonist is a villainess. I got excited with that thought. It really is exciting to read something like that! So, I started looking online for a story like that. But, sadly, I couldn't find many.

"What if I create a novel like that instead " I said to myself. But I chuckled. I realized that that is kind of impossible for me. Having no creativity in creating stuff like that adds up to the fact that I am not good in expressing my thoughts through words.

"Should I be the villainess instead? " A silly thought came once more. I've got this silly dream of being a villainess, even if it's just in my dreams while I'm asleep.

Finding the right story can be like searching for a hidden treasure. Sometimes it takes time, but when you find that perfect one, it's worth the wait. Maybe I'll find a story like that tomorrow! "I'm determined to find a story that captivates me! I refuse to give up!" I declared to myself with unwavering resolve.


Ding! Ding! Ding!

The noise from my alarm clock woke me up suddenly just like yesterday. I sat down and stared at my phone for a while.

Suddenly, my phone buzzed with a message. It was from my sister, reminding me of our planned meetup.

"Sis! You better not forget that we're supposed to meet today! I'll see you before lunch, okay? Muahh!"

Despite our recent physical distance to my move to a place near our university, our bond remained strong. We made an agreement to catch up over coffee and share stories about our lives and the books we've been diving into. After all, my sister isn't just family; she's also my closest confidant and bestfriend.

I started my day by brewing a cup of coffee and enjoying every sip. Yes, coffee lover here! After taking my time drinking my coffee, I went to the bathroom to take a shower and immediately got dressed. I still got plenty of time before the agreed time, so I decided to continue my search.

Searching for a good novel or story makes my heart jump with joy. I really love reading stories with strong female characters who are also intelligent and not a crybaby, specifically the villainess. I love the way they talk to people who offends them in a nice yet sarcastic way. So classy! I wish I can talk like that too even when I'm pissed. They can also be manipulative and calculative but that makes them really admirable in my eyes. They can flip any situation and make it in their favor! So cool!

Female with systems or those who levels up also catches my attention. I love how badass they are. They can defend themselves which makes them really cool and admirable! I thank the authors for creating these masterpiece that makes me forget my problems!

I got more than a hundred problems but I forget about them when I start reading those kind of stories. Every part of their journey is just so good and exciting! How I wish I can shake their hands even for just a second!

Unfortunately, I am still not able to find a story that fits into my standard. This is hard but I refuse to wave the white flag!

Upon looking at the time, "Oh! There is still time before the meet-up but I'll just fix my hair a bit and I'll be on my way. " Talking to myself just like I always do.

Wearing a simple outfit is my thing. An oversized sweater paired with jeans for comfort is my go-to outfit. Comfortable outfits are essential for feeling your best and enjoying your day to the fullest. You can never go wrong with these outfits.

I went out of the house looking nice and cozy. I can hardly contain my excitement for today! I missed my sibling too!

She might be on her way too. It is nice to inform her that I'll get to our destination in a few minutes. I quickly shot her a message: "On my way!"

Moments later, her reply buzzed in "Got it! Safe travels! I'm also on my way. I'll see you there! "

I smiled as I read her message.Each word from her filled me with warmth. I'm really a lucky one for having a sister like that.

Five minutes passed, and across the road, I spotted her. With a wave, her smile beamed in response. I started running towards her but suddenly her face became pale and worried. "Wait! Don't cross yet! The car will hit you! " she yelled, her voice piercing the air. Before I could fully grasp her warning, the screech of brakes shattered the moment, followed by the strong impact of a car hitting me.

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