
Villainess Transmigrated Friend

When Qiao Moyu awakened, she found herself in a novel world and had become the villainess who was loathed by the President, the story’s male protagonist. Qiao Moyu, the President’s childhood friend, came to his door whilst holding a baby, but the man said he won’t take any responsibility since the child wasn’t his! As she stared at her adorable and proud little toddler, Qiao Moyu decided to take this chance to raise her son while having a fresh start in her acting career. As for the other problems, she’ll just take it easy! However, a few months later ~ President: “You’re not some disgusting mosquito blood, you’re my white moonlight (first love).” Luo Luo: “Mama, he’s not Baobei’s father. Baobei doesn’t want him.” A certain Film Emperor: “I want both you and the child.” Online fans: “Qiao Moyu is ours!”

webmon · Fantasia
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98 Chs

The Second Appraisal Report

Father Ye received the file and then waved his hand his assistant, signaling for him to leave.

There was only Father Ye in the study. He took a deep breath, and then broke open the seal.

In the paper envelope, there were only two simple pieces of paper. However, as he held it in his hand, they seemed to be incredibly heavy, because he was carrying the dream of having a grandson!

Father Ye swept past the words on the top of the page, lowering his gaze directly to the final conclusion.

The black lettering on the white paper wrote: "The people of the two samples, in line with their genetics, have a higher than 99% probability of being father and son!"

The sheets of paper slipped from Father Ye's hands. There was no expression on his face. At this moment, the happiness he thought he would feel was not running though him. Instead, his entire mind was blank.

After a long while, he finally bent down and picked up the paper once again.

This time, he read the paper very carefully, not missing a single word from beginning to end. The more he read, the higher the angle his lips curved upwards.

When he reached the last sentence, he directly laughed out loud!

The servant heard him from outside the door and was a bit worried. They asked: "Mister, are you alright?"

Father Ye's body was very healthy, and his blood pressure was not high either. However, at this moment, he felt a bit dizzy.

In the room, he smiled by himself for a long time, before finally reacting, picking up his phone to call Ye Peicheng.

At this time, Ye Peicheng was accompanying Luo Luo to play, and had no intention to leave Qiao Moyu's house.

He heard his phone ring, and saw that it was his father who called, so he put down Luo Luo and stood up: "Fathe-"

His call of 'Father' had barely gotten out before Father Ye's harsh voice came out from the speakers: "Where are you?"

Ye Peicheng had not heard such a tone from him for a long time now, since their relationship had eased quite a bit in recent years. He slightly furrowed his eyebrows, and replied calmly: "I'm at Qiao Moyu's house."

"You bastard, do you not remember what you did three years ago?" Father Ye normally wouldn't curse, but he was triggered today. "I even asked if you had met Moyu before, yet you told I, your father, that you had not! There's even a child already. Do you not know where children come from?"

Ye Peicheng was a bit stunned by his father's rapid fire speech; however, he slowly returned to his senses–

He knew that Qiao Moyu's ears were good, so he purposely moved a bit farther away before asking: "Dad, speak more clearly."

"That day when Luo Luo came to our house, I thought that he looked like you when you were young, so I took one of his hairs. " Father Ye finally calmed down from his previous emotional outburst: "Just now, I got the genetic identification report! Luo Luo is your biological son, my grandson!"

Even though he had already guessed that previously, at this moment, after hearing his father's words, Ye Peicheng's entire body shook.

He was at a loss for words, and his eyes couldn't help traveling over to where Qiao Moyu and Luo Luo were playing with toys: "Dad, I know now."

"You know now? What does that mean?" Father Ye was very dissatisfied with his son's attitude. "It shouldn't be that you don't want to be responsible for it? You little bastard!"

Ye Peicheng suddenly realized that his father has misunderstood, and hurriedly replied: "Dad, I am at Moyu's house. We should talk when I get home."

Father Ye also realized something, so he responded: "Okay, hurry and scram back home for me!"

After saying that, he thought of something else, and added on: "Nevermind. Anyways, the results are already out. You should spend more time over there to accompany your wife and son. It's fine if you come back a little later!"

