
Villainess vengence

Taika was a little different from other transmigration, she didn't wanted vengeance neither or wealth, she wasn't  betrayed by her close ones neither did she get killed by anyone. In fact Taika had a normal peaceful life, a lovely parents and doting siblings and great friends who supported her when she was facing hardship or trouble. Like a bad dream her prefect life shattered one very night, her life took a double turn when she woke up only to find out she is dead and was bond to a transmigration cycle without her consent.   She became a life puppet to the system cycle, due to her pure character she had to take twisted classes in order to be a villainess. And it was killing her...no matter how hard she struggled... she could never escape this suffering or tortured it was a cycle which she had to pass through and eventually became them.bb Not my pics... But... Thumb up to the pro.

Lizbreaker1174 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
42 Chs

F world one: Golden face




I stared alerting around, the grin of crimson sword tight. Due to the darkness, I can't see what kind of dark monster am fighting. Nor am I really much skillful with sword, or got any devilish skill of ear an smells.



A strong force hit me from the ground, sent my weapon far asight and my head hitting a sharp solid object, leading to a tear- a painful tear.

" Gyaaaaah! Damn you!"

Struggling to stand, a stronger force swag me off, hitting on more hard objects.

Damn it, really hurt!

The weak body of my was already aching and giving up, my lack of fighting skills, is yet another headache.

The unknown monster doesn't seem to wanting to kill me, yet but love or enjoy playing me to death.

( Idiot!)

" Huh!"

(You're such a big idiot, master.)

Such nerve...!

A small snake looking creature suddenly appear before me, it's eyes fully bright crimson and long horn on its head, and had a great ooze of drake aura on it.

Meaning: it's not from the system world.

( Master, you're such– a snake...!!!!)

I screamed pointing my finger at it.


Thud! Flop flop flop!

Damn, I completely forgot about that buddy.




A beautiful shade of red was applied smoothly to eyelids, mascara was used grace the long blonde eyelashes which quiver slightly. Revealing the hazel grey eyes of a cutie.

The maids spend hours, to comb and style the long slik blonde hair with beautiful yet heavy and expensive hair accessories.

Her milky white face had a light brush of powder, and light pink shades applied to her cubby cheeks.

A low sigh escape the thin parted lips, which deep pink lipstick was applied, making it glossy and inresistable.

" Wow! Young miss had such smooth skin and lips... the crown prince will definitely not able to take his eyes of you, this coming night."

" You think so?!"

" Yes-yes, just look at your beautiful raidiant. No woman can beat that."

The maids continue praising their handwork with glittery eyes.

Half of the mirror reflected side face appearance, as the other gently touch her almost unrecognizable face with a pleasant smile.

" Bring in the dress!"

Some group of maid bang into the room with a huge wooden box in their hands, which they placed on the ground.

The box were opened, revealing a familiar black exclusive black gown and mask,with a long pairs of hand gloves.

" He better never, take his attention from me...."




( Hail storm!)

A thick bloody chain like weapon reflecting electric like, appeared on my buister hands.

My eyes in watch for any incoming, feet's shaking and breath heavily with droplets of sweat.


" Ah..! Bang!"

" Ah! Bang!"

" Ahhh! Gong-gong- gong- gong-thud!"

My tried body laying pathetic on who knows, what stinky liquid it's lay on.

( Master, Are you alright?! You just gaining the skills, you shouldn't be using them.)

Nana couldn't answer, her poor and badly wounded body, filled fuzzy with great dizziness and pain, her body is going numb.

Nothing is working, her tricks or random effort is working. Due to the darkness, the creature is bending along like a shadow.

Her eyes widen in realization.

A shadow or her shadow?!

No wonder, her couldn't hit it or feel pain when, she could hit it. Because, she was fighting with her own shadows for days..

( Hey! Snake guy! I don't know who the heck you're but can I asked a favor?!)

( Huh?)

( Lend me your eyes.)




" What do you think of my looked, dear assistant?"

The cute chibi assistant, stated at it's host with puppy eyes.

He didn't know, she was this breathtaking. Her little heart beat faster and face red as a tomato.

" What're you think about? I asked you a question...!"

The chibi shook it's head to regain it's normal expression back and...." You looking good , host." It's voice was cute and cold but, one could feel a trance of sluttry within.

" You think so? He would definitely like it then." A beautiful smile appeared on her face, her fingerlips caressing the black tights and exotic gown on her.

To think that woman worn this same extravagant gown and appeared as a goodness, stealing the stoplight.

Now it's her turned to steal the stoplight, as the daughter of the general/ duke and fiancee.

Lily couldn't help but giggles, to this being reborn could be so sweet.

Gotten rid of her rival, having to enjoy previlage of having two powerful father's and position, And having him to herself.

Isn't it sweet.

" I would be going now?"

Her side glaze stared at her assistant who had been a oddly slient.

" Which me luck, for all my dreams are fulfilled!"

Lily gave the slient cutie a last glare, before elegantly leaving the room, with maids shutting the door behind.

" What is this feeling?"

A bright blinding pink light, surrounded the cubby revealing a tall slender figure of girl in mini shirt and short shirt.

Her pink hair blow roughly and huge boobs bouncing repeatedly as she walked towards the mirror, her host one stared at.

She placed her hand on her chest, with a sad yet stuff confused feeling.

" What did sour feeling!"





( Host, what're you planning to do?!)


( Nothing, just count to 1-3)

Voom ...!


" Grr!" * light step*

( 2)

* light step*

( 3!)

" Aaaahhhhhhhh!"

The candle lights flicker brightly, as the tried Nana gaps to regain her breath.

The weapons in her hand mysterious from her hands, and her kneel thud on the ground hard.

Her scanned the new surrounding. No dead bodies or disgusting liquid. Only rocks and tomb stones.

Her sight fell on the figure laying at the other side... Probably, the creature she being fighting with."

She carefully crawled towards the unconscious figure and gently lifted the thick folding hoodie from its body.

Wait,Golden mask! Red hair! The emperor?!

A crimson eyes suddenly appear before her and rush through her forehead, before she could stop it.