
Villain: Ultimate Mutation System in the Alternate World

"I hate this world. I hate everyone. There's no justice for the weak," Once happy and carefree, Reign's life took a dark turn when he was kidnapped and undergone brutal experiments. These trials broke not only his physical body but also shattered his mind. In the end, his body couldn't withstand the ordeal, and he died like a pitiful lab rat. But death wasn't the end. He woke up in a new world as a corpse, armed with the Ultimate Mutation System. A system that enabled him to mutate and gain power in exchange for his own humanity. Determined to avoid being exploited again, he sets out to become a true powerhouse. He knew that being weak would only make him a target, especially now that he was a monster. "Kill or be killed." That was his only option.

InnocentFox · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
421 Chs


Dust and debris billowed all over the place, obscuring the once-clear night sky with a thick haze of smoke and ashes.

This time, however, there were no bodies sent flying in the aftermath. 

Instead, Jayden's body stood there, or what remained of it.


His once-powerful body crumpled to the ground, now a charred and battered shell of its former glory. Smoke wisped from his destroyed clothing, the acrid scent of burnt flesh filling the air around him. 

There was no wet blood to be seen, for the intense heat of the electricity running through his body had seared his flesh and vaporized any traces of bodily fluids.

All that remained was a twisted mass of burnt flesh and bone, a grim reminder of how much he had to sacrificed in order to temporary gain control of that borrowed power.

However, even with the fatal injury, the rune he had absorbed pulsated with a faint glow in his brain, preserving his life for a little while longer.