Ye Peicheng agreed: "Okay."

He hung up the phone. The expression on his face did not change, but only he himself knew that he was all knotted up inside.

No wonder why even though he disliked children, when he first saw Luo Luo, he felt close to him, even going as far as to actively help him.

No wonder why when he doesn't see Luo Luo in a while, he will start to miss him without realizing.

It turns out that Luo Luo was his own flesh and blood!

The happiest thing in the world is that he fell in love with a girl, and that girl was the biological mother of his son!

Ye Peicheng's heart was suffused with warmth. After he hung up the call, he stayed leaning against the window. His eyes lay quietly fixed on the mother and son pair in the living room

He could not tell Qiao Moyu right now about the matter regarding the child. Not because he wanted to conceal the truth, but because he knew that Qiao Moyu's feelings toward him currently were not deep. He hoped that she could truly love him, not because he was Luo Luo's father, but because he is Ye Peicheng.

Perhaps, he also had his own pride to uphold on feelings.

Qiao Moyu was not paying attention to him because she was playing games with Luo Luo.

Luo Luo was holding a rope and pretending to chase after Qiao Moyu. Qiao Moyu shrank back her neck and lifted her hand: "Hero Luo Luo, I surrender!"

Luo Luo, seeing the current situation, smiled and stuck out his chest: "Then pay the protection fee!"

After hearing this sentence, Ye Peicheng's original tumultuous mood was stopped, becoming confused.

Then, he saw Qiao Moyu retrieve a plastic coin from her pocket and put on a scared and trembling image: "Hero Luo Luo, this small one only has this little bit left!"

Luo Luo retrieved the plastic coin, and his voice carried the air of a bandit: "In the future, remember this point for me!"

Because he had eaten a lot and was trying to stick out his chest, his round stomach was stuck out instead. He was clearly trying to be fierce, but it turned out to be very cute instead.

"Yes! Yes!" Qiao Moyu was very engaged in her role, quickly nodding her head.

As Ye Peicheng looked at the two, he suddenly felt as if he had gained a daughter as well as a son.

He sat next to Qiao Moyu and reached out, scooping her in one swoop and setting her on his lap. He followed up with kissing her cheek.

When Luo Luo saw, his air of a bandit disappeared. He was slightly jealous: "Uncle only hugs Mommy…"

He didn't say that he also wanted to be hugged, only stating that Ye Peicheng hugged Qiao Moyu.

Ye Peicheng's eyes filled with a soft light. He reached over and pulled Luo Luo up to sit on his lap as well. Then, he wrapped his arms around both of them and gave Luo Luo a kiss.

The little guy thought that it was fair now, so the corner of his lips secretly rose up.

"Little Moyu." Ye Peicheng leaned down to Qiao Moyu's ear: "We should go public!"

Qiao Moyu was shocked and immediately responded to what Ye Peicheng was saying. She mulled over it for a bit: "You're not afraid that your fans will be against it?"

"I don't not need the consent of anyone to like who I like." Ye Peicheng's tone brooked no intervention. "However, to prevent you from being harmed, I need to schedule a time. Wait for me to arrange it, and then we'll go public, okay?"

Qiao Moyu thought about it. It didn't really matter to her. Anyways, she only needed to complete the original body's wish to become a Film Empress. The rest she didn't care about, so she nodded: "Okay."

Ye Peicheng did not expect Qiao Moyu to agree so straightforwardly. The feeling in his heart grew more intense: "Moyu, I am extremely happy today."

Extremely happy? Qiao Moyu was confused. Previously, wasn't he full of vinegar? Sure enough, a man's heart was also like a needle buried in the sea.

Only, before Qiao Moyu said anything in response, Luo Luo opened his mouth: "Luo Luo is also very happy!"

"Is it because Uncle came to accompany Luo Luo? In the future, as long as Uncle is not on a business trip, he will come play with you every day!" Ye Peicheng declared.

"That's good, that's good!" Luo Luo happily clapped his hands.

Qiao Moyu: "…" Well, after she thought about it carefully, she realized that when Ye Peicheng was with them, it truly seemed as if they were a family of three.

That night, Ye Peicheng only left after Luo Luo took a showever and went off to bed. he wanted to stay and accompany them, but he also knew that the days were long. There were still lots of time ahead of them, so he can't be too hasty.

On his way back, the street lights were blurred as he passed by in his car. He drove through familiar streets and looked at the unchanging street scene outside of the window. It was the first time that he thought that the night view could be so beautiful.

He thought of the scene of him hugging Qiao Moyu and Luo Luo from the afternoon, and his lips couldn't help but curve into a smile. In an instant, his eyes brightened up, illuminated his face. His entire figure seemed to be glowing.

While Ye Peicheng was admiring the night view, Father Ye was talking to Mr. Huang. He was simply unable to suppress his excitement at the moment: "Old Brother Huang, my Ye Family is about to announce some happy news, you must come!"

Mr. Huang was currently overseas. It was morning there, and he had just opened his eyes. After he heard Father Ye's words, he was a bit confused: "Your eldest son is about to get married?"

"What does marriage count for?" Father Ye's beard was curled upwards: "I have a grandson!"

"Your eldest son got together with a woman outside and got a child?" Mr. Huang asked again.

Father Ye was somewhat upset by those two questions. "My eldest son has a fiancee, and they will soon be married. I am talking about Ye Peicheng. His son is already over two years old. In a few years, he will be old enough to buy soy sauce!"

Mr Huang could help but wrinkle his eyebrows after hearing Father Ye's words. "Your son and another woman had a child? Then Moyu…"

Just as he was sighing and feeling pity in his heart, he heard Father Ye reply: "Qiao Moyu is the one who gave birth to my grandson! They had met three years ago. Although I don't know why they were not familiar with each other, Qiao Moyu did give Ye Peicheng a son!"

"My god!" Mr. Huang was like a corpse that suddenly came back to life as he jumped out of bed. "A child from Moyu and your son? Where is the child? Quick, I will fly directly over today! I want to meet the child!"

While saying that, he thought of more to add: "My master has never even seen the child of a lucky person!"

His exhaustion was completely swept away. He hated that he couldn't immediately board a plane and fly over to see Luo Luo!

"Look at you, so anxious!" Father Ye heard the excitement in the other party's voice, and instead calmed down. "So, my old brother Huang, it's still me who has good foresight. That online username I chose is on point!���

There were still a few more days before the second season of the program was to be recorded. Mr. Haung couldn't wait any longer: "Old Brother Ye, since it is your daughter-in-law and grandson, can you allow me to see them in advance?"

"Alright, I'll ask Peicheng to arrange a family feast then!"

Father Ye hung up the phone and walked out the door. Ye Peiqing was standing by the doorway. When he saw his father, he faintly asked: "Dad, you said that you want to schedule a family feast?"

To be honest, Father Ye had always known that Ye Peiqing and Ye Peicheng were not the best brothers. In fact, that was pretty normal. How many siblings who shared the same father but a different mother were actually able to get along well?

After all, they are both his sons; so, he could only try to mediate a bit at most. There wasn't much else that he could do,.

He paused for a moment, and then said: "En. I plan to have a family dinner next month. I will be inviting a Feng Shui master."

He directly stated his intention, but he originally did not intend to invite Ye Peiqing, in order to prevent possible drama.

"En, I got it. I will make time for it in advance." Ye Peiqing said.

After he returned to his room, he immediately took out his phone to make a call.

It was quickly picked up. On the other end was a female voice: "Ye Shao."

"Huan Huan, I will be waiting for you at the old place." Ye Peiqing said.

There seemed to be hints of unwillingness in the female's voice: "My family has some matters recently, you know…"

"Do you want Xing Yichen or your fans to enjoy the video of us in bed?" Ye Peiqing's eyes were cold, like the ones of a poisonous snake.

"You–" The other party seemed to be filled with hate, but there was nothing she could do: "Okay, what time?"

"Go right now." Ye Peiqing ordered: "Just in time. There are some things I have to ask you about Qiao Moyu."